Daily Archives: May 4, 2016

Veri Catholici: First International Conference To Condemn Amoris Laetitia




I have already written about the sterling work of Veri Catholici

The announced conference to condemn the Apostolic Excrementation is now officially launched. The hashtag is #ALConf. 

It is a mystery to me how there should be people around – people, I mean, who are not certifiably insane or clearly retarded – who do not see the immense damage that this pontificate in general and Amoris Laetitia in particular are causing to the Church and to the Faithful.

The clergy is being silent. The laity will have to speak. It has already happened in the past, in circumstances much harder than today and in which there was no precedence; still, the laity remained strong then, and those of us who are still sane Catholics will remain strong now.

Therefore, there is no reason to be afraid, much less waver in our faith and determination to defend truth no matter who has the temerity and arrogance to attack it.

Wake up, Catholic laity, and let the world hear your voice. 

Our stupid clergy can send themselves to hell without us.