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Father Nicholson Is The Perfect Nazi

I generally devote to Father Nicholson the attention I dedicate to the blathering Dumbos: zero. I would love to continue with this, in my eyes, very sensible praxis; but Father Nicholson has left such a pool of stinking piss all over the floor, that the very pungent smell compels me to say a word or two about this disgraceful, intellectually challenged man, a disgrace for the habit he wears.

As many of you will know, Father Nicholson has not only compared the SSPX to satanists; he has maintained that the SSPX-promoted reparation mass for the black mass in Oklahoma is… worse than the black mass itself!

Stop here, and calm yourself. Do you generally get angry at the senseless blathering of a child? Thought not…

Let us first see where Father Dumdum is leading us here.

The Pontiff Emeritus has lifted the excommunication on people who are, in their acts, worse than Satanists; the Vatican has structures devoted to the dealing with people worse than Satanists; the Vatican has declared that these people, worse than Satanists, are in communion, though they embarrassingly (for them) tend to call this communion “imperfect”; a Cardinal has received people worse than Satanists only a few days ago, and released a very gentle communiqué about the matter.

I could go on, but you get the gist: Father Nicholson is just plain thick.

But let us now try to start a journey in the workings of this child's brain, and discover the reason for his extremely stupid affirmation, and childish pooping outside of the WC.

The man is, at his core, a Nazi. Better: he is a Nazi child. In his little mind, obedience to the Pope is all that matters, and there is nothing demanding from us a higher allegiance, on earth or in heaven. This is 100% Führerprinzip, and Father Nicholson has devoted to it all the scarce neurons at his command; with the smelling result I have just described.

These people may be stupid, but they are dangerous. Particularly so, when the clerical garb they wear induces other not-too-bright people to give credence to their absurd blathering. This is the most extreme form of clericalism you can find; a de facto deification of the Pope perfectly identical to the Nazi de facto deification of Adolf Hitler. This is purest heresy.

If I do not say an angel, but a Pope comes to him and tells him things in contrast with truth, not only Father Nicholson believes him like the dumdum he is; but he also accuses everyone who happens to side with 2000 years of Christianity of being… worse than Satanists!

Boy, this is one who has to be sent back I do not say in the seminary, but in the kindergarten.

Father Nicholson is the perfect Nazi. Hitler would be very proud of him.

Satan is, I am sure, rather pleased too.

Pray for Father Dumbo. He is in great need of it.



The Nazis Among Us: A Party To Die For

The end of Satan's Nazi Party

You would have thought the Belgians are at the forefront of Satan's favourite new trend of the moment: euthanasia. I think, though, that the Dutch might, capitalising on the advantage afforded by decades of easy access to drugs, be the leading Country in this matter.

News reach us of an allegedly “wonderful”, ahem, “farewell party”, by which two old, and obviously satanical spouses have decided to party with their own children before killing themselves. There is no record of opposition, and it would appear the five were all very satisfied with both the party and the outcome.

So, how do you organise a “farewell party” like that? You invite your children at home – “please bring the wine; no, the poison is there already” – and receive them in pajama (“I don't like a formal setting when I am killing myself, you know”). Then you listen to some music, and even dance (“dance macabre”, I suppose); possibly you make some jokes, hopefully not very dark ones, though I am sure the audience wouldn't mind that a bit; then, when there has been enough partying and dancing, the party goes to an end – “we'd better go now, mum; remember, you have to kill yourself today!” – and when the two decide it's “time for the oven” (and this is not a joke), then off they go to swallow a pharmacy.

The most absurd of all this is that the two were afraid of suffering. Bar an half miracle in their last moments of consciousness – how big the probability is by such characters, you can imagine by yourself – they will get, in hell, far more of that than they bargained for, and it serves them right.

In pure Nazi style, and perfectly in tune with this XXI Century of ours, the entire story is shrouded in “support” and “understanding”; and we are allowed to glimpse some of the alleged beauty of these seven monsters: two committing a planned suicide, the other five – and their children at that – supporting them all the way; laughing, joking and dancing. In tune with the times, I was saying, because this crime being committed with a smile on the face of all parties involved, to object makes one seem a real party-pooper and “intolerant” chap; that is, guilty of the only mortal sin now universally acknowledged. Niceness at all cost, support for the sake of feeling “supportive” and understanding for whatever comes out of the perverted minds of others are the new gods.

