Vatican Beats Cardinal Policarpo With A Feather

The Vatican prepares itself for Cardinal Policarpo's caning.

Cardinal Policarpo, the hopefully tired and emotional Cardinal of Lisbon who was subsequently forced to backpedal  has now been summoned to Rome to discuss the matter, says Messa In Latino.

One shivers at the thought of the terrible chastisements awaiting him. Reading Ordinatio Sacerdotalis aloud perhaps? Being told “tut, tut” by the Holy Father himself? Receiving an actual reprimand? No, the mind recoils from the last one. It would certainly cause an intervention from the United Nations, and President Obama (Now called “AA+”  from his most intimate friends) would call for an armed intervention before discovering that Cardinal Policarpo is, actually, not homosexual.

In the meantime, the heresy in Austria goes on undisturbed and the “call to disobedience” is still online, under the paternal eye of Cardinal Schoenborn.

No Roman Holidays for him, I’m afraid.


Posted on August 9, 2011, in Catholicism and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. LOL! I wish all bishops who dissented from Catholic teaching would be ‘retired’. No army would tolerate fifth columnists in its ranks. It baffles me why the Church (administration) does.

    OTOH you may be interested in this (good antidote):

    • Shane, I do think that Policarpo will be retired some month before the time, I think he is already rather old. But I very much doubt that he will be officially punished, or disgraced. Therefore, all those of his ilk will get the message that such interventions are ideal if you want to start playing golf some months earlier than originally planned.


  2. My Dear Mundabor:

    You might have already seen this but in case you haven’t:

    And they wonder why the Church is coming apart at the seams.