Immense Insolence, Or: Frankie Explains How Lacking Christianity Is.

This guy really is a threat to my health, as there are moments (like, you know, one minute ago) where he causes such an adrenaline spike that I think my lever is cussing at me as I write this.

It appears that, yesterday, the Evil Clown had a message for the Day of the Illegal Immigrant Scrounger, or something of the sort. He profited from the occasion to show us, once again, how much he despises the Church.

Frankie is, it appears, persuaded that – fasten your seat belts – other religions are an immense opportunity for our spiritual growth.

Read it again and understand what the statement means: Christianity is insufficient and gravely deficient for our spiritual growth. Christ gave us an amputated, underdeveloped spirituality, which, in itself, can never “accompany you” on your way to “spiritual growth “. However, you still have the immense opportunity of the “spirituality” of infidels.

If I thought the guy was drunk, or demented, or at least extremely stupid, I would be less enraged. But no, Francis isn’t as dumb that he can believe this stuff. He hates and despises the Church and tries to undermine it every time he open that darn, satanic mouth of his.

Sadly, we are now more than nine months after the much discussed operation, and there is no sign of a fast approaching departure of this guy towards his, very likely atrocious, “reward”.

I will tell you what I’ll do.

I will enjoy this beautiful morning, and the Friday. I will try to pray more and more fervently. I will ask the Lord to free us from this scourge.

And I will go on with my life knowing that God will not be mocked, and this guy will be made to pay for his immense insolence.

Posted on May 13, 2022, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. If he said that, then that is heresy. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, period!
    Where was this news reported?

  2. Amen. God will NOT be mocked indeed. I tremble when I think of what is coming to this lost man if he doesn’t repent before dying. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Fatima:+) God bless~

  3. Dear M.

    I know you want to be gentlemanly and run a wholesome site in the Christian tradition. Bravo.

    But the word “darn” detracts from your righteous anger over this outrageous squatter on the throne of Peter. How about “damnable”? That adjective demonstrates that unless he mends his evil ways, there will be consequences.

    Just a thought. God bless you and keep you this beautiful Friday in May.

    Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

    • In my culture, we traditionally say “goddamn”. It’s a common use, and no one thinks twice about it (“maledetto gatto!” “Goddamn cat!”).

      These worries are, unfortunately, a rather Protestant trait of my American readers. Like complaining for “my God!”, or “Jesus!”, which are, actually, traditional signs of devotion.

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