Zelensky Achieves Certified Organic Gandhi Status

As Ukrainians continue to die, the new icon of the woke Jokeworld, Volodimir Zelensky, is continuing to build his own monument; a monument which, no doubt, will give him great notoriety and huge financial rewards if, as it appears likely, Putin allows him to survive and he gets shipped to the United States with Certified Organic Gandhi Status.

It is impossible to believe that Zelensky thinks that stunts like this one help the destiny of his Country, which is now only trying to manage the scale of the humiliation and likely territorial losses that are sure to come its way. It is also, frankly, stupid to believe that a Zelensky can go where the modern prophets of doom cannot get. He is not a retarded, arrogant, ugly girl after all.

No. Zelensky, who, by all his lies and his claimed cocaine addiction, is a very intelligent man, knows that this is good for him. A man who made his money in the entertainment industry, he knows, like Trump, how things work and can manage his public persona better than your average European bureaucrat, or your garden variety US vice presidential slut. In short, the guy has been given a world stage, and he is using his role for all it’s worth.

Less smart than him are, as always, the mediocre, unthinking, conformist sheep ready to go bah every time someone of fame shouts an Officially Approved Slogan. They will feel all warm and fuzzy on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, writing about how heroically they support Zelensky, fighting from their keyboards with utter disregard for the loss of bytes, bandwidth, and battery charge.

The Ukraine will lose this war.

But Zelensky knows that the more civilians he allows to die in a conflict he cannot win, the more profits there will be for him at the other end of this conflict.

Congratulations, Volodimir. You got this figured out.

Mariopol is just a collateral damage.

Posted on March 31, 2022, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. No matter how you look at it, lobbying for the end of fossil fuels and implementing a social credit system are — at best — very curious priorities for a country under invasion.

  2. grassrootgonzo

    The CIA installed Ukrainian puppet-clown “leader” is there to destroy Ukraine, and loot it of all wealth. Like our own CIA installed Pedo-puppets have been in the US. And Abp. Vigano is right. This parallels what is going on in the Vatican. Just as the papacy is being destroyed by a CIA installed satanic antipope, all public perception of US institutions, like the Presidency, Congress, the Judiciary, are being destroyed to create a vacuum. And we know who will fill the vacuum left in the wake of the “creative destruction”, created reality, and engineered crises.

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