Why Cardinal Brandmueller Is Right And Wrong

Cardinal Brandmueller is on record with saying that the Francis phenomenon is only superficial, because if it were a real spiritual movement the churches would be full.

The Cardinal is, if you ask me, right and wrong.

He is right in that the Francis phenomenon is just another celebrity frenzy, a purely emotional toy for the easy entertainment of the uneducated, superficial or outright stupid masses.

But he is wrong in saying that empty churches deny the thesis in themselves. It is obvious that Francis is not interested in people going to Catholic Churches more than he is interested in them holding their Korans, eating kosher, going to a Protestant service, or merely being good guys.

Therefore, if Francis were able to cause a spiritual movement (which he isn’t), this movement would be seen in practice in a great number of people not going to Church, but rather doing something else and smelling of Francis’ style “ecumenical goodness”; something like helping to restore kosher eating among the Jews, or buying Korans to poor immigrants. The Catholic churches would most certainly not witness any increase in attendance. Not in the least.

Francis is clearly intent in decoupling the Catholic Church from his vision of Truth. In his mind, Truth can be found pretty much everywhere if one is a nice guy or gal, and the Catholic Church is not in any way, shape or form the depositary of it; rather, she is an expression among many of a Truth that embraces pretty much everyone, be they Catholics, schismatics, heretics, infidels, or even atheists.

The church of Francis comprises everyone who considers himself a regular guy; he sees himself as leading merely one branch of this world church, a branch which in the past has, in his deluded mind, culpably tried to suffocate the other expressions of this alleged truth. If his words in Caserta weren’t clear enough, his behaviour of almost every day would suffice to let vigilant minds understand.

Not many vigilant minds around, I am afraid.


Posted on August 27, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. You’re so jealous of the sheer immensity of the love and popularity which shines upon Frank.

    Btw, I read that Frank will be part of the halftime show at the next Super Bowl.

    May God forbid any costume malfunctions, such as a cross or crucifix popping out of his costume.