Adulterous NuChurch: One New Book Already Out, Another In The Making.

Father Z informs us that a new book, authored by eleven Cardinals, is about to be published. The book aims at combating the “protestantisation of the Church”. I can imagine that the matter of communion for adulterers will have a prominent space, but it is clear that this book deals with a more general topic, and it is meant to help recovering authentic Catholicism at least in matters of Catholic morals as opposed to this “inclusion” madness, but hopefully also dealing with issues concerning the liturgy, the other sacraments like Confession, and the Catholic life.

More in general, though, this book clearly has its gun sight aimed straight at one person: Francis. It is obviously published in preparation to the Synod, and the defence of Catholicism on a broad front cannot but be another implicit, but clear demonstration of growing restlessness at the broad attack that Francis has launched against the Church in the way it thinks, operates and prays.

I do not remember books authored by multiple Cardinals as a Church tradition. We now have two in a little more than one year. Whatever anyone should tell you about this being about the rediscovery of Catholicism etc, this can only have one aim: to present a solid wall of Orthodoxy to Francis and his army.

Not coincidentally, the same article reports that another book is in preparation, exclusively authored by African Bishops and Cardinals. This will be fun, too.

Francis has clearly decided to launch a Big Heretical Offensive in October, which is why the blog post on the Rape of the Church is still pinned at the top of this blog. But he must know that he will never prevail, and will have either to abandon his satanical plans or to push forward towards a nuclear conflict from which he will, even if he survives it as pope, never recover.

Perhaps nothing of this will happen. Perhaps Francis will die before the Synod begins. Perhaps he has already decided blabla is good enough for him, and he will use the upcoming Year Of False Mercy to spread more heretical practice and thinking without an open confrontation. We don't know.

But there are more and more people who are sending clear signals that they will not shun the fight, however painful.

Let us pray for the Cardinals and Bishops who do their job and speak out for Truth. And let us hope we will soon have a new Pope, who thinks and act like a Catholic instead of like a socially envious, not very intelligent Castroite.



Posted on August 19, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. mariachristina9

    It’s great to see that there are still some cardinals and bishops willing to defend the Faith. I hope the Synod participants will read their book. I doubt the Pope will as his reading quota is apparently met by one Communist-leaning newspaper per day. He has been wasting no time this past year by purging conservatives, and replacing them with liberals, thus stacking the deck for a more favorable vote on the controversial matters he wants to implement in the Church. For example, he has invited that poor excuse for a priest, Cupich, but not the courageous Archbishop Cordileone. And those in charge of the Synod have had a whole year to refine the process to achieve their desired outcome. So, I’m very pessimistic about this event, and it’s what happens afterwards that I worry about. Only many prayers and rosaries are going to help at this point.