Terrorism: Prevention Trumps Repression Any Day

The “Gateway Pundit” (recommended reading for Mundabor supporters) has an interesting article concerning the Polish Government. Their position is simple: you don't want Islamic terrorism? Don't import Muslims then!

This is, obviously, common sense. But it makes headlines in a time in which common sense flies out of the window because some overweight German bitch wants you to conform to the Merkelprinzip.

What the Poles got and Western Europe doesn't is this: Muslim immigrants and Islamic terrorism are like, erm, horse and carriage: you can't get one without the other.

Whilst it is certainly true that most Muslims are peaceful people, this is not the way to assess the degree of danger represented by a religion. You can be certain that among the Aztecs most people were peaceful, too, but theirs still was an extremely brutal, cruel, bloody religion.

Islam condones or encourages violence against non-Muslims. It does not matter that it sends ambivalent messages about being both bloody and peaceful: the aggressive, murderous component is there, and the more a Muslim is devout to his religion, the more likely he is to either condone or promote or put in act this violence. Islam also promotes the forced islamisation of a country and the subservience of the non-Muslims, even when they leave you alive.

This is particularly true of the Sunni (have you noticed that Muslim terrorists are, basically, always Sunnis?) because the Shia have, like Catholics, a doctrinal system condemning such acts, whilst the Sunnis are the sola scriptura people of the Muslim world. Unavoidably, some people will get the gist of the violent message of the paedophile so-called prophet and follow his commands to the letter. The more so as, being a sola scriptura types, they are really so dumb as to think they will get himself killed in the morning and screw girls in their porn paradise in the afternoon.

These are all elements we cannot expunge from Islam, because they are intrinsic to it. In the case of the Sunnis (the clear majority of the Muslims) terrorism is literally built in. In the case of the Shiah, the threat of forced islamisation is.

Every sane Westerner would therefore agree, if we lived in sane times, that Islam itself is the problem and the task of European Government must be to peacefully, but certainly, eradicate it. Even more obviously, he would agree that where there are no Muslims none must be imported.

This is common sense. But it appears Western Europeans hate common sense as they hate themselves (or better said, hate their Christian matrix), and they prefer to remain blind to a danger now developing at a faster pace.

To prevent is better than to repress. Every liberal would tell you that. Alas, when it comes to Muslims they want to have the problem first, thinking they will “teddy bear-away” it later.

Not happening, I am afraid. We will either wake up or end up with the ISIS ruling parts of Europe (not Poland, Hungary or Russia) at some point.



Posted on June 7, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Terrorism: Prevention Trumps Repression Any Day.

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