St Thomas Aquinas’ Charity, Or: Frankie Trolls You Again

Francis has published, in Latin, a letter praising St Thomas Aquinas on occasion of the 700th anniversary of his canonisation.

Francis particularly praised the Doctor Angelicus’ charity.

It’s really funny – and again, not for the feeble-minded – to think what St Thomas’ true charity would have made with this little buffoon. I think when St Thomas, if he lived now, would be done with Francis, you would not even have the ashes remaining, because the Inquisition would have taken care of that, too.

And this, my dear readers, is true charity.

Once again, Francis is trolling you. I am sure he does not know much of St Thomas, Francis’ ignorance in theological matters by now being the stuff of legends. But I am also positive that that little he knows, he absolutely hates.

If there is a theologian embodying the rigid mentality Francis so hates, it is this very same St Thomas Aquinas. With his ruthless procedure from one known truth to the next, logically following, known truth, and with his masterful use of inescapable logical instruments of all kind, St Thomas is the very embodiment of doctrinal rigidity.

Does Francis, even ignorant as he is, realise it? Of course he does. He is not that stupid! At the same time, he knows better than attracting lightnings from all the Catholic world at the same time, and therefore.,, trolls you, pretending to have deference for a man that would consider him, whilst still praying for his conversion, a very mediocre tool of Satan.

Today, Frankie trolls you in Latin.

Kindly pray, in Latin or in vernacular, for the rapid end of his papacy.

Posted on July 12, 2023, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on St Thomas Aquinas’ Charity, Or: Frankie Trolls You Again.

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