Truly, this is completely and utterly satanical.

There are, now, voices asking for the prosecution of the five, as to assist your parents in their suicidal project is, apparently, still forbidden even in the Netherlands. But seriously, once the way for legalised euthanasia has been paved, how long will it be before such behaviour is generally accepted?

It is always so: abortion is initially legalised only in extreme cases; then the cases become less and less extreme; then they become a “reproductive right” of the murdering mother. Divorce wasn't much different in England, either. Similarly, when the Established Muppet Show introduced wymyn priests, they said it would never apply to bishops. When “civil unions” were introduced, it was said there would never be a question of “marriages”.

It-is-always-so. Everything going against God's laws is seldom introduced point-blank; rather, the “extreme cases” are the start of the slippery slope, from which there can be nothing else than further slipping.

It's difficult to imagine two more serious candidates for hell than these two ill-lived geriatric demons. It really shows a contempt not only for God's laws, but for common decency, that leaves one breathless.

Still, let us reflect on this: whilst God's laws never change, the generally accepted rules concerning “common decency” can change fairly fast, as the transformation of the West in a huge Sodom debating legislative measure to better protect perverts abundantly shows. These two evil people may well be the first of a long series of macabre party hosts.



Beyond Nazism: Amanda Marcotte

Marcotte clearly reduces him to mere amateur: Heinrich Himmler.

If you think rabid pro-death feminists are like Nazis, you can change your mind now: they are much worse.

The Twitter exchange in the link provided shows for this woman the defence of an unborn baby is on the same plane as the defence of bacteria: if you are against abortion, you must be against antibiotics. An abortion kills one living being, antibiotics kill a vast number of them.

It chills your blood.

Even Dr Goebbels, in his famous – and authentic – diaries, shows himself conscious of the loss of human lives caused by the Holocaust, describing it as something “you’ve got to do”. As monsters go, you’d think Goebbels and Himmler are pretty much at the top.

Still,a I can’t imagine the Himmler and Goebbels of this world simply equating, in public, a human life to bacteria.

The evidence of that is that the German people were lulled for years with documentaries about the happy life deported Jews were living as, say, farmers in the Ucraine, which would never have happened in the case of the equation Jews=bacteria.

Not here: this satanical Marcotte female really makes the argument.

May she repent and heaven forgiven her before it’s too late. Someway, I think the odds aren’t very good.


Dan Savage Is Pure Gaystapo

Compared to Dan Savage, nothing more than an amateur.

And it came to pass the most outrageously evil faggot of them all dared to say in public what goes through his mind.

His extermination fantasies may, in a way, be hidden behind a thin veil of “darker moments”, but there is no way of denying people who aren't freaking Nazis would not have such thoughts in their most suicidal moments of darkest depression.

The man is, very simply, pure evil, and Gaystapo at work. His concept of a “dangerous idea”?

“Population control: there's too many Goddam people on the planet. [Audience applauds like lunatics]. You know, I'm pro-choice, I believe that women should have a right to control their bodies. Sometimes in my darker moments, I'm anti-choice. I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years.”

Whilst it is clear there is nothing good in Dan Savage (his guardian angel must be crying all the time, and who can blame him) it is obvious that there is something good in these bouts of unspeakable, abominable cruelty, said by a sober man, in public, and in front of the media: they show to all those who have eyes to see and ears to ear how fundamentally evil these perverted homosexualists are.

Make no mistake, this will not be the end of Ms Savage's public career. Many are those who belong to Satan and will be snatched by him in the end. But it will at least be a warning among the stupidest of those who still want to have a shot at salvation.

To my knowledge, it is not known that Hitler or Himmler or Goebbels had such thoughts, not even in their darkest moments. It goes to show with what kind of bastard we are dealing here.

The Gaystapo is out to get you. Fight them before it's too late.



The Nazis Are Among Us

Would certainly like the Feminist Majority Foundation: Dr Joseph Goebbels.

“One in three women will have an abortion by the time they’re 45, and yet we’re treating this like it’s some extreme procedure, when it can be a lot safer than even having your wisdom teeth removed, and is almost just as common,” said Kari Ross, who is the spokeswoman for the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF).

I read this here.

Let me rephrase it.

“One in three European Jews will have a death by Holocaust by 1945, and yet we're treating the Final Solution like it's some extreme procedure, when it can be a lot safer than having your wisdom teeth removed, and is almost just as common”.

