Roe vs Subversive Activity

Yesterday it was a very beautiful and, at the same time, horrible day.

The leak about the incoming sentence of the Supreme Court putting an end to the murderous abomination called Roe vs Wade was an event of truly historical proportion, an earthquake signing the beginning of the swing of the history pendulum in the other direction.

But then again, it was a leak. Make no mistake, this was an unprecedented event of clearly subversive nature. I hope that the responsible party will be brought to justice and get a long jail sentence for subversive activity.

The decision will be of huge magnitude. This is, clearly, known to the bastards who leaked it. The aim here is clearly to put under pressure the weak links of the decision (certainly Coney Barrett, possibly Kavanaugh) and make them backpedal after their spouses, children and dogs have received death threats from several sides.

I doubt that Kavanaugh will be that cowardly.

About Coney Barrett, I am not so sure.

What the Democrats will do now is try to stage riots all over the country, hoping that the dead militant will come out soon. At that point, said that militant will be canonised in the same way as Saint Fentanylius was (George Floyd to you and me), and everybody who does not espouse the cause of the martyr will be declared a non-person.

That the tactic is so arrogant, so obvious, and so subversive does not make it less effective. The Democrats know it very well, and they have abandoned any notion of decency a long time ago.

Coney Barrett is the weak link. This leak is clearly targeting her. The mob will be coming for her hard and fast.

Are the US a Banana Republic?

We’ll soon know.

Pray for the unborn, and that those behind this subversive act are brought to justice.

Posted on May 4, 2022, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. grassrootgonzo

    The now a lawless banana republic being dismantled from within. That was established when SCOTUS refused to hear any election fraud evidence after Trump played the game going through the lower courts. This is after SCOTUS did get involved in the Bush-Gore election. We have no borders and illegal criminals (soldiers) are being actively imported by the Dominion-installed ruling thugs, as food processing and distribution facilities are being sabotaged. The currency is being destroyed by debt-fuelled rampant spending bills supporting regime change of Nationalist Putin, and very likely a large percentage kicked back and funding the population replacement of white Christians in the US…along with hidden laws admitting even more Afghan jihadis into the US in the 33 billion $ spending bill to “Ukraine”. American “government” is no more, we occupied by communist NWO shills, and that is why they do not care if Putin nukes the US, they WANT him to. These thugs, like Schumer, are calling for violent insurrection against SCOTUS, even as the unarmed, peaceful Jan 6th protesters rot in jail.

  2. I think John Roberts is the weak link. He was the weak link on Obamacare.

  3. The riots have begun. It took Soros a couple of days to get organized.