Oblatio Vitae: My Cat Now Expecting Beatification

The new criterium for beatification opens the way for interesting developments: if the oblatio vitae is added to the traditional two, we will have an awful lot of potential candidates used to further demolish every single Catholic institution.

From what I have read, the new discipline is the usual Jesuit piece of shit deception: it can be read in a fairly orthodox way – and I would question the innovation in that case, too – or it can be used to disrupt the institution of beatification. Say hello to Blessed Proddie, and after a while Blessed Muslim and Blessed Hindu. In time, the oblatio vitae will include those deemed, by their extremely unchristian life, to have lived a Christian life because they fought for communism social justice: Che Guevara comes to mind.

My cat is, actually, already walking around with a strong expectation of beatification. He lives a very virtuous life according to the lights of a cat, and social justice is – of course, the cat's way – very strong in him: how much food, fun, and girl cats he is due is a matter of the greatest social importance to him. There is no doubt he will – not being neutered – fight all his life for social justice. Heck, if he were to die in a desperate jump from one roof to the other, striving for his fair share of female cats, he has no doubt whatsoever this would be a clear giving up his own life for the benefit of humanity as he perceives it.

I don't blame my cat. He is told that the Church should be building bridges to him, and that the Church's language towards socially conscious cats striving for social justice has been too harsh in the past.

I actually blame Francis: who, once again, shows his barely believable hatred for Catholicism by attacking every single Catholic institution as much as he can.



Posted on July 14, 2017, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. They’ve found incredibly efficient the canonization of the Second Vatican Council through John XXIII, John Paul II and mother Teresa… This is furthering their agenda.

  2. Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas

    Mundabor, the level of holiness is directly related to degree of involvement in promotion of social justice – abortion, euthanasia and islamization of the West. Your cat must get to work now or his chance at canonization is null. The satanic “do as you will” (isn’t this is your cat’s maxim?) as foundation of illumination=holiness is coming after the successful implementation of the above-mentioned goals.

    • I think Cuban revolutionaries will be stage one, but my cat will be stage three or four.
      Being a smart cat, he knows it already.

  3. Your cat, or better, our cat has pasted a post on his room dolor today. which says:

    “Do not bother , it is forbidden ”

    He wants our silence, me be he obtain Chesterton’s “Hanwell”.

    I hope.

  4. I’d rather have your cat as pope than what we have. He wouldn’t spout heresy. Also, we’d just need to clean his litter, which is much easier than cleaning out the faggotry in Vatican City.

  5. Well, if your cat qualifies for beatification, my dog definitely fits in. He lives for me and me alone and will do anything for me. When that sad day comes when he passes on, surely he will be perpetually remembered with canonisation as he’s lived his life for another! Great post. You demonstrate how the Evil Clown is obliterating the Catholic Faith and changing it into the leader of the one world religion.

  6. Francis will do anything to turn the Church upside down. He does not have much time that he has to bring the Roman Catholic Church into One World Church before “the Lord of the World” comes. Jesus will stop him.

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