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The Everyday Degenerate

Father Georgina had already selected his hearse…

The Evil Clown has received Father Georgina once again. This time, he was allowed to witness the cringeworthy, effeminate ways of the “man” for a full 45 minutes (or so Georgina says).

It is very obvious at this point that the guy just can’t be without his fix of perversion for long. In fact, you would say that, to him, being near to people as obviously degenerate as Georgina has now become an addiction that needs frequent doses of filth.

Francis once said that the so-called “gays” don’t go around with a sign saying that they belong to the so-called gay mafia. However, it seems he can detect them all right, anyway. He would need to be totally blind, and even more stupid than he is, not to notice that there is something fundamentally wrong in this extremely creepy, disquieting guy he keeps receiving.

But then again Francis is a guy who makes a point of receiving freak shows from the tranniedom of the extreme fringes of Italian societies every week (I have written on this; look it up), so a circus tool like Father Georgina must serve as an appetizer to him.

To say that Francis is worthy of being despised is to put it too mildly. A red-pilled Catholic should see in him a very direct, physical attack of Satan against the Church.

The smoke of Satan has entered the church, not from some fissure, but from the main door. A big barbecue is now going on. Faggot priests and trannies are participating, laughing out loud. Francis is looking at them, smiling, and trying to get out of the lewd spectacle all the excitement his old body and old lewd mind can get out of it.

Nothing happens, unless God allows it for His own providential reasons. God has allowed this man to be made pope. One day we will see the mechanism at work in all its (again: providential) beauty.

For now, it seems evident enough that this guy has become a cautionary tale for everything that is to do with Vatican II; and the mor ehe – and, I am afraid, his successors – go on with this, the more a solid, sane, healthy Catholicism will grow exactly as a reaction to him.

As to him, he wrote in one of his Excrementations that an eternal punishment is not in the logic of the Gospel.

Let him experience for himself, if he were to die unrepentant, how logical the statement was.

Meanwhile, don’t be (too) upset for the antics of this tool and his effeminate minions.

Providence is at work. Every moment.

Nil inultum remanebit.

Jesuits Without Jesus

Well, the reading of this article was not as depressing as I had thought. It appears, as we write the Year of the Lord 2021, some Jesuits are still Catholic.

They are still ostracised by their organisation, of course, and one wonders what they had to stomach during their formation. Still, and encouragingly so, if the rumour is confirmed not all the new recruits are obvious fairies like that Jemima Martin guy. In fact, the article mentions not one, but several orthodox Jesuits in one go.

Shall we say: unexpected.

But no worries: the place is still a cesspool. Substituting “for God and His Christ” with “men and women for others” only points out to the obvious: the loss of faith means the religious becomes a social worker. At the same time, the faithless “social worker” environment becomes an excellent destination for the Jemima Martin of this world, who get to scrounge an existence at the expense of faithful both dead and alive whilst indulging in their favourite social work: sodomy.

You might ask me how to deal with this. My answer is very simple: abolish the order. Then, set on the calendar the year 2121, or perhaps 2171, to examine whether the order might be started again. But seriously, there is no rush, as the stink spread by these people will take a while to disperse.

Of course, the abolition should be accompanied by a veru close examination of the activity of these people, ending with the fast defrocking of the Jemimas and the slow defrocking of those who are found to have all or some of his afflictions after more careful examination. For example, a guy like this one was clearly born not to turn lives, but to flip burgers.

Let us not forget, by the way, that the toxic Jesuit environment gave us the most toxic Pope, ev-ah. This alone would merit them abolition.

Still: 25 new Jesuits this year in the US and Canada.

Who knows, the majority might be straight?

Let’s Talk About Animals

President (Thank, God!!) Trump’s remarks about the animals of MS-13 have prompted the usual scandal from the bleeding hearts of the left. From the many who ran to accuse Trump of calling all illegals “animals” (usual fake news) to, predictably, Father James “Georgina” Martin  getting, ahem, all hot and bothered at Trump’s testosterone and making comparisons with Hitler, there was no scarcity of hypocrite virtue-signalling and fake righteous outrage.