To them, an abortion is something harmless just because it happens millions of times.

I doubt even Dr Goebbels would show such lack of humanity.

The Nazis are among us.



The Nazi Next Door

It should be evident to many already – and it will be more, I am afraid, in the years to come – that Western democracies are becoming the biggest threat to Western freedom.

In a world more and more devoid of Christian values, and made more and more stupid by lack of proper education, freedom is dying a slow death.

In Anglo-Saxon countries, millions of young men and women think they are educated because they have a degree, though they cannot even write. Their cultural horizon stops at the X-Factor and Lady Gaga. They inform themselves from the crappy free “newspapers” they find at train stations. They are children making children – outside of marriage, now almost as a majority; but hey, “who am I to judge?” – who would not be able to assess any situation other than by following what the army of equally ignorant sheep around them does.

Add to this that, more than twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Communism as a global threat, the West has remained without any significant external enemy, and even the wave of highly-organised Islamist terrorism has been, if we are realistic, almost completely destroyed and certainly reduced to a social irrelevance in less than a decade by virtue of smart intelligence work, and determined military action.

As a result, the already dumb sheep, unable to even spell but – other than the illiterate of centuries past – with an extremely high opinion of themselves, have never experienced a real threat to their societal structure, and have never had in front of their eyes the spectacle of a vast number of European countries deprived of elementary freedoms. They have, therefore, neither the intellectual not the practical instruments to understand the value of freedom.

To these people, other perceived “values” are more important than freedom. Not believing in God, they make gods of themselves and need to be utterly persuaded of the fundamental goodness of the little gods they think they are. Everything that threatens the perceived picture of their own goodness will have to be sacrificed in order for them to continue to feel good with themselves.

At this point, words like “hate crime” begin to emerge; the sheep, too stupid to understand that in a free society hate – even the real one – can never be a crime, will soon run to the help of the allegedly “hated”, firstly because they feel like as many little gods of niceness, and secondly because they desperately need to feel they are not the dumb idiots they in the end know they are. In an orgy of self-satisfaction, the measures against “hate” will become more and more harsh, and their application more stringent. “Hate” will become everything the majority of dumb sheep clearly sees as different from themselves. All this, cela va sans dire, in a perfectly democratic manner; then when the majority doesn't care for freedom, their democracy will make the work for them without the need for any blood to be spilled.

This society – the society the West is creating every day – will be eerily similar to Nazism, at least to the Nazism perceived by the usual German sheep in the Thirties: nice, harmless, friendly people loving their beer and pretzel, and seriously persuaded they are actually the best people on Earth whilst living in the middle of abortion, euthanasia, heathenism, and ferocious thoughts-control. It will be instructive to keep in mind that, though certainly in different circumstances, the Nazis went to power in a fully democratic way.

It is a legend that democracies protect freedoms. Democracies do not protect freedoms. People do. If a people's understanding of basic freedom deteriorates, their democracy will soon reflect the change.

If you think we are very far from a situation like this, I seriously invite you to think again. More likely than not, some of yours neighbours already wouldn't really object to you being put to jail for expressing “hate” if they think it is a serious threat to the image they have of themselves (say: by being a Christian, and saying it). The number of such people is clearly on the increase. They might not necessarily oppose your faith as long as it remains in your bedroom, but will consider it not tolerable – and worthy of detention – if it goes against the pagan god of their own goodness and, astonishingly, tolerance. They are stupid, and illiterate. They do not understand freedom, much less Christianity. They are in love with themselves, and will desperately cling to their love until the day they will have to die, and their friends will “celebrate” their “goodness”. This cult of one's own goodness requires the “intolerant” to be punished without any… tolerance.

Some people think the usual Nazi of the Thirties was a “hating” beast filled with hate for a world or perceived enemies. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nazi Germany was a perfectly ordered, peaceful, prosperous society enjoying their tranquility and defending themselves against the, erm, “haters”; haters clearly recognised as such by society and one's better, and therefore uncritically accepted as such whilst enjoying one's tea and scones (or rather, beer and pretzel).

Do not make the mistake of thinking your own neighbour is much different that the friendly lady or lad in Nazi Germany. Your own neighbour already accepted “hate” legislation and homosexual marriage, and would say to you “bullying” is so very bad, it must be severely punished, surely? They might soon start resembling their counterparts in, say, Magdeburg circa 1937. It will merely take more time.

