Monthly Archives: April 2024

Laymen And Priests

Not sure if Ravasi was there. But he could have been…

Cardinal Ravasi, who at 81 will, blessedly, not allowed to do damage at the next conclave, is on record with saying that Christ was “a layman”.

It really is quite disconcerting with these idiots. I do not think this is age playing tricks with the man’s mind. In fact, Ravasi seems to be still quite active, goes around here and there, participates in round table discussions (as in this case), tweets around when drug addicts singers die and, in general, does everything he can to show the world that he belongs to it.

What I think has happened here is that Ravasi has lost the faith decades ago, if he ever had it in the first place. At that point, he has become a sort of functionary, going here and there, reading speeches written for him by other people and, in fact, spewing platitudes for a captive audience of journalists and assorted boot lickers.

When that happened, clearly the Cardinal has considered it superfluous to have any contact whatever with theology, or to refresh his mind with books dealing with the Catholic faith. You don’t go around, as a Cardinal, saying bull crap like that unless you have stopped dealing with your faith decades ago. But I am sure the Cardinal has said stuff like “the joy of Christ” thousands of times in these decades.

No, Christ was not a layman.

However, Cardinal Ravasi should be made to go back being one.

“I feel Violated”: Vegans And The Sausage.

Will a vegan eat them because they are faggots?

I have to admit: yours truly likes to poke fun at the madness of modern times. One of the ways I do it when I have five minutes for me on the train is by visiting sites like r/vegan.

It truly is a treasure trove.

Today I read about the “couple” (don’t bet on a marriage there) of vegans who are mistakenly given real sausages instead of fake sausages, and a bun that also had dairy or some other evil thing in it.

Yes, they ate everything. Both of them. Bun and all.


The woman discovers the horrible, horrible truth, and she goes totally bonkers. Tries to vomit the thing like there is no tomorrow, is totally traumatised, needs to write on Reddit warning the other madmen (and women) that if it tastes fine it’s not that progress has been made, it’s actually a pig.

Still: they ate everything. Both of them. Bun and all.

No, she couldn’t vomit, even if she (what a lady) “fingerfucked her throat raw” (her words, not mine) trying to expel the poor, poor animal from her virtuous, normally pig-free body.

“Partner” is clearly (halfway consolingly) nowhere near the level of madness, but she is really unrelenting. It’s as if they told her she ate a colony of hairy spiders, finely processed. But even in that case, a normal person would wait for nature to digest the food and be done with it. There was no intention of transgressing the rule of the Vegan Religion. But no, she feels “violated”. Yep, she should have checked it was too good for vegan food!!

Other redditors, madder than she is, suggest a legal action. With some vestige of sanity, she answers “it doesn’t work that way here” (Britain). Which is, actually, true, and I can assure you if she tried the grief would be massive, because by all its shortcomings, the United Kingdom is not like that.

So now it’s about getting the “stuff” evacuated as fast as possible (so physical exercise to accelerate metabolism!), whilst the choir of response come. A lot of solidarity, of course, but also the usual sideway bitching: it’s her fault, a couple of commenters imply, because she chose to eat in a place that is not exclusively vegan.

It’s not even a parallel planet. It’s a parallel universe of people so detached from normal life, and normal thinking, it’s outright scary when you have gone past the fun.

I wonder what they think of Christ. It must be somewhere between “extremely evil”, “opportunist” and “not sufficiently aware”.

Sodomy and abortion are probably all right.

These people vote. Once again: democracy is overrated.

Today is Friday, so no meat.

But tomorrow it’s going to be sausages all right.

I will celebrate sanity, with a side of potatoes.

I think even the pig will be happy.

Surrounded By Fools

I see them around me all the time; on the train or on the bus, or walking rapidly in busy streets. I see fatties permanently eating, and businessmen permanently talking. I see people already working on their laptop at 7:30 in the morning, and people interminably yapping to their friends at 7:30 in the evening.

I know that most of them are atheists, because this is what most of the country is, and I add to that number many Mohammedans, and many ethnic Sri Lankan and Indians who, if you ask me, are just as far away from their false gods as many Whites are away from the true one.

I keep wondering what goes on in their mind. Are they living with this constant, unspoken, unaddressed fear of the inevitable end? Do they actively try to make sense of what must be, in their eyes, surely a senseless existence? Do they reflect on the simple fact that, without a God, even their agitating and fretting about peace, the environment, or the welfare of cows they don’t even want to be born, are not different from the agitating of the termites creating their termite houses, or from the working of the spider hoping to catch his fly?

I look around me, and I see this huge army of ants working tirelessly, many of them to the point of even compromising that very life after which they think there is nothing, in the hope, perhaps, of getting to the status of Fat Termite, or getting a fat fly in the form of a big car, as the years go by and the hard questions become less and less avoidable. I look around me and I wonder how they can make sense of it all. I wonder, in fact, whether they are even interested in the question.

And then I see them creating all these ersatz religions: environmentalism, pacifism, veganism, “animal rights” bigotry, perversion advocacy, and all those other -isms which our mad age continues to create; and all these ersatz religions tell me that the ant may be happy – ant-wise, of course – working all its life without pause, but humans will never be happy with the life planning of an ant, or of a spider.

Every now and then, you see someone confusingly trying to find the light. Every now and then, you have a Russell Brand holding a rosary, at least searching. Most of the people around me don’t do even that.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This tells me that I am surrounded by fools. These fools vote for all sorts of abominations, and I think that most of them are there just to make them feel better with themselves.

Democracy is so overrated.

I do not think that the situation will change much in my lifetime. In the time that is left to me I might see the deflation of the gender madness, but I doubt that I will see any meaningful decrease of the number and virulence of ersatz religions.