It used to work, you know. There was a time where the Rottweilers (see what I am doing here?) of the left only had to bark, and the emasculated “conservatives” would fall in line very fast, apologising to everyone and his cat for any offence that might have been taken, or imagined, or dreamed of.

Those times have gone.

The White House in the Age Of Trump doubles down on the statement, outs the leftists for the bunch of screeching bitches they are, and proceeds to not only take solid ground, but go on the counterattack on this. I sincerely hope that the hysteric defence of extremely brutal criminals from the left will become one of the themes of the coming electoral campaign. Trump truly is the guy who could do it. 

But let us talk about animals more in general.

Calling cruel, evil, or simply very dumb people “animals” is so common that the usage is everywhere. Pope Francis himself referred (seek the link for yourself) to priests who deny baptism to the children of single mothers in that way. It is really, really common.

The Bible does the same, and it is the Word of God. Go to Gateway pundit or any other interactive bible with a search function and you will see the usage recurring in a variety of contexts in both the Old and the New Testament. Our Lord himself, when talking of casting pearls before swine, is obviously referring to humans, and in this sense has the phrase been used ever since.

Even more in general, the comparison does not even have to be offensive. Our Lord is the Lamb of God. Is there any homosexualist priest who finds this offensive?  

But let us enter an even wider field, and let us put the matter in its proper context.

An animal, in the strict sense of the word (that is: not a human) cannot sin. A human is capable of great evil. What does this tell us? 

Pope Francis is worse than any animal. It is likely that it would have been better for him to be born a physical jackass, than a figurative one.

Father Martin Goes Full Homo

Father Martin

In case you had any doubts about the inclinations and attitude of Father James Martin, Society Of Homos, this blog post should remove it fast.

Father Martin goes full all-wheel-drive, twin-turbo, twelve-cylinder sodomy here. The (always fake) pretence that the Church be “open” to sodomites becomes a clear, open call for sodomitic sex and even sodomitic “marriage”.

Has a worse priest than this disgusting individual ever existed? Possibly not.

Every day in which this minion of Satan is not defrocked is a shame for the Church.

I don’t know who the bishop in charge of him is, but I dread to think of what must go on in that depraved soul.




We all knew that Father Jeanine Martin, Society of Fags, is one of those to suspect whom of being homosexual is like suspecting Stalin of being Communist. However, even so it is difficult to even imagine the lows that these low existences can reach.

Father Martin did it recently, by reposting on his Facebook page an article speaking of (and forgive me for having my adrenaline going through the roof now) the “Queer Jesus”.

It boggles the mind. Please consider saying your rosary today in reparation of this unspeakable blasphemy.

It is fair to say that even if Francis' papacy were, in everything else, the very epitome of orthodoxy, the mere presence of this extremely worrying, creepy, utterly disgusting “man” in the Vatican would be enough to mar his entire pontificate. However, it is even fairer to say that, if Francis' papacy were orthodox, this man would have been defrocked a long time ago. A destiny, mind, which I think will catch up with him at some point in his disgraceful life, because this man has leant so much out of the homo window that every future Pope with a modicum of integrity will not want to have the man going around calling himself a priest in good standing, ever.

A prayer to Saint Michael is full in order, too.

An exorcism would be, in fact, even better, but I somewhat doubt Father Elton Martin, Society of Fags, would agree to it. Can't wait for the Church to get rid of this filth.



There Can Be No Neutrality Between Christ And Satan

Half dozen Jesuits



After “Faggotgate”, and the ruckus following the disinvitation of Sister Jeanine Martin, Society of Faggots, from several speaking engagements, I knew the usual fake conservative, middle of the wrong road, allegedly reasonable voices would speak up. “Do not quarrel, children!”, and the like.

It allows them to look good on the cheap, you know.

Well, no.

We live in a time of conflict, and this conflict requires each and everyone of us to take side and say whether we side with Christ or Satan. There can be no neutrality between Father Martin and Father Zuhlsdorf, nor is silence an acceptable option. One must say where he stands on the issue, and on such issue no one, not even my cat, can sit on the fence and feign,mor profess, neutrality.

