How To Eradicate The Homo Mafia


One of the assertions that leave one most speechless is the strange idea according to which when things are dirty they cannot be cleaned because… they are dirty.

“How can Pope Francis get rid of the homosexual clergy? There are so many of them!”, some people say. If there were any truth in such statements, nothing would even improve and nothing would be ever done to remedy wrong situations. In this perspective wrong situations can’t be righted, because they’re wrong. Another of my favourite ones is “How can Pope Francis get rid of the homosexual clergy? They do not go around saying they are homosexual!”. Ah, blessed ignorance! Terrorists didn’t go around saying they’re terrorist, either, and the mafia being extremely secretive hasn’t prevented countless mafiosi to be put in jail.

I answer to this that when there’s a will there’s a way, and in my experience a rotten situation can always be improved if the will and the good men to do it are there.

Pope Benedict started the work in a rather smart way: giving three old and trusted men, above suspicion of having ulterior motives, the task to sniff and ask everywhere. The result is an extensive report which, if the premises are correct and the men trustworthy, must be very accurate and highly credible.

Pope Francis should now do what every sound Pope – one who is determined to eradicate the problem, not “seeing what he can do” – would do in his place: form a commission of fearless and trusted Inquisitors to act on the report line for line, spy on everyone suspicious for as long as necessary, interrogate everyone and snoop everywhere, gather allegations and rumours, immediately suspend from every function those who do not collaborate in full, follow the leads to sufficiently robust facts, and immediately act on them removing from all Vatican offices and any priestly functions all those who have been found not to be above suspicion. Then, the leads should be followed outside of the Vatican, uncovering the friends outside: the sponsors and protectors, and the network of complicity.

After the first phase of the cleaning, those who, at the end of the usual, and usually lenghty, CDF investigations, have been found to be homosexuals should be defrocked, and kicked on the street. They have been a fraud probably since their first day in the seminary, so no injustice here.

As every Italian anti-mafia or anti-terrorism prosecutor will tell you, you eradicate mafia or terrorist structures by causing all those who have information about it or are involved with it to fear you more than they fear their own. If the Italian government was able to be feared more than the mafia and the terrorists (and it was: the Italian mafia is now a pale reflection of what it was until the Nineties, and terrorists have sung like canary birds notwithstanding the grave threats to their and their families’ lives), the Pope’s prosecutors will certainly be able to be feared infinitely more than the bunch of faggots working within the Vatican; but this, again, only if there is the will that it be so. You can’t eradicate a brutal problem any other way than by using brutal methods, and again the Italian experience – when excellent results against both terrorists and mafiosi were obtained only when ruthless determination took the place of politically correct pussyfooting  – shows it works with problems infinitely more serious and more dangerous than a bunch of undercover faggots.

“But how to do this, Mundabor? How, how, ohhhh how? It is soooo, soooo difficult!”

It isn’t difficult at all, and can be done rather easily by smart guys with the right determination. If you have ever worked in biggish organisations you know what can be done, and fast, when the will is there to do it. It is almost impossible for a homosexual to avoid some people knowing, and some suspicions arising, then homosexual thinking must at some point translate into some form of homosexual acting. If a homosexual is, then, also a sodomite (I realise some won’t be, though I’d bet many will) there will be a series of leads linking to him: the people he knows, the places he frequents (yes, initially you’d have to have him followed: plenty of firms to assist you in that), what he has among his private possessions, the emails he writes, what he has on his computer, the expenses on his cards or his withdrawals from cash machines, what old friends and school mates say of him, and so on. I can’t imagine any homosexual priest could undergo this kind of scrutiny and still manage to hide his homosexuality. The Vatican also has the added bonus of not having to deal with all the guarantees of the legal system: a priest can have his computer confiscated, his possessions searched, his credit card statements seized etc just because he is ordered to do so, nor has the Vatican justice to ask the Italian authorities for permission to follow his own, search their rooms, hack their computers, & Co.

An investigator’s paradise.

The truth is that, in this as in many other cases, this homosexual net could develop and prosper only thanks to the indifference, incompetence, stupidity or complicity of many within the Church. Once the humous for the spreading of this cancer has been removed, there is no way it can survive.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. People far more dangerous and far better organised than this bunch of sods have been unmasked and neutralised. Don’t tell me a Pope can’t solve this problem in a matter of a few months, if he wants.


Posted on June 15, 2013, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Yes, bring back the traditional Inquisition! Bring in experienced police investigators (preferably Catholic) from the secular world to get the job done. And publish a worldwide list of queer clergy that will be sent to every cardinal, bishop, priest, and every law enforcement agency in the world, so these sons of Belial will have no place on earth to hide!