The Day Of Infamy Has Come

The “day of infamy” reblog

Mundabor's Blog

The clock is ticking The clock is ticking

It is Sunday morning and as far as I know Francis is still alive and kicking. Every man of faith knows the Holy Ghost can take him down in an instant.

The Church has traditionally thought canonisations are infallible, and I remain – until a valid argument to the contrary – of the opinion that where 2000 years of Christian convictions lead, Mundabor should bloody well follow. I have still not found any argument explaining to me why God would have allowed the formation of such a strong and diffused belief concerning things that cannot be verified, unless it be to teach us to trust God’s work in those things that cannot be verified.

This does not mean that these canonisations are not a disgrace. Of course they are.A canonisation often has a political element in it. It was always so. Kings were made saints, and…

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Posted on April 27, 2015, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Timely reblog Mundabor. This is something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and reflecting on of late and two things come to mind despite all of the problems I see with JPII’s papacy: his unending devotion to Our Lady, and his witness of suffering through the last years of his life.

    That a pope whose pontificate – despite his many imperfections (oh woe is me that I should think myself more perfect!) – was marked by such a trenchant defence of life in the face of a growing culture of death, a defence which by Providence came to be backed by such a startling example of determination to uphold even in the face of the most debilitating disease, surely has the marks of that ‘poetical’ dimension which is so often the case with the lives of the saints.

    Never was it that anyone who had recourse to Our Lady was left without assistance in their time of need; plus the fact that God uses our suffering to purify us: these two taken together give me adequate reason to trust that Pope St John Paul II is indeed in heaven. Rather than argue the pros and cons of ‘praxis’ concerning canonisations – which may indeed be flawed at present and in need of improvement – I am nonetheless encouraged by this canonisation, because when I survey the whole I cannot but be heartened at the sheer reach of God’s Saving Grace. Who knows, there might even be hope for a sinner such as I, who have never been burdened with the governance of anything other than my own will, and yet fail so spectacularly even at that.

    • FidelityJane

      I also saw heroic virtue in John Paul II for the reasons articulated in the above comment. Additionally, I believe that John Paul – materially supported by the political manoeuvering of Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher – may be credited with the downfall of the Soviet Union, a truly masterful achievement. I continue to wonder today if any other Pope could have contributed so effectively to a bloodless end to that wholly vicious entity.

    • I personally see the fall of communism as the work of, in the end one man: Ronald Reagan. It was Reagan who, starting a huge arms race, brought Communism to break their spine, even as he vocally exposed the evil of Communism after his sissified predecessor (all of them from Lyndon Johnson on, if you ask me).

      JP II was a happy coincidence in that you had, with him, a worldwide figure obviously opposed to communism. But without Reagan, JP II would have gone exactly nowhere.