The milquetoast side of Catholic blogging keeps thinking that niceness is a sort of absolute value. It isn't. Niceness is a “nice to have” and nothing more. If you read the Gospel, Christ's words emerge as brutally frank on so many occasions that it is impossible to think he would allow niceness to stand anywhere in the way of Truth.

Nor is the conflict now openly lacerating the Church in need of any niceness. The enemy must be defeated, not be treated nicely.

Throw at them your anger and your mocking. Cover them in ridicule. Expose them in any way you can.

Forget niceness. This is no tea at the vicarage, and most certainly no time for niceness.

When you die you will not be judged according to how nice you were. You will be judged according to where you died one of Father Z ones, or one of those of Father James “Liberace” Martin, Society of Fags.

And there is no place in the middle whatsoever.




The so-called Deuterocanonical Books are seven books of the Old Testament which were not originally written in Hebraic, but in Greek. However, they were considered by the Jews themselves to be part of the body of Sacred Scripture. Their acceptance was a fact at the time of Christ, and Our Lord never challenged their authenticity. This is why, for fifteen Centuries, all Christian counted 46 books in the Old Testament, including the Deuterocanonical (“second canon”) seven ones.

Then a sex-obsessed German Heresiarch showed up, and – I think, mainly because not liking the content of some of these books – decided to expunge the Old Testament of them.

I do not know – and do not care – whether Luther had at his disposal the historical facts about the Deuterocanonical Books. Faith is not based on historical research. It is based on the acceptance of truths handed down to us by the generations before us.

Luther showed, by daring to even tamper with the Bible, a stunning degree of rebellion, a willingness to discard what fifty generations before him had never had a problem accepting. Mind blowing rebellion, sheepishly perpetuated to this day by those born of Protestants – less and less, one must say – and unquestioningly accepting the mutilation of Sacred Scripture. Which they must do, lest they start questioning the entire Protestant mindset in the first place.

This is all bad enough. But I wonder if it is so different – though the methods are adapted – to the attitude of those who, within the Church, dare to tell us exactly the same thing: that what sixty-five generations of Catholics have believed must now be discarded. You see this in the constant perverted preaching of Father Jeanine Martin, Society of Fags, or in Pope's Francis obvious symphaty with every form of Statalism, Socialism or Communism that happens to cross his rather dull mind.

At the root of all is rebellion, refusal to accept truth handed down to us.

Luther, Francis and Father James “Elton” Martin, Society of Fags, aren't much different after all.



Born The Right Way


This is all you need to know about the “born that way” urban legend that has been going around for some time now, and was never believed by our far smarter progenitors.

God puts in every soul the right instincts and the right inclinations. At times, single individual decide to pervert these inclinations by repeatedly giving assent to, and persevering in, disgusting thoughts and desires. With the repeated assent to the perverted inclination, it becomes stronger. The pervert then starts to identify with it, and the “born that way” rubbish is born.

No one is ever innocent of his own perversion. It does not matter how bad the environment is, one is no less justified in being a homosexual than in being a sadist. Every homosexual is guilty of his own disorder, and he must pray and do all he can to recover the normality that lies in him, buried below thick strata of perverted excrement.

This is what the Church has always stated and not only it is in tune with the rest of Church teaching, but it also makes sense from a pragmatic, obvious, common sense approach to things.

And please don't come to me with the damn penguins, or dolphins, or whatever the heck that is with true or imagined homosexual animals. Penguins and dolphins are beasts. Humans have an eternal soul.

Cats screw their relatives. Can't wait for the “penguin faction” celebrating incest.

As to Father James Martin, some good investigative journalist could do some old-fashioned investigative journalism here. Not only it is as clear as the sun that the man is homosexual himself (he quacks like a fag, thinks like a fag and talks like a fag, so there…), a state of things incompatible with being a priest, but I am fairly confident that it would not be difficult to find evidence that the man actually engages in sodomitical acts, it being improbable that such impious, blasphemous arrogance stops at words.

This Father Martin isn't smart. He may have his field day now, but he is young enough to make it well possible that the tide turns in his lifetime, and he is exposed and defrocked. To get rid of the Sister Martin of this world we don't need Pius XIII; a Benedict XVII who is fed up with the guy will be more than enough.

Beware of fake priests.

Particularly when they have such a shrill voice.