The world was freed from the horrors of Nazism by kicking and bombing their ass to the tune of around, if memory serves, eight million dead when both soldiers and civilians are added (the number might be different, but you get my drift). But there is no seeing what earthly power can be a threat to the extremely wealthy, technologically advanced, and militarily powerful Western societies, now slowly sliding toward Nazism out of lack of faith in God, and a strong belief in their own goodness.

We must pray, and pray more. We must stop being appeasers now, if we want to have some chance of becoming the persecuted of tomorrow. Most of all, we must resist this horrible climate of political correctness, and stop being nice with the Nazis.

If you think yourself too fine to say “faggot”, you will one day have to be fine enough to have them instructing your children, making your laws, ruling your life, and oppressing your religion.

Still is not too late. But the number of Nazis next door is growing. Only a robust cultural offensive – also consisting in the rejection of political correctness – will stop the Nazi sheep.



Feminazism and Human Experiments in Sweden

At work in Sweden: Feminazism.

If you want to make your worst to let your child grow with insecurities about his natural tendencies, you might consider moving to Sweden and sending him to Egalia, the taxpayer-funded preschool recently opened in Sweden.

At Egalia, every effort will be made to let your little boy grow up as a homosexual, and your little girl as a lesbian.  These attempts will – nature being what it is – mostly fail, but the indoctrination of young minds and their introduction to sexual perversion from the tenderest age will not fail to show some effect anyway; moreover, even when you can’t ruin a child you can still hope to leave him with some more or less permanent damage.

The motivation for such exercise (which takes place, let us remember, in one of the most de-Christianised Countries on Earth) is the assumption that little boys get an “unfair advantage”, and the way to deal with that is to…. try to transform as many little boys into little girls, and vice versa. This is pure feminazism: the combination of a perverted ideology with mass human experiment and relentless child indoctrination.  Dr Goebbels would be proud.

Therefore, boys and girls are not allowed to refer to each other using “gender stereotyping” words, like, erm, “boy” or “girl”. They are, in fact, asked to forget what they are, lest this should help them to grow in a natural (and therefore: gender-stereotyping) way. In their gender-neutral world there are, therefore, only “friends”. Similarly, they will not be put in contact with diseducational, proto-Fascist, chauvinistic literature aimed at consolidating the male supremacy like, erm, “Cinderella” or “Snow White”. Instead, they’ll be put in contact with, say, a couple of male giraffes who are sad because they cannot have a son, until they adopt a crocodile.

My observations on this – controversial even in Sweden, which is something you didn’t think possible –  human experiment are as follows:

1) I can’t avoid seeing in this not only an attack to sexual normality, but a direct attack to Christianity. This is the same as to say that Sweden must become as much like Sodom as early perversion of children allows. The fact is seen, of course, as positive.

2) It never ceases to amaze me how feminists always have the men’s world as the exclusive metre of “success”, and “advantage”. That boys can’t become mothers simply escapes them. That, therefore, girls have an awful lot of skills more or less directly related to this fundamental difference, whilst boys have an awful lot of skills more or less directly related to their own set of biological possibilities, is also blissfully ignored. In this way, being a woman is completely discounted, and the only metre of success is what a man can achieve. This is the thinking of a woman who would like to be a man, tries to compete with them, fails, and whines. Make no mistake, feminism has in itself the germs of lesbianism. Or tell me how many women past post-pubescence do you know who are authentically feminine, and authentically feminist.

3) This kind of experiment has already been tried in Germany, starting from the Sixties. In only one generation, this has made of Germany the country with the highest percentage of homosexuals and lesbians in Europe (this is now I saying it, but the German Education Ministry when announcing the change of policy). Fortunately, Germany still being (in part) a Christian country this has been recognised as a problem and last time I looked (2004) a complete reversal of policy had been announced, with the explicit intent of encouraging boys to be boys, and girls to be girls. I can’t avoid the suspicion that some people in Sweden are well aware  of the result of the German human experiments – alas, this is a tradition over there; the idea that human being are changeable has survived Nazism, or rather has transformed itself in a kind of politically correct kind of Nazism – but other than the Germans, they desire their effects.

