“El Lupo” And Hypocrisy

He is having a real crisis right now…

I remember the time when popes spoke little, but when they spoke they knew what they were saying, and their words were not casual. Even Paul VI, a very bad pope by any standard, was the kind of guy who would measure every word.

It started going downhill when JP II got all emotional when going out of planes, with his long, slow, elaborate “look how I kiss the earth” play that meant exactly nothing (unless signalling some sort of fashion-pantheism, though I am sure the man did not mean that) but made everybody feel sooooo good it became a media sensation. Benedict had a much soberer style, but we all know now that he did not have the cojones to play his part for very long. Los Lupos clearly won.

Enter Frankie Boy, the Humble Heretic himself. Frankie does not care for any kind of reflection, because he is not capable of any. He will enjoy his scandals and rejoice in his doubts.

It takes a particular kind of stupid, and a very evil one, to say, as the pope, that , “a faith that does not put us in crisis is a faith in crisis.” Last time I looked, Faith was not only a great grace, but something actually meant to take us out of every spiritual crisis and put us in a position to face every earthly one.

Francis, of course, wants to play intellectual, or pretend he is a brilliant spirit; he likely thinks his mediocre play with words will impress people, from which alone you understand how terribly ignorant and vapid this man is. I actually even doubt he had any clear idea of what he wanted to say, and merely repeated what some, likely perverted, Monsignor wrote for him, possibly after visiting the homo bath house. Still: however you turn it, this is just stupid.

True faith will never put anyone in any sort of crisis. On the contrary, faith is the greatest source of security and strength. What “faith” is, then, this man blabbering about, that it should “put him in crisis” and, at the same time, be something good, desirable, and worthy of boasting about?

It is, of course, the pretend faith of the hypocrite; of a person, that is, that has faith only in social justice, or environmentalism, or rubbish like that. It is the self-congratulatory celebration of one’s own socialist rebellion to Christ’s entirely anti-socialist views. It is the, again, self-celebrating “doubt” of the man who asks, thinking himself smart, “if there is a God, why social injustice, oppression, and poverty?”. That such a “crisis” can only come from lack of faith escapes the limited intelligence of this guy.

Francis always wanted to be Scalfaro, without having much of the latter’s shrewdness. Plus, at least Scalfaro was not a hypocrite, though if he is in hell, which I consider very likely, it does not profit him much now. Still, Scalfaro had this “free thinker” aura around him, which Francis envied so much. I am pretty sure he felt pretty good with himself as he put this last noose, Judas-like, around his neck, for a day now not really long in coming.

An additional motivation I suspect in the man. Francis might have had only a vague idea of what he wanted to say – apart from the word play sounding smart to the shallow, and making him look some deep thinker, at least in his fantasies – but I think that he knew his words would have angered Catholics and decided to say them for this very reason.

Dear Catholics: Francis hates you, and he spits in your face every time he can.

It’s a real tragedy most of you have not noticed it yet.

Posted on February 28, 2023, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Is it really stupidity, or is it gaslighting? Is this an attempt to normalize the constant crisis and disorientation our rulership in both Church and State want us to live in?

    Too many people are already so inured to one crisis after another that they don’t realize that that is not what God wants for us and not what the Catholic faith us supposed to bring us.

  2. Joseph D'hippolito

    “Francis, of course, wants to play intellectual, or pretend he is a brilliant spirit…”

    So do the vast majority of academics and theologians, Catholic and otherwise. Such people forget that Jesus rebuked the academics and theologians of His day, and rather forcefully, I might add.

  3. Very little of what the Bishop of Rome says I agree with, but when I hear “a faith that does not put us in crisis is a faith in crisis,” it resonates, because it makes me think of how my Roman Catholic faith essentially commands me to conduct myself in a way that I otherwise likely wouldn’t, but for that faith; it challenges me and in a sense makes me uncomfortable, putting me in a kind of “crisis.” Protestant confessions, on the other hand, were fashioned by men in an attempt to conform the Word to their petty proclivities; being contrived by men, they are untrue, and so are in crisis.

    …but with the above said, yes, surely, Francis is dripping with contempt for the faith and of us who subscribe to it; of that there can be no doubt.

  4. grassrootgonzo

    Jorge should sell these gems to Hallmark, or maybe a fortune cookie manufacturer. He is a troll, and loves to troll Catholics. Now who hates Catholicism with such a blinding seething hate, and wants us destroyed?