Archbishop Forte Needs To Apostatise Officially

Say no to clowns…

Archbishop Bruno Forte was, yesterday, making himself beautiful in front of the Chief Rabbi of Rome and other assorted inter religious dialogue people. Therefore, he thought that it would be wise to just ignore Catholic teaching and state that Jews don’t need to convert.

I even have the link.

You really cannot believe this guy. With what face does an Archbishop dare to try to remake Christ in his own image and resemblance, “adapting” it to the “sensitivity” of those who are listening to him!

As always with people who have lost their faith a long, long time ago, the Archbishop throws in the usual worldly excuse meant to make him unassailable, and says that calls to the conversion of Jews should be ceased in order to “purify” of “every form of anti-semitism” the relations between Christians and Jews.

I am asking the Archbishop: was Christ anti-Semitic as he obviously supported 2000 years of calls of Jews to conversion? Were St Peter, St Paul and all others anti-Semitic for doing Christ’s will?

It is not only a total scandal that the Archbishop should do this. What grates me most is the arrogance of talking for the Church when the Christian faith has long been lost, and what has remained is a strange mixture of peace activist, social worker, kindergarten teacher and, clearly, clown.

The Archbishop needs to apostatise officially (he has already abandoned the faith in deeds anyway) and choose for his own way to hell whatever false religion he thinks most suited.

This guy is a buffoon in purple.

He has no place in the Church.

Posted on April 6, 2022, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Mundabor, No more April fools ? Forte proves that wrong. Check out my “Evangelists Needed” at The American Catholic for more detail on the plethora of current clerical antievangelists. God continue to bless you and yours, and as we say in Texas, “keep on keepin’ on” speaking truth to demonic clerical power. Guy, Texas

  2. “No Bozos” was never more applicable than with Churchmen like Forte and Bergoglio. When will they don those bulbous red noses so chic in Bergoglio’s photo-op of the earlier part of this decade? Man, that seems a long time ago! How long, Lord?

  3. Susan Matthiesen

    Does he have on makeup? His cheeks look far too rosy to be natural. I thought maybe that was what you meant when you said he was making himself beautiful for the rabbi.

  4. November 6, 2013 was the day Bergoglio donned the clown nose, cementing his clown status. As we all know, that soon devolved to “evil clown”.

  5. Bruno Forte strike me as being a very masculine guy.

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