The Church, whose jobs should be to lead people to the true religion, seems more interested in the ersatz ones. We are surrounded by fools even among those busying around an altar, and who knows how many of them don’t believe in what they do, either.

I will strive to live and die refusing to be one of the fools, and trying – if I can – to let some of the fools find reason. But I know that the fools will remain the greater part of the population and might, one day, try to have me put down like a dog or a horse, so that they can keep trying to catch bigger flies as they try to feel good with themselves in one of the countless ways of fool people’s choosing.

Democracy is so overrated.

In fact, it has become another of those ersatz religion, but where the ants do not even notice how easily manipulated they are.

Nothing makes sense in their life, and they just don’t care.

“Father Justin”, Artificial Intelligence Showing Human Incompetence.

“Father Justin” in an AI created image.

I have already expressed myself critically about “Catholic answers”, reflecting that the answers tend to be at times very little Catholic according to who gives them.

However, it seems to me that Catholic Answers has now really reached the height of un-Catholic superficiality, as it has created a fictional AI priest to provide its public with, you guessed it, “Catholic answers”.

The issue here is, if you ask me, not whether the public will think that they are talking to a real priest. It is, of course, misleading to call a computer “Father Justin”. However, and very much in theory, one could say “meet my automated answer service, which we have called “Father Justin”. Horrible taste, if you ask me, and perhaps even potentially making very uninstructed people believe that the bot can really work as a priest substitute; but still, everybody will know that that stuff is not a real priest.

No, my real gripe is a different one. It is to think that a computer can give proper answers in something as complex as Catholicism. It really needs someone who has never understood what Catholicism entails – in all ages, but particularly in this age – to think that the immense number of tones and nuances, of prudent way to approach thorny issues whilst still refusing to evade the issue, could be properly discharged by a bot.

As a demonstration of this, I mention an exchange with “Father Justin” I have seen on the Internet (I don’t have the link here), where “father” expresses himself in artificial, computer-like gobbledygook, tries to avoid the hard questions, and then gives a misleading answer to the question. The very idea of doing something like that bespeaks a degree of ignorance about Catholicism bordering incompetence.

But then again, this is what I have seen in the past, more than once, from this organisation, which has always reminded me of a rather pathetic attempt to be “modern” about Catholicism.

Harsh truth: Catholicism is very un-modern, and its very thinking structures are at odds with the modern world of, say, marriage counsellors, “democratic” families, frequent or repeated marriage annulments, and all that kind of rubbish of which Catholicism never felt any need for 2000 years, but which seem to be obligatory now. Put it in a different way: there is no degree of modernity that will ever bridge the gap with “be submissive to your husbands”.

If your Catholicism is polluted by XXI Century thinking, you are just the kind of guy who might think that AI is just the thing for Catholicism.

The issue with “Catholic Answers” is not the AI “priest”. The contrary is the case.

The AI “priest” is the symptom of all that is wrong with Catholic Answers.

Post Earth Day: Six Things To Do And Share

Yes, I do dare, you ugly bitch.

Earth Day is now beyond us. I am sure you will be exhausted from hearing your leftist neighbour go on and on about the celebrations. This little guide is a help on useful things to do (and not to do) the day after.

So let us start without further ado:

Do not kill and compost your girlfriend

One of the founders and Co-celebrants of the first earth day in 1970 killed and composted his girlfriend. Whilst his composting her was certainly a sign of commitment to the environment, I suggest that you don’t do it. I mean neither the killing nor the composting. “Thou shall not kill”, and all that. Still, make sure your neighbour knows about the girlfriend- composting. Ask him if it’s environmentally friendly, and whether he would recommend it.

Pray the Rosary

You probably know it already, but let me tell you just for security: everyday is Christ’s Day, and we can do much worse than to honour our Saviour and His Most Holy Mother by praying the rosary. One day you will die, and all those rosaries will do much more good to you than you can ever do “the planet”. Bonus points for having the neighbour hear it.

Pray that Francis dies soon

In this post-earth-day day, relax in your garden, or in your favourite room, and take a couple of minutes for a heartfelt prayer to God, that he may rid us all of Francis soon. This will give you a well-deserved certainty that you are doing what is in your power to help the Church in this time of great difficulty.

Have a laugh about Laudato Si’

Open your favourite beer. Perhaps accompany it with one or two butter biscuits. As you savour the brew, reflect on how unbelievably stupid it is for a pope to try to play environment apostle like he is some girlfriend-composting pothead of the early Seventies. As you keep deepening your sense of deep retardation of Francis’ action, you will surprise yourself laughing. Savour the moment and thank God for His providential sense of humour. Bonus points if your neighbours ask you what that loud laughing was all about

Spend some time reading the Gospel

Brew your favourite tee, and sit with it in a cozy corner of your home. You may add some cream if you feel so inspired. Absorb Our Lord’s wonderful words in the New Testament, and reflect on the fact that whilst girlfriend-composting potheads do not know a think about the earth, God actually made it, and you can be sure there were no defects in the project.

Meditate on the Beatitudes

Sit on your favourite couch – or on your garden bench – and meditate on the Beatitudes. As you do so, alternate with prayers for the salvation of the poor idiots who think that God’s creation may die because of too many cows or too many humans, all of which he providentially made. Contrast the Divine Wisdom of Our Lord with the boundless stupidity of earth bigots, of both the composting and non-composting varieties.

There. I think this will be enough.

These days, it’s so entertaining to be a Catholic.

Me-Me-Me-Meghan Is Toast, Or: Jam Wars, The English Way

Today I would like to make a little pause to tell you something that put a smile on my face and told me that the Country I live in still has a lot of people with a very British, pleasantly wicked sense of humour.

