Daily Archives: January 17, 2017


Hhhmmm.... I think I will make them Cardinals....

The two apostate bishops from Malta who have released the satanical garbage about which yours truly has already reported have reacted to the – massive – criticism directed towards them; they have, obviously enough, presented no real arguments in favour of their apostasy, though they were very fast in declaring themselves “saddened”, as is the fashion, by the disgusted reaction to their disgusting vomit.

The two apostates basically make the following point: we have released our instructions because it's what Amoris Laetitia says.

The point is completely non-existent because, even admitting that AL does justify the idea that it is impossible to live a Christian life, the question would be what a Catholic bishop will do to fight such an idea, not to support it.

The two disgraceful apostates follow instead a hard version of the Führerprinzip very much en vogue in Nazi times: that what the Führer says is right goes without saying; therefore, the question is how to follow him.

Tellingly enough, AL is the only “basis” of the apostate bishops' reasoning, without any regards to (real) Catholic doctrine. It is as if a Catholic Bishop in Nazi Germany had justified the Nuremberg Laws with a reference to… Mein Kampf.

There is no other way to put it: the two Maltese Bishops have renounced the faith, and have officially repudiated it in the name of something that – in reality or in interpretation – goes head on against it.

Bishop Scicluna and Bishop Grech are even worse than wannabe Catholics. They are FrancisNazis. They have clearly lost their faith, and are now licking Francis' and the world's boots for all they are worth. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible their pit in hell will be, unless they repent.

Führerprinzip has no place in the Church. The Church works according to the Christusprinzip instead. He who does not understand this simple fact is not a Catholic but a FrancisNazi apostate