REBLOG: Meet The Loaker Church

It will not come as a great surprise that some Proddies were also invited to the Synod, probably because it was felt that the likes of Cupich did not make it heretical enough.

One of the men of the heretical persuasion has come out with another of those “inclusive” thingies that are now everywhere. He wants to receive Communion, you see, because… mercy.

I almost cried inclusive tears as I read of the man marrying a Catholic in 1973 and not being allowed to receive communion. He felt so excluded! I mean, how can this be just, or even merciful? And then some other relatives of him converted, and he was still left out! In the cold, winter night! Watch his nephew, the Good Altar Boy, suffer as he sees that Grandpa cannot receive because… he is a heretic!


Quick, pass me the Kleenex!

Mind: there is no mention of the man’s intention to convert. No. He is perfectly fine with his own theology. It’s the Church that is wrong, you see. He might be made to feel that he is… a…. a….. a…. heretic! How can we use such cruel practices, and such exclusionary language, in the XXI century?

You may say the man is just a simpleton with no idea whatsoever of what he is talking about. You would very probably be right. But in his own Proddie confusion, the man does have a point.

If living in open defiance of God’s laws, in a daily and public insult to the Sacrament of Marriage, is not an impediment to receive communion, what will ever be an impediment big enough? If Jesus’ words can be openly trampled upon, why there should be any difference between a Catholic, a Proddie, a Muslim and an Atheist? If Holy Communion is something you give around to people just so they do not feel “excluded”, who shall be excluded? Why not parachute the hosts into some ISIS training ground, hoping that the bastards down there profit from it, becaaauuuse they neeeed it the mooooost?

Catholicism is logical. The attempt to apply emotional waffle to it will always lead to absurd results. In Catholicism, tutto si tiene: everything is connected to everything else in a wonderfully functional way. To hope that some part may be sabotaged and the other still work is like taking the spring out of a watch mechanism and hope it will continue to work.

The proddie man does not think about conversion. The idea that he might be excluded from communion because he is not in communion does not strike him as something logical. No. It strikes him as something possibly vaguely cruel, but certainly not nice. The wussification of the planet continues unabated, and with it the abandonment of the simplest logic.

You know Loaker? If you don’t, you should. Very good wafers.

That’s exactly how these people (the wussified Proddies, the Archbishop Cupichs, the Cardinal Kaspers, the Grima Wormtongues) see the Most Holy Communion.


Posted on October 26, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. ilovevictoriasbows

    Thought you might like this, M. A papal human rights advisor, no less. (He’s probably cut his tenure short)

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