Jihad Is Here. We Just Refuse To See It


Quentin Matsys, “Allegory of Folly”

Well, this is new to Europe in modern times, but I can’t say I am surprised.

Firstly, please pray for the victim. In your charity, also pray for his killers, because we pray even for our enemies. And last but not least, pray that more and more of the latter may be killed before they carry out their evil intent. 

I will make this fairly short, and not entirely sweet. 

The blood of this priest – and the profanation of a Catholic Church; apparently the idiots held a short “homily” from the altar – is firstly on the hands of those stupid judges and lawmakers who allowed people obviously willing to fight their satanic jihad to go around looking for priests whose throats they might slit. It beggars belief that one may think a tag bracelet would prevent a would-be suicide attacker from planning a suicide attack. It is even more stupid that the bracelet was switched off every day for some hours, though I can’t think the result would have been any different if it had not. 

Secondly, the blood of this priest is on the hands of all those who sing the song of the “integration” and of the “isolated incident”. They are the unwitting allies of the enemy, which is now clearly among us in forces. Even that idiot Hollande recognises now that we are at war. I doubt he understands the logical consequence of what he says, though. 

Thirdly, the blood of this priest is on the Catholic clergy, starting from the Evil Clown. They are committing the most grievous sin of helping infidels to demolish Christianity in Europe in the name of a strange religion of forced multicultural acceptance of no matter whom, no matter what, which is nothing to do with Christianity.

Lastly, and I have to say this just so you don’t think this blog is like everyone else’s, this blood may well be on the hands of the murdered priest himself; who, if (and I don’t know anything about it; therefore, it’s a big if) he was one of the “inclusive” crowd, has now reaped exactly what he has sown. If (and let us say once again : if)  he was one of those promoting this senseless demolition of our Christian continent, then it is better that his fate happened to him, rather than to some poor innocent who still has a functioning brain and a Christian attitude towards life. 

Perhaps, when enough “inclusive” priests, bishops and cardinals have had their throat slit, those still alive will start thinking like Christians again.

Jihad is here, but we just refuse to see it. 

We also refuse to see that the clergy, from the Pope down, are largely its (hopefully unwitting) accomplice.






Posted on July 27, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Jihad Is Here. We Just Refuse To See It.

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