The Narcissist Extraordinaire, Self-appointed Head Princess Feminist, Meghan ” I am a woman of colour” Markle, is desperately trying to find ways to keep the standard of living she is now accustomed to. This she now clearly needs after the Netflix deals is evaporating, she and her very dumb red-headed husband were kicked out of the Spotify deal, Dumb Hubby has brutally lost his lawsuit in the UK to force the British taxpayer to pay his security costs when he is in the UK (it appears he will also have to pay 90% of the British Government’s law bill, some half a million pound) and, in general, she is seen as a mixture of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl by a growing part of the planet’s population, bar the fat and ugly feminists.

One of the ways Me-Me-Me-Meghan is trying to rack up the necessary means is by selling “lifestyle” products through a newly constituted company, which will attempt the creation of a lifestyle brand, Martha-Stewart-style but sans the jail. The first product is a strawberry jam, which the company sent, in extremely exclusive numbered jars (only 50, imagine that! Oh, to be one of the chosen!!), to various influencers of varying degree of notoriety and stupidity, so that they post pictures of that in their Instagram account telling you how delicious the jam is and, without exception, posting very photogenic PR photos of the unopened, immaculate jar. The photos started to circulate on the Internet some days ago, trickling one after the other. Oh, what a grand lifestyle guru Me-Me-Me-Meghan Markle is!!

And here is where the (pun intended) delicious British humour kicks in, and the toxic bitch is shown what people think of her over here.

The King’s own organic preserve, sold under the brand Highgrove Gardens, is now selling like hot cakes, some now out of stock and the rest bought like there is no tomorrow. As I write this, the site says, with typical British understatement, that due to “exceptionally high demand”, deliveries are taking “slightly longer than normal”. For an extra laugh, go the the “strawberry preserve” and look at the sign, “sold out”.

Mind, it’s not that the buyers of the jam absolutely want to make King Charles richer than he already is by buying this expensive product. They simply know that – whatever his shortcomings – the King, just like them, cannot stand the bitch, and are showing what they think of Me-Me-Me-Meghan in a truly amusing way.

This is a truly nice watercolour of England, and makes one hope that, one day, normality will be restored in what was one the Dowry of Mary.

“Proclaimability” Is Not A Virtue.

Unspeakable, insufferable, and unproclameable.

The lectionary for the UK is being “renewed” starting from Advent. It has, allegedly, been revised with the help of the Catholic Truth Society. The CTS used to be very Catholic, but these days you never know.

The idea is that, with the new translation, the Scripture should be more proclaimable.

I did not know Scripture had to be proclaimable. Proclaimability is not a virtue. We are not talking about slogans to promote cookies, or shampoos. The treasure of Scripture is in the truths it reveals, and in the values it proposes. It is a very Protestant thinking that the vehicle (the language, the translation) used to convey those truths and those values should be constantly updated to keep pace with the changes in spoken language or, more probably, the loss of literacy and general dumbification of the population. On the contrary, there is value in words remaining the same and reinforcing the sense of immutability, of timeless truths.

In fact, the Church Herself used Latin as the only official Bible language centuries after Latin ceased to be spoken, and it can be safely said that Latin was, in most of Christianity, never spoken (the most used language inside the Roman Empire, the lingua franca of commerce and private interchange, was actually a simplified version of the complex, formal Greek language, which simplified version was called koine’. Words like “eleison” (written all together), actually appear to be words from the koine’, rather than the formal Greek “eleis on”, with the Omega for the genitive plural, “of us”). In fact, the Mass was originally in the koine’, but switched very rapidly to Latin, a language used internationally more for military and state than for private communications.

Why did the Church, in Her wisdom, do that? It cannot only have been because a dead language is useful to “fix” theological concepts. Had it been so, there would have been “proclaimable” translations of Scripture at Mass (and likely, the whole Mass would have remained in the koine’ version), whilst the theologians kept basing themselves exclusively on Latin texts. No, the issue here is that “Proclaimability” was never a value, it was never of interest. In fact, that you even know the language of the Mass was never of interest. Proclaima…what?

On the contrary: if you change the language used to express truth, it become natural for many faithful to associate this to the possibility that truth itself changes, same as when that unspeakable ass changes the words of the Our Father.

The “ageing” of even the vernacular language is, in fact, a positive phenomenon, as with the sense of immutability comes the special character of the expression. Expressions like “my cup runneth over” acquire a beauty of their own if they are left unaltered. In fact, you might say that, in that way, they even become more “proclaimable” exactly because of their specific, distinctive language.

In short: this is wrong. It might be that the intentions were not bad (and one might have his doubts), but the end result is, in my eyes, damaging.

There is so much to recover in Catholicism that it would be better to focus on using the immense patrimony that we have, rather than trying to dumbify it down to the level of the modern audience.

The Ass And The Saint

Not the saint.

You will say I am easily angered by Francis. I will reply that it is more so, that Francis is extremely angering. One of the traits of the man I can stand the least is his taking the right people and abusing them to propagate the wrong message.

The last example is Saint Pius X.

Even my red fish knows that Francis is all that the Saint abhorred, both as a man and as a religious. It is likely that the great Pope could not even conceive a pope of such evil as Frankie. Still, he hated the likes of him strongly enough, with that righteous anger proper of the Saints.

Francis, instead, who clearly hates the man with a passion, wants to anger us with praise lavished to the man. How does he do it? Of course, by abusing him to propagate the wrong message.

Pius was, he says, close to “suffering humanity”, as if the other Popes before or after him weren’t. He was, also, against war. You don’t say, Sherlock?

What made Pius X the great Pope, and the great Saint, Francis completely ignores. What is an obvious trait of every good man, he tries to manipulate into another social justice and pacifist abuse.

I doubt the saints in paradise ever get angry.

But I suspect the great Pope is taking notice anyway.

Pray for us, Saint Pope Pius the X.

Intercede for us so that this most unworthy successor of yours may soon get his reward.

Faggots Spreading Heresies

Please die soon.

