A New (To Me?) Catholic News Aggregator: “Canon 212”

Canon 212 is a new (to me, at least) Catholic news aggregator. 

From what I see up to now, it seems excellent. 

Heck, they linked to me some days ago (which is how I discover their existence), so they can’t be bad. 

It seems like a “Pewsitter” with less space for political commentary at large, and more focused on (strictly) Catholic news. But it might be my initial impression only. 

Please visit and, if you like it, keep this site in mind.

Catholic aggregators are very good. They allow the normal, ahem, pewsitter to discover the scale of the outrage in the Catholic world, and the healthy Catholicism still out there after 50+ years of V II devastation.

We need more of this. 

Posted on July 20, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Yes. It is run the gentleman who used to run Pew Sitter, Frank Walkers. Had an editorial spat due to all the political coverage. Now he went on his own. Is sticking to Catholicism.

  2. There’s a reason it looks like Pewsitter….the great former editor of that aggregator was unceremoniously canned. Barnhardt gives the scoop here…..


    Frank Walker is a very good guy and deserves support. Thanks for the post M.


  3. OnePeterFive has a post on Canon212. The owner of the Canon212 and Pewsitter is the same person.

  4. It is similar to Pewsitter because it is from the original developer of Pewsitter. I think I saw it’s introduction on onePeterfive about two weeks ago. And it really is nice to see all the Catholic news that’s floating around, all on one site.

  5. Canon212 is operated by “Frank” who was an editor for Pewsitter. He left and created his own Catholic news website. He’s doing a great job in my opinion. 🙂

  6. catholicstrongblog

    You’ve got a good eye there! It looks familiar because it is…



  7. This from the Herald via Tablet:

    “They particularly fear the election of Cardinal Robert Sarah, a man who does not seem much interested in flattering the sensibilities of educated Westerners. He appears in their nightmares with the name Pius XIII.”

    Remember where you heard this first?

    Aside, I featured your favorite (Silvio, cough, cough) in my Trump endorsement piece.

    Donald J. Trump: Endorsement For The Office Of The President Of The United States Of America

    Even got some journo chasing me on FB.

  8. Need more!

    Here you go!

