Daily Archives: May 8, 2020

Victory In Europe. Followed By Self-Defeat.

Today, the United Kingdom celebrates the 75th anniversary of VE Day, Victory in Europe in the Second World War.

How ironic that this day should be celebrated with the entire population forced to a mild version of house arrest by their own Government. It really goes to show what a fragile construct freedom is, and the many ways in which democracy can corrupt itself to the point that being in a democracy make people forget that they are supposed to live in freedom.

75 years of internal peace have led too many to forget what it that they cherish about freedom. If the elected government would order them to cry “nanananaaaanna” for the next three weeks, because experts say that it helps against obesity, or poverty, or whatever, they would probably think it very fitting and appropriate to do so.

Protect the NHS. Save lives. Scream like an idiot.

75 years later, two generations of people who were ready to die to defend their freedom are afraid to put their nose out of their home, are ready to denounce to the police those who do, and are getting very rapidly accustomed to be told what degree of freedom exactly they are actually allowed to have  this week.  Not because of a war. Not because of bombs. Not because of foreign invaders. No. Because of a Government too cowardly to go against the opinion of self-appointed “experts”, now conducting the most extensive exercise in techno-dictatorship of all times on a planetary scale. And it saddens me to say this, but i suspect a lot of low-income people find the idea of staying home and have their sweet doing nothing paid by the Government not unappealing at all.

If the generation of those who fought and died in the Second World War would see what bunch of effeminate nincompoops too many of their nephews have reduced themselves to, would they have considered it worth to fight and die for them?

What a sad year 2020 is becoming. Not for the tragedy of an obviously dangerous (if not anywhere near as dangerous as the hype) virus and the bereavements it caused; but for what it says about the Western populations, as the initial three weeks that could have been fairly easily absorbed are now becoming the Economic Apocalypse, with no one in this country willing to say “enough!”, and Boris choosing the easy way of doing nothing and showing himself “concerned”.

An entire Country relinquishes his freedom. Its elected representative do not dare do anything. A lot os people are happy with not having to work.

This is what their grandparents apparently fought for.