Before The Bomb: Seven Things To Know And Share

1. Every ambiguous papal document and statement must be read in the sense that is in conformity to Truth.

2. What is not in conformity to Truth is, to various degrees, heterodox or openly heretical; it must not be respected, and it must be openly and vocally fought against.

3. No Pope owns the truth. No Pope can change established doctrine. If he tries to do so, this is an exercise in heresy; but the doctrine itself has not changed.

4. The heretical priest or bishop starting or condoning a heretical praxis is a heretic; no obedience is due to him in anything concerned the heretical praxis. The heretical bishop or priest must be openly and vocally fought against.

5. The heretical priest or bishop is not such because he reads an ambiguous document. A clergyman has to know the truth. Such a man is heretical simply because he wants to. He does not even need the excuse of ambiguous documents. No heretic ever did. 300 German priests already sacrilegiously give communion to adulterers. A bad document may encourage a heretic to proclaim heresy; but again, he does so because he has subscribed to the heresy already.

6. The same goes for the laymen, in what pertains to evident truths. No adulterer can, no matter what any papal document says, claim that Truth, or doctrine, has now changed. He who says so denies evidence and lies to himself. Correct him brutally, lest he gets the habit of spreading his lies around in impunity.

7. Every priest, bishop or pope is responsible for the flock entrusted to him. Inaction in front of abuse and heretical praxis does not excuse him; nor does it excuse the sheep under his care.



Posted on April 7, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Dear M,

    I wonder if you might make a post that addresses some practical concerns for all of us in the trenches of the world. What does it look like for us Catholics to vocally oppose heretical teachings from other lay Catholics, priests, bishops, and popes in every day life. In so many interactions, you will be up against error and heresy to a greater or lesser extent. So much are you up against it, that one can quickly become a “broken record” to his friends and acquaintances.

    How do we keep things fresh?

    • I honestly never had this problem. You keep things fresh by repeating what the Church teaches based on the concrete situation.
      For example, you state that an adulterous woman cannot receive communion because she is in mortal sin. This will probably lead you to have to explain what mortal sin is, why a “married” woman can be adulterous, etc.
      I normally have another problem: that the ignorance in Catholic matters is so widespread that you have to explain every third word…

    • Very true.