On The Side Of The Angels

I am so old I remember the time when the United States were a powerful driver of Christianity, and the Soviet Union was the avowed enemy of Christ.

Fast forward forty years, and the parts have reversed.

There can be no doubt that the United States have become the main exporter of that most toxic ideology called gender theory. In the meantime, the Country reborn from the ashes of the Soviet Union has clearly taken the lead in promoting those same values its predecessor, the USSR, was trying to destroy. Their anti-perv legislation is exemplary.

How important the celebration of degeneracy has become to the West (at least, to the Western cabals of unscrupulous rulers, uncaring of what they know the majority of their voters still think, though they have no courage to articulate) is the fact that, as you could see from countless videos if you were paying attention, the Ukraine has been pushing exactly those values the vast majority of the Ukrainians themselves clearly hate.

Why do they do that? Because they know that the celebration of perversion is the key to more money from the West. Many commenters have written on Reddit and elsewhere that they find it perfectly natural: if you want my money, you need to support my (degenerate) values.

This also has another, interesting side to it: if the Ukrainian Government reiterated its support for Christian values, you can bet your last shirt that, suddenly, the oh so worthy cause (admitting for a moment there is one) of the oh so brave Ukrainian people would be utterly ignored by the social media nutters who apparently shape the “collective” opinions of the West.

In turn, this tells us this: that, at least for said nutters (who, again, are those most politicians in Europe clearly fear the most) this conflict is mainly a conflict to push degeneracy against an increasing more self-aware and increasingly more powerful bastion of Christianity.

Russia is certainly no perfect Country, but it does not demand to teach the US how many genders there are (for that, it is sufficient to think). Russia is also nowhere near to the level of Christianity you could see in the West in the Fifties, but it cannot be denied that it is moving in the right direction.

Contrast and compare with the West.

You will clearly see who is on the side of the angels.

Posted on December 7, 2022, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Yes! This also tells me that Russia is not concerned with the political correctness of the West. And it would make life easier for Putin if he agreed with the ‘gender’ insanity. For him to take the position he has, it shows that he realizes that Christian values are very important for the well-being of his country (and the world). He routinely risks his popularity by defending those values, whether or not he has a deep faith. I appreciate his stand and try to pray for him daily, as well as for country.

  2. American Girl dolls are now advising girls on their “transgender” issues and telling them if they question what they are to talk with a doctor, etc. Add American Girl to another American corporation who has betrayed children by promoting gender confusion. The America I grew up in was a wonderful country, not perfect, but good. America has been taken over.