A Tale Of Two Clerics


The following is from the latest blog post from Father Blake (emphasis mine): 

When we ask for clarification from the Cardinals of the Church, as we are bound to do, we are met with either silence or told, as we were in England, by many of our superiors that Cardinal Nichols ‘was displeased’ that we should even voice such a concern in a private communication to him and his fellow Cardinals, that is the absolute moral low ground, though maybe a not entirely unexpected response.

Yep, it’s “officially official”. Cardinal Vincent “Quisling” Nichols let England’s priests know, by way of their own bishops, that he “was displeased” that they should voice their concern to him.

We understand from this something of what is going on behind the scenes in England: a reckless hierarchy scolds those among the priests who dare to think their job is to be Catholic, and the job of their bishops more so.

“Absolute moral low ground” says it very well.

I hope the retaliation against Father will be slow to come, and not too painful. Though that it will come at some point and in some form seems likely. 

In the meantime, notorious Jesuit is full of girlish excitement after having been given an “award” by a homosexualist group condemned by the Church. 

Welcome to the (earthly) church in the time of the Evil Clown: a place where perversion is celebrated without consequences, and fidelity to the Church causes “displeasure” in her own Princes. 





Posted on September 22, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Bishops’ Conferences are an abomination, looking over each others shoulders so as not to step out of line. +Nichols stranglehold may be weakening, but only a little so far. My own bishop appears to be very pro Franciscus and the promotion of Permanent Deacons and the laity to control the parishes remaining from his scythe. So far appears to have no intention of seeking assistance from ICKSP or FSSP as have neighbours in the same situation.