Spot The Error

Vladimir Putin has, as you all know by now, completely crushed any and all opposition and made himself the undisputed ruler of his Country.

Taking as an excuse the fact that his country is at war, Putin has:

1) banned all eleven opposition parties.

2) taken control of all TV stations so as to have a “unified message” on the war.

This is not the behaviour of a defender of democracy. This is the behaviour of a dictator.

Predictably, all outlets in the West, from BBC to CNN and from Sky UK to Channel Four, are constantly hammering on this, calling it a “betrayal” and the “end of any semblance of democracy”.

Well, it is what it is. There’s no denying the simple facts on the ground. I think the criticism is absolutely on point. For once, I think I can say that the Western media are simply doing their job.

Still, I wonder: had the same been done by Zelensky in the Ukraine, would the MSM have reacted with the same energy?

Oh, wait…

Posted on March 24, 2022, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Nicely put. And the answer is obvious, I hope.

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