Why The Correction Should Happen

Giant, not dwarf.

I read around other blogs comments which ask what would be the use of the correction, seen that Francis will not change his mind or his policy afterwards.

This is tantamount to asking what good it was to condemn Luther's heresies, seen that Luther did not change his mind or policy afterwards.

Truth must be defended irrespective of immediate consequences. It must be defended to encourage the faithful of this generation, and to serve as a witness to faithful of all generations to come.

In the present times, countless good Catholic will feel a great consolation in knowing that they have not been left entirely alone by their clergy. In future centuries, it will be known that, when the rot within the Church was so deep that even Popes were not ashamed to support – if not openly proclaim – heresy, at least some of the Princes of the Church had the guts to stand up for Truth.

There is in the history of the Church a period that is given little attention, but in my opinion was absolutely devastating at the time: the period between Pope Honorius' heretical statement and his death first, and the condemnation of his heresies second. Honorius had given support to the heresy of Monothelitism in 635, with a letter clearly intended to be circulated and to end a controversy. Heresy was, at this point, openly defended. A materially heretical Pope was, at that time, sitting on the throne of Peter.

To my knowledge there was, at the time, not only no convocation of a council to depose the Pope, but also no open confrontation with him and refusal to accept his authority in everything pertaining to his heresy. There was, in short, not only no ecumenical council, but even no Athanasius willing to go against the flow of acquiescence to papal heresy. This went on for three years.

This situation (of a heretical Pope not officially censured) did not end in 638, when the Pope died unchallenged und en-deposed. In fact, the official condemnation of the man as heretic only came more than four decades later, in 680. However, between 638 and 680 we know of continued confrontations between the promoters of the heresy and Rome, with all Popes after Honorius firmly on the side of truth.

Still, the fact remains: a Pope intervenes in a controversy openly supporting a heretical position, and he neither deposed nor (for what I know) denounced as heretic. What a stunning challenge to the faith, what shockingly turbulent times, and without an Athanasius to challenge his Pope Liberius!

We need our Athanasius. We need witnesses for Truth among our Bishops and Cardinals. It does not matter much (though I would love it) if Francis is or is not deposed by an ecumenical council in the end. But it matters that all faithful of this and all future generations know that when the going got tough, tough bishops and cardinals got going.

Today, we cannot mention Liberius without remembering Athanasius. Athanasius stands tall as the man who exposed error not forty years later, but whilst it was happening. As the heresy reared its ugly head, the hero arose to challenge it. But we have no Athanasius for the time of Honorius. Honorius lived three years after his letter, and I have no knowledge of any Athanasius. What a shame.

We are now repeating the situation in the times of Honorius: a Pope (at least materially) promotes heretical positions and we have no more than rumblings, rumblings which must certainly have existed also in the time of Honorius because they aren't dangerous. But those willing to stand up and openly proclaim the faith against papal sponsored heresy, we do not have them.

Cardinal Burke & Co. are in front of a choice: to be the Athanasius of our time or to remain silent in a time of heresy openly proclaimed and shamelessly spread. They have failed all of us up to now. They actually give the impression that they would have liked to be like Athanasius if it could have been done without risk, but have decided to revert to the behaviour of Honorius' bishops when it became clear they do not have the support they thought they had. Paper tigers, the four of them.

Athanasius did not wonder how many would follow him. His famous contra mundum statement is the most glorious example of faith defended no matter what the consequences. Athanasius was a giant.

Do we live in times of Giants or Dwarves?

I fear I know the answer, but I would love to be proved wrong.




Posted on May 24, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Perhaps the giants will be found among the laity, Mundabor, as you yourself encourage.

  2. Yes it matters. It always will. It’s a crying shame and a suffering. Formal publicized corrections by Cardinals should be made leaving no doubt as to heresy. Saints shed their blood over heresy but these can not even stand up with the words that are needed to give honest witness and to cut down the lies.

  3. “Athanasius stands tall as the man who exposed error not forty years later, but whilst it was happening. As the heresy reared its ugly head, the hero arose to challenge it…Athanasius did not wonder how many would follow him. His famous contra mundum statement is the most glorious example of faith defended no matter what the consequences.”


    Five times banished
    Exiled seventeen
    Excommunicated champions
    God puts at each scene.

    Saint Athanasius,
    Feast day of worth
    On the second of May
    The month of great mirth.

    Out in the deserts –
    As history has charted –
    You preserved the true Mass
    Great lion-hearted.

    Now Lefebvre
    And the sixties egalitarians
    Like Athanasius,
    His time his Arians.

    For He who abolished
    Death by death
    Sent him to absolve
    Sin width and breadth.

    And yes the same moon
    The same sun we’re all under…
    We venal rain – but Lefebvre

    Righteous thunder!!

    “Tradidi Quod Et Accepi”

  4. I wish this is not wishfull thinking.
    I’ ve followed Burke since the Dubia and before and was surprised for his recent petition about Fatima, and the astonishing reaction (not the first one ) of Maradiaga, (sent by Francis, no doubt ).

    The same guy , Maradiaga for this related events (Dubia and Fatima, towards Bergoglio).

    I still cannot imagine the correction will not come as promised , except something unexpected occurs.
    I don’t know why it has not happened yet, but that doesn’t change my hope.

  5. Here is an entry from Rorate Caeli that describes the Two Swords of the Church, one temporal, one spiritual, one going inward, one going outward. Two swords, two beams that make up the Cross of Life.
    The fall of the temporal Sword made the Church a wounded society and bred corruption in the clerical class which went into collusion with the socialist modern world. Paul VI dismantled the last noble order of knights (The Noble Guards) that was permanently present at the Roman court, its presence was the last temporal sanity check the clerical class had to go through to posses credence in the eyes of common folk, it was the last obstacle to total isolation from scrutiny, with this order gone sexual deviancy and clericalism became rampant during the era of The New Advent.


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