“Don’t Hire Gay”, Or: The Problem Starts Before The Grooming

Meet your new teacher, little Johnny….

As a person grown up in a sane world, it is, for me, utterly breathtaking to see how the world has gone mad.

The Floridian legislative puts in place a measure meant to combat child grooming in schools.

Let us stop here, and let us reflect where the issue comes from. Is it because, suddenly, children have started inhaling substances that expose them to grooming? Or because of “climate change”? Or, perhaps, because the Chicago Cubs, winning the World Series in 2016, have suddenly put the entire planet out of whack?

Thought not.

What has happened, is that a growing number of perverts of the homosexual, lesbian, and even trannie persuasion have been allowed access to children.

Now, you might say that not every homo is a pedophile, and I will agree with you on this. However, this is not my issue. My issue is that every pervert is a toxic influence on children.

In a world where homosexuality is not openly stigmatised anymore, how is it surprising that perverts will want to normalise their perversion in the classroom, too? Is this not, in itself, a perversion of a child’s mind?

In addition, some of the perverts will also be paedophiles, as we know from countless statistical evidence that most paedophiles are homosexuals.

Therefore, allowing educators of young minds to be homosexuals is to allow them to pervert the mind of children in all possible ways.

Why am I saying this? Because it seems to me that the debate is missing the elephant in the room. The problem begins before the grooming, it begins with allowing perversion in the classroom.

Put it in a more brutal way: you cannot say that being homosexual is fine, and then proceed to object to children being exposed to it.

If being homosexual is normal, why would children not be exposed to it?

If it’s not normal, why is it allowed in educators?

The real issue here is not the grooming. It’s the underlying issue that facilitates it and aims at the perversion of your children in every way. In other words, the grooming is merely a symptom of a wider problem.

People with unnatural tendencies do NOT belong in a classroom. People persuaded they belong to the opposite sex belong in the MADHOUSE.

Unless we understand this, we will keep running in circle and fighting rearguard battles.

Posted on April 19, 2022, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. catholictradition2

    Perfect. We cannot see the forest for the trees.

  2. Agree that pederasty is not ubiquitous among the sodomites…but it is a definite feature and they will take every opportunity to have anyone become one of them: adult or child. God bless~

  3. Yes! They…’belong in the MADHOUSE.’ When I was in school, in the 70s, my mother was a minor official with the state school system, working against their ‘sex education’ programs. Other parents would complain to her. It was found that there were at least 3 pervert males working as teachers for the higher grades in our smaller school, and one of them got himself a nice position supervising the teen boys’ shower room. My mother made a large fuss about it. The principal (like a headmaster?) told her it was safer to have those men work in the smaller, rural schools such as ours, than in the big city (Portland) schools. He also told her that if she quoted him, he would deny it.
    The guy who worked the shower room didn’t last long. I think too many fathers learned what was going on. The other two died of AIDS, one of them infecting his wife and killing her. Their children were my classmates.
    This business has been going on in the US for a long time!

  4. Crystal clear thinking on your part, as usual. By the way, decades ago I told students of mine that if the Cubs ever won the World Series, it was a sign of the near end of the world. When they won, two former students contacted me, one from 2,000 miles away. I’m not sure that my joke was wrong.

  5. From pre-school to university, most children and young people are bombarded with propaganda. If you’re going to leave your child in public schools, you need to know teacher well, examine papers that come home, watch assignments, know every single “assembly” topic, WEB topic, “discussion group”, activity type, and pay careful attention to anything related to bullying. Schools many times have free periods during the day now. Our kids are often not keeping up in math and english, but they somehow manage to find 45 minutes where propaganda and “social emotional learning” (SEL) can be snuck in. Watch those things. Know if the school is having guest speakers. Sit in if you can. Be involved. Get together with other like-minded parents. Be a group and let the school know you are paying attention. Tell them you demand to know if race or sexuality is discussed. Opt out your child. It is amusing when people say the student can’t opt out. Are you kidding. You would let someone else tell you what your child must be exposed to? Have we lost our minds. Schools have been emboldened, but parents need to push back and not quit.
    There is a group, Mass Resistance, which has been on the front line of these things for years. They offer lots of helpful information and support to parents, in the US and internationally. Taxpayers should know they can object to material in school as well, even if they have no children in a school.
    Once a child is corrupted, there is no going back to innocence. Millstones come later, but then it is too late. Sorry for the long rant, Mundabor.

  6. Excellent piece. Reminds me of “drag queen story hour” that went pretty viral a few years ago. I don’t know who’s more demented, the “queens” or the straight parents who willingly subjected their children to such evil. One certainly cannot accuse God of not being patient and merciful at this point in history.

  7. Sodomites are subversive. Any organisation, including especially the Catholic Church, that allows a sodomite to ascend to a position of authority will have given that pervert a position of authority from which he will diligently strive to undermine or eliminate all rules/canons/norms that oppose his lust.

    Still invisibilium within the Hierarchy is that Prelate who is both willing and able to break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent which has been strangling the Church for a very long time

  8. jacintapichimihuida

    This resonates with me as a public school teacher. In the last five years, “teachers” have been hired who are obviously homosexual, gender confused, and a club was started for middle and high school students who are the alphabet soup spectrum of homosexuality. The students tell me what these “teachers” share with them about their personal lives. This perverted indoctrination must be stopped.

    • grassrootgonzo

      And where are the voices of the non-pederast/pedophile homosexuals who do not support the grooming of kids into the pedo/pederast practices? No, it appears they all tacitly support this recruitment of children to normalize and increase their number and opportunities. So, I agree with you, Mundabor. There are no “harmless/cute” (as relatives have chided me) homosexuals. It is their religion, and they are in full on forced conversion of captives mode. People MUST homeschool, kids will accept this simply to survive in the government skool milieu. They will have to.

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