Faithful, Whatever The Cost


For those of you who don’t know, Sanremo is a beautiful city on the Italian Riviera, known as “the city of flowers”. If you are on holiday in Italy, you can do much worse than Sanremo.

Sanremo is, now, in the Catholic news because of a local Benedictine community. These brave Catholic monks have read Traditionis Custodes. Then they have looked at their own Constitution, which was approved by Rome. I suspect they have also made one consideration or two regarding the potential luciferian influence on a certain guy known to us all.

After these considerations, the monks have decided, before Christmas, that it’s not going to happen and they are going to go on as usual. In January, the Prior, Father de Belleville, reiterated the refusal and said the Monks are going to “remain faithful, whatever the cost”.

The monks have also issued an appeal to other similar orders, encouraging them to do the same.

Boy, it looks like the good monks are really Catholic! Francis will get the conniptions, no doubt about that!

This will be one to watch. Francis has likely thought that the TLM communities all over would just shut up and obey. If this does not happen, he will have to lose face (provided he ever had one) or enforce his tyrannical diktat. Then it might get really funny, because if the Friars remain hard (I suppose they will: a monk tends to be different from a politician, or a Bishop) there is no way Francis can force them, and any action against them will be doomed to fail.

What can Francis do? Smash them on the street? Him, the popeofmercy ™ himself, doing such a thing? It would not look good. Still, if he tries, the Monks will receive more support and money than they will ever need, in no time. Heck, they might even – depending from the legal framework governing their organisation – bring the monastery and all the real estate with them! That would be really fun!

The history of the Church shows us that, whenever a tyrant tries to persecute Her, there is always a minority of hardcore faithful who ruin the party for him. Whether Diocletian or Julian the Apostate, Henry VIII or Paul VI, there were always the St Lucia’s, the Moores, the Fishers or the Lefebvres of the day to make sure everyone – even the tyrant of the day – knows what is what.

I am trying to translate the lawful and righteous resistance of the good Monks in colloquial English, and one expression that comes to mind is “shut up, bitch!”; albeit I am absolutely sure that the good monks, whatever their thoughts on Francis’ canine tendencies, would never express themselves in that way. Never. Ever.

Never mind. I will do it for them. You are welcome.

Let us pray for the good monks. Gloria TV, which had the news (I can’t link now) will certainly report on the further developments and the coordinates for donations if the need arises.

Faithful, whatever the cost. An encouragement for us all.

Die soon, evil clown. Haste on your way to the place the Lord’s Justice has appointed for you.

May you enjoy it, and its delights, for all eternity.

Posted on January 6, 2022, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Good Shepherds, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I really love your forthright, straight to the point , no holds barred style. So refreshing and inspiring and enlightening as well. So glad I found your blog.

  2. Their statement is more courageous than you know. The monastery buildings they occupy are not owned by them. They could be turfed out by the religious order that owns it or by the bishop at any time.

  1. Pingback: Canon212 Update: ‘We’re Going to Continue to Be Faithful, No Matter What’ – The Stumbling Block