Atheist In White

What sense can there be, in the eyes of the world, in kneeling in front of a piece of bread?

Such a question Francis asked himself yesterday.

In a way, he is right. An atheist finds it utterly absurd, even if he is properly informed about the Transubstantiation, that a piece of bread may, indeed, become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord. To him, this is part of the big fraud he calls “pie in the sky when you die”.

Quite on the contrary, a Catholic finds it perfectly natural, and I should say unavoidable, to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It would be quite unnatural, and frankly absurd, for a Catholic to think that he could simply stand in the Presence of the Lord. It would smack of arrogance in such a way that most people would say that it is not even arrogance, it is unbelief. 

As we all know, Francis does not kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. He is, however, perfectly able to kneel in front of Mohammedans, homos, homeless people, and such like.

I don’t think his is even arrogance. I think it is unbelief.

Like a sodomite wishing to get, as they say, out of the closet, Francis itches of desire to let us know that he does not believe any of it. Alas, he can’t, because he cannot be sure that even those jellyfishes we have as Bishops and Cardinals would not finally step up and depose him. He would, also, lose that little traction he still has among unintelligent Catholics,  who would then realise that the concern about global warming is not Catholic, at all.

Therefore, Francis puts in these little provocations, meant to make you understand even as he avoids officially outing himself. He is saying that yes, he is an Atheist, as he is perfectly aware that everyone knows that he never kneels in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  But he does not say the words as referred to him, you see. He only refers it to Atheists.

Of whom, as he is clearly indicating to you, he is one.

Posted on August 23, 2021, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Mundi, do we approach one small step closer to the prophecy of st. Francis of Assisi? And that of ven. Fulton Sheen?

  2. I think you hit the nail on its hideous head.

  3. Ah, Mundabor, so true. He cannot help himself at all, and he has done this all the way along his disordered path. I did not read exactly what he said in entirety, but as I understand it, he asked a rhetorical question which begs an answer, and then did not answer it. He left that out there, as a good question, why kneel before a piece of bread. We have all been subject to a special kind of papal gaslighting with this man, he’s an expert. He knows how to skirt the edges, a real Jesuit, to say the thing without exactly saying it. All during his papacy he has thrown mud on Catholic belief. He has picked apart true faith in Christ as expressed by Catholic dogma, traditions, and customs. With his words and actions, he makes it perfectly plain he does not believe, indeed, it is hard to imagine this man being merely a Christian at all! When he does raise the Host, the expression on his face can only be described as simmering resentment. His face in those moments could go on a jar of pickles or poison.
    One of the worst aspects of his papacy is that when he refused to kneel before Christ at the very beginning, he was allowed to get away with it. Catholics are responsible for this. This is on us. When it became obvious it was not his knees or frailty that prevented him, but his own pride and arrogance, his determination to prove to us that this was really only a piece of bread, and he would not serve. But weak tea Catholics have accepted everything, have allowed Catholicism to be beaten beyond recognition, and now find ourselves with a man so opposed to God and faithful Catholics his bile is percolating until he can deprive us of the Holy Mass of the Ages once and for all. This is a purely evil man.

    • He criticised the thinking of the Blessed Sacrament as bread. But he did so by clearly stating that does who criticise do exactly as he does. Quite a provocation, I think.

  4. You are correct as usual Mundabor. The look of hatred seen on his face as he holds the Blessed Sacrament is probably based in jealousy…he wants the people to worship him and
    not God. Very ugly.
    Praying for you as always! Your blog is a great consolation…Thank you.

  5. I had not realizefd that he is able to kneel in front of pagans and such. I thought he was incapable of kneeling due to injury/age/illness/whathaveyou.
    So given that he does not believe in God what does that mean for all the masses he has conducted over the years?
    The Baptisms, marriages, confessions, etc?
    Are they all null and void?

  6. A Pew survey found that only a third of American Catholics believe that the Host is Jesus. I don’t know if you can believe in the Real Presence without believing in sin because without sin we don’t need Christ. We don’t need to be forgiven and we certainly don’t need grace. Our Lord becomes irrelevant. There is still (for now) the Holy Spirit but He has to share space with a pantheon of idols. I mean, why would Holy Communion even matter, except as an excuse for us to get together with each other? Although if that’s the only reason we go I’d rather do “take out” for 200.

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