Let the People Vote! Pro-Marriage Rallies On the 24th in New York, Albany, Rochester, Buffalo

From the Let The People Vote   site:

Stand up

and be heard

RALLY ON 07.24.11 @ 3:00pm

Governor Cuomo and the New York Legislature imposed same-sex marriage on New York with no vote of the people. Voters in 31 other states have been able to decide the definition of marriage for their states, but New Yorkers have been denied that right!

Stand up to protest the redefinition of marriage and demand your right to vote!

If New York is going to change the definition of marriage, it should be the People and not the politicians who make the decision!

Let the People Vote! Join us on July 24 [at 3pm] in NYC, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo to let your voice be heard! Additional details coming soon..

Below is the appeal of Sen. Rev. Diaz (in Spanish).




Posted on July 21, 2011, in Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Let the People Vote! Pro-Marriage Rallies On the 24th in New York, Albany, Rochester, Buffalo.

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