Daily Archives: January 29, 2017

Fake News, Irish Faggots Edition



In a stunning show of disinformation, a most certainly homosexual journalist reports that an obviously defrocked former Catholic priest has dug his hole yet several feet deeper by pretending he is “married” to another pervert.

The certainly homosexual author of the article does not care to mention that the Church defrocks perverts like this one. (caution: disgusting pics!). Instead, the entire article treats the matter as if the man were just another presbyterian fudge-packer, whose open show of sexual perversion shows how the times are changing. Only the last line inform the (most certainly leftist, and liberal, and therefore functionally retarded) reader that the faggot “lost his job”, actually more than 30 years ago, as if he had made redundant by the Post office or something of the sort.

I do not know who is worse: this disgraceful disgusting individual clearly fully owned by Satan, or the fake news hack who considers it beyond the pale to spend three words saying what happens to priests found to be perverts and why. 

They might repent, the fags wannabe bridegrooms and the fag wannabe journalist. 

But I can’t avoid thinking they will find rich company in hell. 







Bergoglio’s Hit Parade

Courtesy of kind readers, PlanetHeresy in music.