Victory Over Japan, Surrender To Satan

Today is, as every Brit knows, VJ, Victory over Japan day; and as this is a round anniversary, the pomp and rhetoric will be commensurate to the occasion.

What no one seems to ask is how all the soldiers who gave their life for their Fatherland would have felt in knowing that, merely two generations from their sacrifice, not only the Empire would have been lost, but the Country for which they gave their lives would have become worse than heathenish, positively recognising and actively supporting sexual perversion.

Seventy years later the United Kingdom is a Country where perverts can not only contract “civil partnerships” (utterly satanic), or “marry” (the same), but even adopt children (the same, but please add the heightened danger of child abuse).

Would those soldiers have died for a Country like this? Could they have even imagined that things would have reached such a level of moral decay and sexual perversion only decades after their sacrifice?

Today, a Country still wallowing in the feeling of a past greatness, and long downgraded to middle-class regional power with no world policy of its own (whatever influence they still had at least in the Middle East obviously gone since the Gulf War, and I wonder how much was left of that even then), has betrayed not only its own past greatness, but the very Christian foundation – wrong, because Protestant; but Christian nevertheless – of that greatness. The result is unprecedented faggotry flaunted like it’s the latest fashion (another thing faggots clearly like), and made a banner of the new United Kingdom of Sodom and Gomorrha.

Today, this Country has nothing to celebrate. Today, this Country ought to be ashamed, and start a serious reflection on where Satan has been leading it for now many years.

Don’t hold your breath. Prepare for the rhetoric of peace and inclusiveness. Prepare to see Sodom and Gomorrah celebrated as a development of the victory obtained with the blood of soldiers who would have been horrified at what is happening today.

Britain, you won on the battlefield against Germany and Japan. But not only this cost you the Empire, as Hitler in the end broke your spine and your ability to suffer for the sake of something bigger than individual happiness. No, it cost you your soul, as you have started then – and continued to this day – to betray Christian values for the sake of material comfort and a life lived in the immature, ultimately stupid quest of a personal self-fulfillment that can be found only in God.

The Country that only a few years before VJ day had vowed, at one with its brave leader, never to surrender, and to defend their island, whatever the cost may be, must now recognise that Satan has swallowed their island whole, and that they have surrendered to an ideology made of sexual perversion, indifference or open enmity to all that is sacred, and proud of it like Churchill was proud of the Empire.

VJ should be a day of somber reflection, and firm desire to change the Country’s way.

Exactly the contrary will happen.


Posted on August 15, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Yeah…well…look at Churchill’s activities in Ireland with the Black & Tans. Moral depravity in Great Britain didn’t begin with the post-war period.

  2. Same for the U.S. of A. Most GIs of the WW II era would be retching and writhing in disgust at the so called “right” to dismember unborn Americans in utero let alone the trade of their tiny organs.

    They would be equally sickened by anal sex being equated with the marriage bond. The escalation of human depravity these days is almost beyond comprehension. However it is real and it is truly evil.

  3. Sir, you have outdone yourself!

  4. When there is no morality left the nation will be vanished soon.