Slavery has accompanied the history of Christianity. The TLM reading for last Sunday was historically addressed to slaves, though its application is universal. Christianity expanded rapidly among slaves, but not because Christianity is militantly abolitionist. We always saw Christianity advocating instead for a world that goes beyond slavery and is in a position to do without. As late as Mid-Nineteen Century, we see the future Confederate States as being much admired by none other than Pope Pius IX, who is, let us not forget, a Blessed of the Church, beatified in non-suspicious times.

Slavery is not a matter of doctrine, it is a matter of discipline. This is why different Popes can have different opinions about it, and…. discipline it in different ways.

Sexual perversion is a matter of doctrine. There can be no two Popes saying one that it is acceptable, and one that it isn’t. This has numerous ramifications concerning the way we avoid scandals, select the clergy, etc.

This is why Tucho does not understand anything of anything or, if he does, pretends not to, and please don’t get me started about other pearls of worldly idiocy, like bragging about the clicks for a document that every faggot on the planet will click 200 times, or even mentioning the “statistics” about the “demographics” which like his own faggoting excrementations.

In Sodom, Tucho’s document would get almost 100% approval on all demographics, and they would all want to read what the guy says.

You spread perversion and heresy from the Vatican, of course it makes the news, you fumb duck.

But this is where we are today, with this little tool in red trying to fool Catholics.

Like his little master (Frankie) and his big master (Satan), he is meant on deceiving; but like both the others, he can’t deceive those who care for truth.

Boring Habits

Sugary, and not good for you.

I am informed that Church attendance plummeted, in Italy, from 20% to a mere 10%, in the few years since the “pandemic”.

Knowing my people, I am not surprised. Knowing the state of the actual clergy, I am even less so.

You don’t need to be an expert in sociology to know that In Italy – as, I think, in many other Countries – Catholicism had, very often, been reduced to mere varnish. You go to church because it’s what your parents did; in many a small city, because it’s what “you do”, and want to be seen doing. But there isn’t much of Catholicism left in these churchgoers.

Many of them were, no doubt, of the “but” persuasion. They are catholic, “but”. Nor have they, in many cases, ever been properly instructed about what the Mass is, why they go there, and why it is more important that they should. Therefore, I think that the attendance would have slowly declined anyway.

As it is, these churchgoers have been told, in the most unmistakeable terms, by their own clergy, that mass is not necessary. As the months of the “pandemic” transformed into an attempt at normality, the same clergy was telling you to, for the love of God, stay away from church and “stay safe”; or they were giving one thousand signals of how unwelcome the faithful are: only so and so many people; please give precedence to families; please have your hated mask on at all times, and so on. Of course, families started to go out for a walk in the park on a Sunday instead of to mass and of course, they took other habits. The mildly boring homilies, the vaguely annoying songs, the trite, tired ritual of the insipid V II church are not so easily reinserted in one’s routine, when once people have been encouraged to ditch the practice.

But you see: the main problem is not that the priest tells you to stay away from the table, it’s that the table was unsatisfactory in the first place. The sugary drink that was offered, the tofu liturgy on your dish every Sunday was just not something you long to get back to!

The drop in attendance is the immediate result of the cowardly, worldly behaviour of the clergy. But this cowardly behaviour sacrificed a deeply compromised, dumbed-down, unsatisfactory, not nourishing Mass, and this is the main reason why the fare is being increasingly more widely refused, year after year and decade after decade.

The remedy for this is simple: the Traditional Latin Mass.

The TLM will bring the correct liturgy, which will bring the correct understanding, which will instill the love for the Mass, which will cause the attendance to increase.

It all hinges around the liturgy.

All the rest, even a “pandemic”, are merely incidentals.

The Expendables, Or: Meet The Lab Rat Of The West.

Oh, what a bitter, bitter day for THE Ukraine! The live televised, shocking revelation of what it is to be just a tool of the US World Domination and Russophobia! With the Iranian attack on Israel, THE Ukraine discovered the huge difference between being an ally and being a Kleenex. The Ukraine just joined Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a couple of other Countries which have, in time, discovered that they are only useful as a battering ram against some American adversaries, and will be thrown away once the battering ram is broken, or otherwise useless.

From “whatever it takes” to “whatever we can” it’s a small step for the dictionary, but a huge step for a Country at war.

The show of military help in favour of Israel was impressive: the coordination of space assets (satellites) and air assets (war airplanes) allowed to shoot down, very probably, 100% of the drones and 100% of the cruise missiles, with only some ballistic missiles getting through (yes, they did; yes, the Patriots can do nothing against modern ballistic missiles; yes, the Patriots are sh*te). In total, perhaps a couple of hundred between drones and cruise missiles were taken down and if they were less, they weren’t so many less. With NATO airplanes in the air protecting Israel and firing at enemy targets.

Imagine you are a Ukrainian, and read in the newspapers about all this display of technological coordination and prowess; imagine you read about the active, I mean here fighting military help, just hours after the umpteenth Russian drone and missile attack against your own country ravaged your country’s power plants and other assets, with no NATO interceptors scrambling to shoot them down.

Da (or I should say, tak), unfortunate non-friend: you have just vaguely discovered that you are screwed. You will not understand it fully by yourself, so let me spell it out for you.

Your country has been dumb enough to be chosen as battering ram against Russia, not Iran. Whilst Iran is getting stronger (see above: ballistic missiles), they are nowhere near the ability of Russia to inflict pain to everybody, starting from “Uncless Sam, xir/xer” and continuing with all the barking pocket dogs in Europe. This is why, unfortunate non-friend, NATO aeroplanes stay well-tucked in their hangars when missiles fly against you, but fly all over the Mediterranean when drones and missiles are swarming towards Israel.

