Why The Correction Must Come

Meowing whilst history is watching: The Four Cardinals.

Whilst my readers are, generally speaking, a pretty intelligent bunch, there are always people lurking here who seem to lack the ability to connect the dots and think long-term. For their benefit, and for the instruction of the (sadly) non-Catholic, it is fitting to reiterate why the correction is so important.

Truth cannot be changed. Doctrine, properly intended, cannot be changed either. Catholics will always be held to Truth, no matter what Francis says, because Francis cannot dispose of what is not his. There has never been, and there will never be, the possibility for the faithful to follow a doctrine they must know is wrong merely because the priest, the bishop, the cardinal or the pope say so.

However, the job of the clergy is to help the faithful to properly instruct themselves and their conscience, and to be good shepherds of the sheep entrusted to them. They have, therefore, the grave responsibility of denouncing heresy wherever it may come from. Not, mind, in order to avoid that the faithful are justified in being heretical (they never are) but in order to help them to stay out of trouble.

Now, doctrine will not change whether the correction comes or not, and no one will be justified in thinking that truth has suddenly changed. However, if no correction comes all future generations will be witness of the greatest betrayal of the sheep ever perpetrated by their own shepherds, and the latter's silence will shame them for all centuries to come. If, on the other hand, the correction does come, this will make it far more difficult for those seeking excuses to hide behind the finger of Francis' satanical “mercy”, and the posterity will record with at least a modicum of satisfaction that when the crisis was at its top, at least some Cardinals (and those who will follow them if they take the lead) had some Catholicism left in them.

The Church's existence is not at stake because the Church is indefectible. Truth is also not at stake because Truth is unchangeable. Souls are – ultimately – also not at stake because – ultimately – God does not allow Francis and his troops of atheists, heretics, perverts and cowards to decide who goes to hell.

What is at stake is the reputation of this disgraceful generation of our clergy, and the way it will be seen by God above and by all the generations after us: as an absolutely total disgrace without any hint of redemption and any extenuating circumstances, or as an almost total disgrace with a minority of voices ready and willing to fight for Christ. In our lifetime, the correction would deal a mortal blow to Francis' reputation, absolutely blowing his papacy in the air and shaming its the incinerated rests for all millennia to come.

If I were any one of the four Cardinals I would have very, very uneasy nights, knowing that whilst the Catholic world and all Catholic posterity are waiting for me to do my job I have been pathetically meowing for more than a year. Which, in the age of instant information, is a very long time indeed. And I am not sure that, if these four refuse to do their job, their punishment in hell will not be worse than the one meted to the silent cowards; then in my book, a silent coward is still not as bad as a grandstanding one.



Posted on June 20, 2017, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.