Baghdad Bob, UK Version

The UK defence minister stated, yesterday, that on the first day, Russia had “ failed to take any of its objectives”. Go around 8:25 am in the timeline to read his exact words and other entirely reality-free assertions of him.

This is a completely ridiculous statement for anybody, but most of all for a Defence Minister, who should know a thing or three about warfare.

Today is the second day, and Russian tanks are already in Kyiv. In fact, Russian helicopter were flying over there yesterday. If this is not a stunning success, I don’t know what is. But no, Mr Clown decides that the Russians want to take Kyiv airport on the first day, and cries victory when they don’t. It reeks of more than desperation, it reeks of North Korea.

I stopped a moment at the enormity of this guy’s propaganda. Then, I reflected. Why not?

In the last years, the level of deception and open lies in British politics has become such, that the Baghdad Bob/Comical Ali statements of this guy pale in comparison to all the shameless lies we have been told since March 2020. This, without considering the attempted betrayal of the Brexit vote, with countless politicians telling us that what the people have voted for cannot be given to them.

We have allowed a generation of politicians to start giving air to their teeth and spout every lie they find convenient, which is why they continue to do it, with gusto.

In the last years, we have also allowed our Democracies to become more and more like the dictatorships to which they claim to be so superior.

Being locked at home and having your account frozen for taking part to a pacific movement are things inconceivable in any Democracy.

If we allow this to happen, let us not be surprised if things get worse and worse, and our own Ministers behave like Saddam’s cronies, hoping for an applause from the stupid crowd.

Posted on February 25, 2022, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Mary Ann Kreitzer

    It begins to look like WW iII is on the horizon. As Russia invades Ukraine, China is invading Taiwan’s air space. And we have incompetent fools at the helm in Washington. Lord of mercy, save us!

  2. By my understanding of the term, we (in the UK) have been living in a dictatorship since early March 2020; when major ‘laws’ began to be made (and remade) simply by politicians making a statement and having it reported in the media – and the police and law courts enforcing it. Surely that Just Is dictatorship?

  3. Joseph D'Hippolito

    The video has an advisory, “video unavailable.”

  4. Kiev

  5. As Louie Verecchio at ‘akacatholic’ recently said “the triumph of the Immaculate Heart is drawing near” and as Fr. Z constantly reminds us “GO TO CONFESSION”, it’s a terrifying and exciting time to be alive, no?

  6. Certainly, things are going to get worse.
    Thank you for showing us a point of union between the adverse reactions to the war in Ukraine, and the media hoax of the chinese virus since march 2020.

  7. James Andrew Dunn

    Even though Russia is Orthodox and thus in schism, I never-the-less support President Putin 200% and I pray that Our Lady of Vladimir will wrap her mantle of protection over him and the Russian nation. It is looking more and more credible that among the reasons for what’s happening is the taking out of U.S. bio-labs in Ukraine. Social media is working overtime to frantically delete posts but thankfully, those posting have their screen-grabs. To my fellow Americans, we have to come to accept the fact that we are a freemasonic nation and have been one since our founding. There are NO graces extended to freemasonry, none. During the course of my lifetime, the U.S. has exported to the world: planned parenthood, embryonic stem cell research (now evolved into the satanic practice of harvesting unborn children’s organs to hybridize with mice), pornography, sodomite marriage, trannyism and most recently, covidism (yes, covid may have been heavily manufactured in Wuhan but it all started at the University of North Carolina before it was exported). But, most tragic is the history of rabid, anti-Catholicism that the U.S. has been spreading since day one (18th Century nativist riots, Mexican civil war, WWI and the destruction of Austria-Hungary, and the probable involvement of a “Catholic Spring” which led to the cancer that is Jorge Bergoglio – just to name a few examples). Washington DC is a literal city/monument to freemasonry, right down to the way the streets illustrate their satanic compass and the Statue of Liberty is a freemasonic goddess – the anti-Virgin Mary. Heaven, that great ABSOLUTE MONARCH, is our true country and this is the Valley of Tears. It’s time to get down on our knees, take down the Stars and Stripes and do penance, prayer and fasting. May God Bless Russia and may the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary come soon, followed by the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

    • I honestly think the USA are the greatest country in the world, which has saved Europe from countless deaths and slavery at least a couple of times.

  8. Look on the bright side, if conflict comes to our shores in the form a foreign invader ( not counting the millions of Biden imports) we don’t have to stand around and wait for someone from the government to hand you a rifle and a mag.

  9. Genek Romanowski

    Dear Mundabor, it is now almost four days since Putin’s Russia, massively armed and one of the world’s great nuclear powers invaded a fledgling and poorly armed sovereign state. This massive military power apparently has it’s tanks roaming at will throughout Kyiv according to you, and the British Defence Secretary is a comical Ali figure. Well laddie, Kyiv is still in Ukrainian hands, so maybe your egregious take down of Ben Wallace is a trifle premature.

    • You have really been brainwashed by the stupid Western media, haven’t you? Putin renounces to reduce Kiev to a pile of rubble before he comes in, and you think the Ukraine is winning? By the by, the Russian armoured vehicles roam at will in the northern part of Kiev, but you are too thick to understand they are trying to get in without breaking everything

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