You see, Israel is a strategic ally of the United States. You are just the useful idiot. Israel can afford to openly disobey, even mock Dementia Joe, knowing that the US will always be on Israel’s side, albeit perhaps with some reservation at times, or with less money today than tomorrow. Too many strategic interests in the Middle East, too many cultural ties with Uncless Sam (xir/xer), and too many Jewish rich donors in the US, you see. It’s just the way it’s going to be.

Your country, instead, is like a huge Kleenex currently approaching the rubbish bin; an experiment of sort, that is now approaching the time of being discarded. You are the lab rat of the West.

A pity, niet? You thought that your rainbow flags, your drag shows, and your perv legislation would ensure the unlimited support of the corrupted West, and an unlimited supply of sophisticated weapons for (cough) “as long as it takes”.

Nah. You were just prostituting yourself; you were selling your cultural heritage for the privilege of being ground to even finer mince-meat. How many, how many of your compatriots, my non-dear non-friend, hoped until yesterday that they would, in the end, be treated like Uncless Sams’ “best non-binary friend”! Alas, the attack on Israel must have opened the eyes of many of your unfortunate friends.

Dumb, expendable, corrupt, Nazi, and willing to sell basic morality for the sake of the NATO/EU mirage. This is what the Ukraine is now.

A tranniefied lab rat approaching the end of the experiment.

Systemic Racism?

Well, what shall I say…

I had looked at the movie of which the below is a snippet many years ago. I watched this short snippet again, and I can’t get over how racist it is.

I am so glad Walt Disney has moved away from this nonsense.

I mean, I do not know where to begin…

The dog (I think his name is Pongo; first mistake as he should have been called something not-oppressive, like d’Jon or T’Jigga) is the epitome of racism. He rejects every partner that is not of the same white race as he is. A brown and a yellow dog are explicitly refused.

The video contains explicit “ageism” (“too old”), and drips Fatphobia (though it is not said explicitly).

Apart from the absence of any black dog (a Newfoundland, owned by Lizzo, would have done admirably), we can see that the beauty ideals of the Patriarchy are upheld and propagated: the chosen girl (and her dog) are white, pretty, slender, demure, feminine, and outright innocent. It really looks like a MAGA movie. I wonder why this hasn’t been banned as White Supremacist hate yet.

And the music, the music! The (obviously) White, Male, Straight guy is at work on the age-old oppression of sweet, romantic tunes meant to perpetuate the romantic ideal of, well, the Patriarchy.

This is not how this should have been done.

This should have had rap music, several huge dogs, all of them rigorously black or brown, led by Body Positive Minority Grrrls. The Straight White Man should have been – if you really want to have such a thing in a movie – ashamed of his condition, looking for ways to amend his systemic racism, and utterly ready to fall in love with the above mentioned Lizzo and her huge Newfoundland.

This, my dear readers, happens when Straight White Males are made to lead such productions, and shape them according to their own systemic racism.

Or perhaps this is just a top Walt Disney production, made by sane men in an age of sanity, and telling us how mad our age has become.

“Detransitioners” Getting Rich?

A new word is entering the madness vocabulary: Detransitioner. This is a madman who has now decided (because he wants the millions) that he did not want to do what, most likely, he has clamoured for years that he wanted to do, possibly threatening to sue doctors and hospitals around if they did not do their bidding.

Just as an example, this is another guy who wants to get rich because he says that he was not told about the risks of being a mad, deluded individual trying to play God.

Suing and wanting to become rich because you weren’t told that your fake breasts would not produce any milk? Seriously?

Mind, the madness is not all on one side. Besides the financial incentive, which is certainly there, I am sure on the side of the doctors there is just as much bigotry and hatred for God’s work than on the side of the mad patient. Still, in my world, if I jump from a window after a doctor told me that jumping is my human right I should not get rich afterwards, claiming that the doctor did not tell me that the pavement is very hard, or that after landing on the pavement I would not become a beautiful unicorn, or a cat, as I thought I would.

The court cases will, of course, be as varied as life itself, but this is ambulance chasing of the most, literally, perverted sort.

Nor can we say that this is a win-win, because the bigoted doctors and hospitals will get ruined. In many Countries, like Britain, most of such stuff is done with taxpayers’ money, and the compensations would come from the same source. A blanket right to be compensated with millions because you weren’t told that you still won’t be a woman after you have mutilated yourself hoping to become a tragic parody of one cannot make sense and will be extremely costly for the taxpayers in many Countries.

A person of age and – in other respects – able to make his own choices, who wilfully decides to mutilate himself, should not become rich out of his madness. Most people go through life working hard and making ends meet, without having any right to three and a half million just for being normal and working hard. The whining of the de-Trannie is too similar to the whining of the Trannie. Depraved thinking and acting should never make anybody rich.

De-Trannie should, if he has a conscience, use his recovered sanity (if any) to be a cautionary tale and help others on their way to his old madness, not to scrounge a luxurious existence out of his satanic attitude of yesteryear (and perhaps of today).

The One With The “S” Word

Still not escaping *that* feeling…

I surprised myself thinking, this morning, about human motivations and the result of the inner workings of their mind.

My thoughts were like this: if I were a pervert, would I esteem myself? Most likely not, is the answer. If I were a faggot, or a lesbian, or a guy with pedo tendencies, or a trannie, I would likely try to pump myself up all the time, perhaps talking about the “pride” of my condition. However, deep down I would know that I am a piece of sh*t.

One of the ways I would, I think, try to battle the invincible, indelible feeling that I am a piece of sh*t would be to make everybody good. If everybody is good, firstly I feel good with myself, as it gives me the fuzzy feeling that I can actually confuse with being a good guy, and secondly I can try to persuade myself that I am not a piece of sh*t, seen that I repeat myself all day that everyone is good, therefore I am good, too.

