Daily Archives: December 20, 2019

Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle

Christmas Come Early

We have seen in the UK, in the recent years, a clearly identifiable pattern: the extreme left takes control of the main opposition party and pushes it toward maximalist positions. The re-shaped party excites and energises the minority of extremists. However, put to the test of the ballot box, the party gets a historic pummeling.

I seem to see the same pattern in the US. The extreme left activists, angered by Trump’s victory, attempt to take over the Democratic party. Whilst this is not as evident or official as in the UK, they are influential enough that more senior members of the party, terrified by the leftist mob and obviously uncaring for the Country’s institutions, give in to their demand and stage the long-wanted, if extremely stupid, impeachment theatre to satisfy their childish fantasies of revenge after their clear defeat in 2016.

I make an easy prediction here, and state that the impeachment is the US is the equivalent of the Labour plans of re-nationalisation of part of the communication and utility industry. In the same way as Labour chose to energise an extremist fringe, but lost the support of the mainstream Labour voters and scared away the undecided, the Democrats have chosen to give their extremist children a toy for Christmas, but this will very likely alienate to them a good part of the the mainstream Democrat voters, of the independent and, in general, of those who still have remnants of reason in them. The likes of Schiff and Pelosi don’t care, because they are elected in safe constituencies where such games help them to be reelected. Still, many others will pay the price of their submission to their evil masters. As to the Presidential race, good luck with that, also considering the amusingly abysmal quality of the candidates, themselves largely the fruit of the childish leftist drive of the party grassroots.

The US society is, by and large, more conservative than the UK one. It is also far more patriotic and attached to its Democratic institutions. It seems to me that the Democrats have invited disaster. Time will tell; but, if you ask me, this impeachment is Christmas come early.

Electoral victory is not something that can be left to children. It is the fruit of a mixture of – hopefully – personal integrity and patriotism and – always – a wise calibration on controversial issues. The Democrats are failing big on both counts.

They are fools if they think the American people will not notice.