Cardinal Maradiaga, The Lady-In-Waiting

I do not know if he is the only one who has noticed this, but I have it from Vox Cantoris: an astonishing tweet of Cardinal Maradiaga stating that:



Maradiaga hell



Vox Cantoris charitably wonders whether the man’s account has been hacked. More realistically, I think the man is just being his usual heretic self.

Read the tweet again.

The man flatly denies the possibility of damnation. Your pastoral accompaniment is “authentic” (that is: not characterised by the “exclusion” typical of the “rigorists”) if the pastor 1) always walks with the person and 2) knows that whatever road the person chooses, it will lead to heaven.

This clearly is a new religion, which aims at taking the place of Christianity.

Christianity very clearly poses boundaries to the “walking with the sinner”. The sinner is invited to repent; he is welcome as a repentant sinner anytime; but he is not allowed to participate in full to the sacramental life of the Church in the same way as the one who is not in grave and open, scandalous rebellion to God. For our religion, the pastor is not one who “accompanies”. He is one who – as the name says – leads the sheep.  In Maradiaga’s world there is no place for a shepherd, merely for a lady-in-waiting. There is no need to lead any sheep safely to the sheepfold, because there are no ditches or ravines where they might fall, and no wolves wanting to devour them.

The pastor who “always accompanies” is totally useless as a pastor. He proclaim his own superfluity. Every friend can “accompany” one. Actually, someone who is an accomplice in the sins of his friend will do exactly that which Maradiaga praises as so pastoral: “always walk with the person”. For this pathetic excuse of a priest, being pastoral means being the contrary of being a pastor. This is satanical. Satanical.

Then there is the second bomb. The second bomb is bigger because so openly heretical, but the two are closely intertwined because you could never understand the second part of this heretical statement without the first or describe the first without hinting at the second.

In the world of Maradiaga, High Priest Of Satan, the only possible outcome is heaven. This must be so, in order for Maradiaga to justify his transformation from pastor (who leads) to lady-in-waiting (who accompanies). If the man admitted any possibility of hell – that is: of the existence of ditches, ravines, and wolves – he would as a consequence have to admit the necessity of being a pastor, that is: of leading the sheep, telling them where to go, using the rod and the staff to make them go where he wants. 

Hell is denied. Satan is believed if not exactly non-existent as an entity, certainly unable to do any damage to anyone of us in concrete. This is exactly what Satan wants, and this is exactly what Maradiaga also wants.

The man should be exorcised.

After being defrocked, of course.





Posted on August 16, 2015, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. What ever happened to “Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14). And Our Lord saying that the road to hell is wide and MANY people go there? *shakes head* Where does the Cardinal think he or any priest will end up also if they hold hands with someone skipping to hell? Delusional. God bless~

  2. Oh the tweets get worse… Much worse… My personal favorite is how Jesus showed us the ecological dangers of “drag” fishing – I would have never realized THAT was His lesson…

  3. ..The hunter is never so effective as when his prey are convinced he is not there.

  4. That tweet was OK – until the last four words. A cardinal is meant to be orthodox in belief. He ought to be defrocked. Really, he ought. Not good enough, sorry.

    • The tweet is not ok in any word.
      You must wean yourself of that horrible, satanical concept of “accompanying” the sinner. The bishop admonishes, instructs, warns, punishes. The “walking together” thing can only have one effect: persuade the pervert he is fine.

    • … Then there is the “always”, another heresy. It implies that the sinner is never excluded from anything. Wrong. It must come the point when the Church says “as long as you keep behaving in this way, you are excluded. But the door is always open when you repent and change your attitude”.