But the feeling of being a piece of sh*t would, I think, remain. In fact, there is no way I think I could escape it. This must be how these guys and gals develop all their psychosomatic diseases and suicidal tendencies. No, I would need to get one gear up.

At that point, I think I would be an anti-death penalty activist. Again, I would get the fuzzy feeling, and I would also try to push deeper down into my consciousness that feeling of, well, being a piece of sh*t that never seem to escape me. But that feeling would still remain. At that point, I think I would need something more.

Now let me think: what could that be? How about….

Infinite Dignity?

Firstly, it sounds so well, as “infinite” is such a fuzzy, emotional word. Then it sounds very compassionate, because Dignity is a word ennobling the person who pronounced it: just notice how it rolls off the tongue! But then, most importantly of all, I would get to feel like I am really, really good.

This requires me, very fittingly, to make everybody very, very good. From rapists to murderers, and from Hitler to Hamas, everybody is so awesomely good, because infinite dignity, see? Of course I would say that the Hamas torturers and rapists have infinite dignity ever if they… make wrong choices. But once I called them people with infinite dignity there is no way the goodness can be taken back, see?

Yep, I think I got it now.

This “infinite dignity” stuff is what faggots use to feel good with themselves.

But in the end, they will still feel like pieces of sh*t.

Infinite Shamelessness

Infinite faggotry

I have tried to read the newest excrementation, or declaration, or whatever document it is, about the alleged infinite dignity of the human person. They quote the United Nation at the very start. I have stopped reading there, as I am not a follower of the United Nations religion.

Still, already from a general perspective, it is quite evident what this infinite here and infinite there aims at: the divinisation of the human being.

It is not Christian (much less Catholic) tradition to say that a person has “infinite dignity”. Why? Because it hasn’t.

A person can lose his right to live through his culpable action, and therefore be sent to the scaffold. A person can be part of an army fighting against ours in a just war, and therefore get a bullet in his head. A person can be found guilty of conduct unbecoming to a clergyman, and therefore be smashed on the street. A person can be guilty of depraved behaviour, and therefore (again) executed (the treatment yours truly would inflict to, say, child rapists) or jailed (the treatment yours truly would reserve to scandalous sodomites).

When the person is seen as the carrier of something “infinite” qua person, this person becomes, in a way, untouchable, and I wonder how such a person can, with this reasoning, be condemned to hell if, qua person, he is the bearer of such glory.

I have, as stated, not read, nor will I read, the excrementation. I don’t know what Kissing Faggot and Fat Faggot have tried to smuggle with the excuse of all this infinite stuff. However, already this “infinite” adjective does not pass the smell test.

With the V II church, and more so with the acute manifestation of the disease, the frankiechurch, we see this constant levelling of every traditional religious concept to the prejudices and feel-good feelings of the world out there, which makes the initial mention of the United Station not casual, but programmatic.

Infinite dignity, my foot.

In Catholic times, death on the stake awaited those who played with the truths of the Church. Believe it or not, this treatment was perfectly in line with the infinite nature of the soul possessed by the condemned heretic and making, ipso facto, the carrier of that soul worthy of the punishment.

As to the person, he was burned to a crisp.

Amazingly, Catholicism in those times did not consist in stupid regurgitation of worldly prejudices and fashions.

How Western Brains Are Washed

Would be proud of the Western presstitudes: Dr Joseph Goebbels.

First comes the “Ukrainian source”. The Ukrainian source is 100% propaganda, but it appears in a newspaper, so it looks like “news”. For example, something like this. This way, the desperate and increasingly more depressed Ukrainian readers get to read their fantasy about the 19 destroyed or damaged Russian was airplanes, and it might make their life less miserable for an hour or two. Hope does spring eternal. Notice that two airports should have been attacked, but no details about any concrete airplane damage in Engels . It does not matter. “Ukrainian sources says” is now a legitimate expression. Very often, though, this little, wannabe objective disclaimer will not make it to the title.

Then, a Western source picks the garbage up. This UK rag starts by discounting (in the title at least), the “19” number, but it still reports the propaganda about the 6 destroyed airplane. They report it with some explosions, because the Western audience loves explosions. It makes them think what the rag newspaper says must be true. The destruction is given in the title as a fact. No mention of “Ukrainian sources say”.

Alas, at times some other Western propaganda outlet, which struggles to coordinate with the other propaganda outlets, will manage to ruin the party. All those explosions, but no sign of damaged Russian airplanes! Ouch! And this “no damage” assessment concerns not only the two airports of the Ukrainian original propaganda, but also other two. Grand total: four airports attacked, at great expense of scarce and irreplaceable missiles, but no real damage happened.

But hey, you have the explosions. And the title. Things must be going well for “us”, then…

It is surprising that this keeps happening even as many of the Western presstitudes are now forced to admit that the situation for THE Ukraine is dire, and that they lack everything (I do not mean honesty and decency; I mean guns, ammos, rockets, missiles, and armoured vehicles of all sorts). You would say that the presstitudes would now want to make their readers gradually aware of the situation on the ground. But no, even the pieces of reality must be interspersed with propaganda like it’s 2022, probably in order to make the Western reader unaware that he has, in fact, been lied to all the time.

You will notice here, as in many other cases, that there is no centralised propaganda control, as in Dr Goebbels’ time. There is, however, a complete ideological (and financial) alignment among the presstitudes. They all see Putin as the devil because he doesn’t like their “gay” cousin, and they all have to put up the facade of the blue and yellow flag heroically fighting and almost winning – even if they are losing badly – because otherwise the Ukraine supporters would immediately stop clicking their articles, or posting them on Facebook and other social media, whence 70% of the clicks originate. It is this alignment of ideological stance and financial interest that makes the wall of propaganda in the West so robust, and almost impervious to the harshest wake up calls.

