Error Has No Rights



Extremely strange article from George Weigel, about which I think I should spend two words; not criticising its orthodoxy, as the people at Rorate brilliantly do, but its logic.

Weigel’s argument is that Cardinal Ottaviani’s conviction that “error has no right” is now being used against us by rabid secularists, maintaining that Christianity must be silenced because…. error has no rights. This would show that Ottaviani’s conviction was wrong.

Now, apart from the huge problem that the Cardinal’s opinion is what the Church has always believed, the argument just doesn’t work from a logical point of view.

The idea that Error has no rights is not proven wrong because others oppress Christians or the Church using the same argument, for the very reason that… they are wrong. Christians have always been persecuted, and will always be persecuted irrespective of whether they hold to Truth in matters of religious freedom, or cave in to the modern “inclusive” mentality. If anything, the last years have abundantly showed even caving in to “inclusiveness” does not spare from persecution.

The argument, tough, does not work in an even more elementary way. If we say that “it is right to put dangerous criminals in jail” this does not prevent others from unjustly putting us in jail because they deem us dangerous criminals; but this does not negate the validity of the principle in the least!

How, then, do we distinguish those who are right from those who are wrong? Simply by knowing what is right and what is wrong. The Church is right, the Heresies are wrong. Christianity is right, Atheism is wrong. God is right, those who oppose Him are wrong. How do I know that? Because the Church says so. And who is the Church to say so? She is the Bride of Christ.

It’s simple, really. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and what is important is on which side one is. To say Muslims should have the right to build mosques if we want to have the right to build churches neglects the fundamental difference between a church and a mosque, Truth and Error, true God and false god.

We must stop with this inclusive, egalitarian waffle and resolutely take the side of Christ. Be assured caving in to the fashion of the time is not only to betray God, but will not ensure a single additional church being built, as these times of church closures and coming persecution abundantly prove.



Posted on June 13, 2013, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Dear Mundabor. Tsk, tsk, tsk Just yesterday I received this VIS message in my email;


    Vatican City, 13 June 2013 (VIS) – In the Vatican Apostolic Palace this morning, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Her Excellency Ms. Alenka Bratusek. Prime Minister Bratusek subsequently went on to meet with Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., secretary of State, accompanied by Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, under-secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States.

    During the course of the cordial conversations, the good relations existing between the Holy See and the Republic of Slovenia were evident and the common desire to pursue constructive dialogue on issues pertaining to bilateral relations between the ecclesial and civil communities was confirmed, with particular reference given to the Catholic Church’s historical contribution in the country’s life and to the importance that the protection of religious freedom has for the harmonious development of Slovenian society today.
    As the talks continued, focus was placed on the challenges that the country must face in the current economic crisis and on the assistance that the Catholic community, in collaboration with state institutions, can provide for the social support of the population and for the education of the young. Finally, some challenges and problems of an international nature were briefly reviewed

    Clinging to a circa-1940s past is Pleagianism. Please, wash your own clothes by hand and wear your old shoes and get your head out of the clouds and stop this Triumphalism – it leads to conflict