4) It is a very easy prediction that whilst these feminazis (of both sexes) will succeed in perverting a relatively small number of children, most children will grow up happily defying every attempt of gender engineering: the boys happily growing into more or less stereotypical men and the girls into more or less stereotypical women. Which is, by the way, what has happened in Germany. In thirty or forty years’ time, these old PC teachers, now already with one foot in that hell they don’t believe in,  will look with dismay at the result of their experiments and have to admit that it’s not easy to fight against human nature.

Some of them will then, no doubt, start to demand the castration of vast numbers of men, in order to achieve gender equality.

Accompanied by the tale with the castrated male giraffe.


Jack Kevorkian Would Have Made The Nazis Proud

Dr Josef Mengele

Jack Kevorkian has gone to his Creator or – much more probably, though we can’t know for certain – to Hell.

The National Catholic Register (which is the good “NCR” one) has an interesting article shedding some light into this very, very disquieting personality. The stated aim of the article is to avoid that Kevorkian be, after death, transformed in a kind of gentle soul, an atheist “Father Teresa” ooh so concerned with those who are suffering. Instead, it turns out that Kevorkian was not only in favour of suicide, but also displaying some (very predictable) Nazi traits in the following:

1) the strange (for anyone who is not a Nazi) concept of “obligatory assisted suicide”. This is very interesting. When someone has no choice whether to die or not (say: condemned prisoner), Kevorkian is in favour of forcing him to commit suicide. The man is truly excited at the idea of suicide, one must say. Besides the strange notion of forcing one to commit suicide who doesn’t want to (what sanction can you give to him in a Western country? Execution?), I note that this is, even, beyond Nazism. I mean, Hitler gave Rommel & Co. the choice whether they wanted to commit suicide or undergo public trial and, in theory, Sippenrache (the extermination of one’s family members), he didn’t force them to commit suicide, nor did he oblige them. Perhaps, is Sippenrache the key of how Kevorkian would have forced people to “obligatory suicide”? Questions, questions…..

2) the outlandish “optional assisted suicide”. This is the suicide of someone who really would want to commit suicide, but doesn’t have the gut to do it. Therefore, a sadist will do it for him without, in Kevorkian’s world, having to go to jail for that. Sadly for Kevorkian, in the real world he did have to go to jail for that. Nazis did that too if the person was ill or otherwise not really useful. They didn’t lack sadists, either. A world made for Jack Kevorkian….

3) then there is the concept of “suicide by proxy”. The thinking goes that in certain cases you must assume that the person, if he could express himself, would want to commit suicide; say, a gravely handicapped child. The decision is not taken by him, but by people who, so to speak, think for him (the parents, say). This is another thought that would move Hitler, Dr Goebbels and Dr Mengele to tears of joy, with the vision of all those children with malformations and their parents deciding that hey, he does not want to live, so let’s kill him now.

4) Going on along the Nazi path of this truly diabolical chap (as they say in Italy, “speaking as if he was alive”, of course) we have the desire of getting all the organs of the thus, how should I put it, ” forcibly suicided” people to make various medical experiments. In his own words, suicides should be, erm, executed within special suicide clinics that would

make the quantum leap of supplementing merciful killing with the enormously positive benefit of experimentation and organ donation

Note how good “quantum leap” sounds. You read these words and you know the man would have asked to be sent to Auschwitz, just to “mercifully” help people who, hey, would have to die anyway in the end, at the same time making a “quantum leap” in medical research…..

5) But don’t think Kevorkian would have admitted to enjoy killing. He paid attention to describe the act of killing as “distasteful”. Distasteful. A bit like squeezing a spot, I suppose. Instead, he pretended to see the main advantage of the exercise as follows:

What I find most satisfying is the prospect of making possible the performance of invaluable experiments or other beneficial medical acts under conditions that this first unpleasant step can help establish.

At this point, his identification with Auschwitz doctors has become complete. They too, certainly, experienced as “satisfying” to have so many organs with which to conduct “invaluable experiments” and “other beneficial medical acts”, whilst the fact that these people were dying was dismissed as something already decided elsewhere and that therefore didn’t have to concern them (though, no doubt, “unpleasant”); exactly the same as our nazi-hero happily experimenting with the condemned criminal.

This has made for depressing reading, I know. But depressing as it is, I think that it is right to delve at times into the cruelty of human nature; particularly when, as in this case, the monstrous nature of such people is disguised under the cloth of “humanitarian” thinking.