This is how they wash your brain. Or, at least, they try to.

A Man Not To Francis’ Liking

The provably oldest man in the world just died at 114.

His biography is one of extreme poverty. Started working at 5. Started school at 10. Managed to learn to read only because he was self-taught. It is clear that his entire existence was one of labour, poverty, and faith in the Lord.

There is, in the account that is given of this man, not the lightest shade of the social justice warrior. There is, on the contrary, a clear indication of a life spent in service to the Lord, in the serene acceptance of the way Providence worked in his own life.

If the account is accurate (and there are no reasons to doubt it is), it is realistic to think that this man’s place in heaven will be one of great honour, and of uncommon joy even among the saints. An eternal reward fitting for one who has put his hope in his next life. This guy knows more of return on investment, and of the dividend for his effort, than a ton of people consuming their lives in the finance industry and deeming themselves, no doubt, very smart.

As I was reading the details of this man, I was reminded of what I have stated, on this blog, very often: that a poor and, often, ignorant peasant with a good heart and the grace of a simple, but robust faith is vastly wiser than every triple-PhD credentialed idiot, wasting his life as he nurses his hundred neuroses and his thousand liberal prejudices until the grave catches up with him. Christ does not judge as the world judges. The last will be the first.

But then, even before I stopped reading, I became aware of another, in my eyes, incontrovertible fact: Francis would hate this guy. A guy like this would – whether Francis explicitly admits it or not – cause Francis to simply hate his absence of envy for the rich, his lack of “social conscience”, and his evident refusal to consider himself one of the angry oppressed. The guy, instead, spent his day praying the Rosary twice a day, and we all know that “counting the rosaries” is something Francis openly mocks, too.

In fact, we can now turn Francis’ mockery on himself, and state with absolute confidence that this man’s behaviour is the perfect, mocking answer to Francis’ unbelief.

You keep being stupid in your palatial luxury, Frankie boy. Meanwhile, countless simple, but smart people will live their life in their simple, but smart faith; and will, with God’s grace, merit heaven, fully oblivious of your proto-Marxist propaganda, of your continuous insults to everything that is Catholic, and of your unspeakable arrogance.

I Will Sooner Call Hunter Biden Honest Than Michael Voris Straight, Or: Boy, Were Those Demons Easily Defeated!

Voris’ narcissism is screaming: “feed me!!”

You may think what you want of Michael Voris, but certainly you can’t call him shy, or plagued by self-doubt.

Voris was kicked out of Church Militant just a few months ago, not before making it look like he had decided to go himself. At the time, it had come out that he had kept living in a sodomite neighbourhood, and had kept frequenting sodomite friends. It also emerged that he was more and more absent from the job, neglecting his prayer life, and, in fact, doing other things I will not mention here. Whilst we don’t know everything, of course that was happening which you know was happening, and that – together with legal troubles also caused by Voris’ troubled personality – forced the ousting. When Voris announced that he had decided to take some “time out” to “fight his own demons”, there was no doubt about what kind of “demons” were in play.

Miraculously, after only some, I think, four months, these demons are apparently defeated, and Mr Voris is, as they say, at it again. Well, I am not surprised, but this does not mean that I think that those “demons” are defeated.

If you ask me, we have a case here of a strongly narcissistic personality (as, I am told, those people often are), desperate to get those doses of influence and prestige he seems to be totally addicted to. It is, probably, also a way to avoid looking at the stench within.

I will say here in all frankness that I don’t buy it. Not for a second. I will sooner call Hunter Biden honest than Voris straight.

It boggles the mind that this man would think the Catholic world needs to hear his voice. The idea that he would be able to promote Catholicism with any credibility is just ridiculous. Voris is not only damaged goods. He is incinerated ones. His narcissistic personality is the only thing that makes him think otherwise.

It is clear to every sound thinking person that Voris’ task, for the rest of his life, must be to shun the spotlights, find a job that does not involve any sort of personality cult (like being a journalist for a gardening magazine, you get the drift) and dedicate himself, in silence and humility, to the clearly difficult task of saving his own soul.

I think Voris’ double addiction (to his deviancy and to his narcissism) are going hand in hand, helping each other along his way to perdition. It was not difficult to imagine that, at some point, Voris would have tried to sell a Voris 2.0 to the easily deceived and to the adoring old women with a homosexual son, but trying the trick after four months just shows the extent of the addiction and, if you allow me, the rude health of his “demons”.

My personal suggestion to Voris is that he cuts the crap at once, and starts working on the salvation of his own soul already.

If he thinks that he can really give a contribution, I suggest that he does in the same way I and many others do: with an anonymous blog that brings no money and no worldly recognition and written solely for the Blessed Virgin, in the knowledge that God, who sees everything, will, one day, have mercy on the writer.

Don’t hold your breath. This one is steering a very hard fall.

Zooming Out

Make fun of him, but take some distance every now and then.

As you might or might not have understood, during the Easter days I have tried to, as they say, “zoom out” of the whole Francis circus and to focus on what is more important: the death and resurrection of Our Lord and the salvation of my own and my loved one’s soul.

I have tried – with almost total success – to stay away from the news, and to live those days the way a devout peasant around 1845 – you know, those people who were actually scared of hell – would have done. It is not, of course, something one can do permanently. But for a handful of days, it can certainly be done.

The effect it had on me was remarkable. Whilst I have always known that Francis The Friggin’ Faggotin’ Fatso is but a very small crease in the magnificent shirt of the Church, the simple fact of ignoring him and the clowns around him for three days was enough to give me an authentically different perspective. It was more than just knowing that Francis is irrelevant. It was the life you have after the guy has sinked into irrelevancy. It was a fundamental serenity that comes not from knowing that the guy is a toxic joke, but from feeling and living a Church reality where Francis is… just not there.

