The Blessed And The Buffoon

I would like to say a word about the controversy surrounding Fulton Sheen’s beatification.

Yes, I am disgusted by the behaviour of, as it is clear enough, Cupich & Co. Yes, I think the reasons adducted for the freeze are stupid and very short-legged. Yes, I think this is, in abstract, a shame.

Still: who wants a good guy to be beatified by this clown? How does this serve the cause of sanity?

Archbishop Sheen’s beatification would only confuse the (very) simple, insinuating in them the doubt that, if Francis did the right thing on this, he might actually be doing the right thing on other issues, too.

This is why I am terrified that Francis might actually proceed to the Beatification not only of Fulton Sheen, but of Pius XII, too!

Look: no sane Catholic needs this lewd cretin, this vulgar commie, this shameless buffoon for anything. There is nothing useful he can give to a faithful Catholic. It is, actually, better that he keeps doing and saying stupid things all the time, without the occasional sensible beatification.

The man will die. God willing, he will not see Christmas. Otherwise, it will be a bit later. But he is 83, overweight, without half a lung, and accustomed to fits of rage. It looks like this clown will not run his circus for very long; and if he does, it looks like he will make himself more and more ridiculous as years go by.

Being beatified by Pachamama Francis sounds almost like an insult.

I honestly can do without all day long.

Posted on December 9, 2019, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Agree. But God’s deal is to turn evil against itself and ultimately produce good. Patience is required.

  2. I am in this for the big picture. That may be at Francis’ demise, or his successor’s, or whenever sanity returns to the Vatican and hopefully to the pontificate. I may not be here in the big picture but I hope to be cheering from wherever I am…hopefully heaven or at least, purgatory. I like to think I can continue my rosaries for the Holy Church wherever I am. If not, I am trying to store up a bunch of them from my present location. Thank you for the timely reminder.

  3. The only person Francis hasn’t beatified is his chauffer. No one else is left.

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