Rome Life Forum: Talk Is Good, Action Is Better

The Rome Life Forum that is about to begin will be centred not only on the protection of the unborn life, but on the current crisis in the Church. This is good, as there can never be too much discussion about a Church that seems to have forgotten Her role and mission.

However, it gives one pause when one reads that among the participants will be some of those of whom concrete actions has been awaited for many months now, and who seem intentioned to renounce to it in favour of … more words. These two are, to wit, Cardinals Burke and Caffarra: two of those who, after announcing that they would defend the faith, have preferred to just wait for… no one knows exactly what reason.

A Cardinal's (and bishop's) job is not to participate to discussions about generic church problems, but to denounce them loud and clear with all the necessary consequences.

To see Cardinals who not only should have acted months ago, but who have announced that they would so just limit themselves to discussion rounds as if they were journalists or activists is extremely saddening, and gives you a clear picture of the scale of the crisis currently plaguing the Church.

It reminds me of “Life of Brian”, where the members of the revolutionary committee issue a resolution protesting the arrest of their member. However, in that case there was at least a resolution. In this case, the resolution was announced but never put in place.

Cardinal Caffarra and Cardinal Burke are gravely in arrears. More words will not wash. They must now do the right thing and openly condemn the heresies in Amoris Laetitia, accusing the Pope of dereliction of duty and promotion of heresy for refusing to answer the Dubia.

This and only this, not more abstract words of dissatisfaction and diffused clerical whining, is what is required of them. It is required of all bishops and Cardinals of course; but it is required of the Four Cardinals in the first place, as they have made themselves beautiful with the faithful announcing a vigorous defence of Church teaching whose concrete exercise we are still awaiting.

It's like someone announcing he would challenge the school bully and then doing nothing about it. He will probably be despised more than those who shut up from the start.

The time to participate to fora has now passed, at least for the Cardinals. They should remember why they dress in red and act accordingly.

Perhaps we will hear something about when the Cardinals are planning to act, but I will not hold my breath. At this point, I think the plan is to let the matter of the Dubia be quietly forgotten, with some lame excuse about the Pope not answering them, or the like.

Pray for the Cardinals, that they should not flee in front of the wolves.

As they have most certainly been doing up to now.



Posted on May 19, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Action that came to mind for the faithful. Sue the church for not doing its job! Donate the funds so it can be done! Probably a bit useless and dramatic but may draw attention!

  2. The time for talking is long over. The time for answering the Dubia also. The four Cardinals have no option now but to denounce PF & his cronies for their unceasing & demonic attempts to annihilate God from His own creation. Are they, or are they not, on Christ’s side in this final battle? The showdown is coming fast & it now looks as if they will be found to have egg on their faces. Cardinal Burke’s fear of the Last Judgement is well founded but time is running out for him & those silent, hidden supporters who have caved in to Cardinal Müller’s warning of schism, even though we all know the CC is already in tatters.

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