I do not think that it was a make believe world. I think that it was the real one. The crux of my existence is the salvation of my soul, and for that I do not need church news. The Church has prepared for me an immense wealth of theological wisdom, and of inspiration from her martyrs and saints, that would last me several lifetimes.

Does it mean that it is wrong to oppose Francis? Certainly not. On the contrary, I think that exactly the defence of that vast patrimony of knowledge and inspiration, exactly the defence of the message and of the very Church that Christ left us, demand that we fight for them when they are under attack.

The secret is, I think, that we strive every day to keep our eyes on the fundamental realities of the Church and of our hoped for destination after death, even as we get into the controversies of the day. I

n doing this, a short pause every now and then is, I think, actually beneficial.

Beware The Porn Prophet

I have just written my (almost) yearly April’s Fool post about the beliefs of the Mohammedans about their life in their own fantasy paradise. The post was, of course, tongue-in-cheek, as a person who wonders whether Paradise will not be… boring, particularly as opposed to the sensual expectations of the Mohammedans, clearly needs to better understand what Christianity is all about.

Paradise is not about having sexual, or sensual, gratification. It is about a joy unimaginable to the human mind. It stands to reason, already at a very elementary level of logic, that if this joy is meant to be “being happy with Him forever”, then clearly this joy needs to vastly exceed every fleeting pleasure that this fallen existence may afford. It is also absolutely evident from the observation of everyone (in fact, from the observation of even a very perceptive child) that nothing and nobody that this earth offers can give lasting happiness. A person may believe that if something happens to him (the girl falls in love with him, or he becomes rich, or famous, or powerful), he will be forever happy; but countless lives besides ours tell us very clearly that this will not be the case. How, therefore, anybody can believe that he will be happy forever, and that this happiness will find (at least for the vast majority of the followers of that religion) a lasting nourishment from sensual pleasure, is not really explicable. In fact, it is only explicable as a religion for, well, Bedouins, who lack the necessary introspection to understand that what was offered to them was, in fact, a literal “pie in the sky when you die”; particularly if you die in battle, serving the interests of people vastly smarter than you.

I am not an expert in Mohammedanism, nor do I want to become one. I can well imagine that the more intellectual echelons among the followers of that guy do see things in a more, well, refined way, because there will be people of refined intellect in every religion. But this is, in the end, irrelevant, as it is abundantly evident to your humble correspondent that your run-of-the-mill Mohammedan has the milk and the honey, and all that other x-rated stuff, clearly as his main motivators. Given enough brainwashing, and an enough miserable existence, that guy may, as a young man, very well wake up one morning and think that, after he has blown himself up in the air at 3 pm, he will be getting unlimited sexual pleasure before dinner time.

This, that religion calls a paradise. To me, this paradise seems more like a brothel, with annexed food hall.


Your average bleeding-heart, Vatican II, cult-of-niceness guy or gal may, at times, struggle to understand why a “good Muslim” would, according to even any half-decent Vatican II standard, have hell as his, by far, most likely destination at death. But when things are looked at more closely, it appears very clear that the typical “good Muslim” appears to prefer the message of an evident, self-confessed pedophile, promising him all kind of sensual gratification, to the message of Christ. This is vastly worse than being the guy who just “adored God in the way he was taught by his parents”.

The guy who is told that he will have more sex later if he behaves, or dies, now, and who subordinates his life and values to this very hope, is still making of sexual gratification the centre of his entire existence; which is, as we all know, something paving the way for hell even for Christians, who avail themselves of the Baptismal grace. Very often, such a guy (the Muslim one, I mean) is not even renouncing anything, because the wonderful sex he so craves is clearly precluded to him because of various societal and financial reasons. Hence, he awaits (or even chooses actively) the pie in the sky he thinks he will have, after he has realised there will be no pie of acceptable taste on earth. The result is what we have read in the news too many times.

A grotesque travesty of Christianity, promoted by a pedophile, and clearly based on sensual gratification, would then, if you listen to some followers of the Church of Nice, be enough to merit heaven; because hey, everybody knows that wanting to have sex makes of you an “anonymous Christian”, no?


A Confession To My Readers


I have not written for a couple of days, because I needed the Easter days to do some serious reflection. I think it is now the time to share these reflections with you, in a spirit of honesty and peace.

Please do not judge me.

You see: living in England, I have more and more contacts with Muslim colleagues. In fact, I would say that I am now in daily contact with several of them. And some of them are males.

Now, I have had some very instructive discussions with one or two male Muslim colleagues about their expectations for the next life. They told me that, when they go to paradise, they will have an awful lot of good stuff: honey of the best quality, 1a-category strawberries (with whipped cream), Caffarel chocolate and all-butter biscuits. There will be tiramisu’ and millefoglie. Now, I absolutely love tiramisu’ and millefoglie!

They also told me they will have sex. A lot of it. You see, being a male, a part of me would (even if it is sinful) like to go through the Playboy Calendar Playmates, January to December, and then back, before moving to the following year’s Playboy Calendar Playmates, and so on and on…

I know, I know…

They told me it’s just what they will do! 72 Playmates, just for them, and I mean, literally, play-mates! No headaches, ever! Don’t let me say more, because I am read by pious women… They also told me something strange about the virginity of these women, but I wasn’t listening anymore, because that thing with the 72 playmates had taken all my attention by then.

And then I wondered: why can the Christian Paradise not be as exciting as the Muslim one? I mean, eternal happiness and all that is good, but what about the honey? And the strawberries? And the playmates? Will it not be a bit boring, or bland? Happy all the time, but without the millefoglie? Or the honey? What about a small collection of strippers?

Mind, I will certainly not convert to Islam. I believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, period. But I can’t avoid thinking that the paradise of the Muslims is more exciting?

I mean, singing all the time? Is that as good as it gets?

What do you think?