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Diplomacy Is Not Enough

Great believer in diplomacy no matter what...



The Italian newspaper Il Foglio has an appeal to Pope Francis to, in simple words, show some teeth in the face on the ongoing secular onslaught.

In times were lesbians are allowed to set the tone of the EU policy concerning sexual perverts, and the United Demons tell the Vatican where they need to align themselves to the Inclusive Truth, polite diplomatic reactions will never have any useful or permanent effect.

The people at Il Foglio – a rare newspaper nowadays in the Italian landscape, as it supports Catholicism with an energy and outspokenness unthinkable in the mainstream newspaper, all but converted to the “gay rights” gospel – recognise that the moment is not one for soft words, and polite disagreements. A battle for the direction of a great part of humanity is now ongoing, and the continuation of this pussyfooting – when we are lucky – will cause a de facto wiping out of Christianity from most of the West.

The appeal is neutrally formulated, and versions in French and English are also online. The introductory article (not sure the link works) is rather, with its explanation of the reason for the petition, the key to the understanding of the initiative. Follow the link to get the appeal in the language of your choice.

Do not be discouraged by the fact that the initiative is accompanied by praise for the Bishop of Rome, a praise most certainly entirely unmerited. To support the petition does not mean to support the Pope in his hippy antics, merely the initiative therein contained and the polite exhortation to become – and not one day too soon – more assertive.

I am glad there are still newspapers in Italy written – and read – by people who actually care for the Church and Her values. From what I can see, they are now becoming a tiny minority, as the once vast strata of “rather Catholic” non-churchgoers is dying, and is being substituted by the generation of their “rather indifferent” children, fully poisoned by the mantra of inclusiveness they see coming from the Anglo-Saxon world as the Italian clergy is nowhere to instruct them, or is all too happy to lick the plates of the Gandhi-admiring masses.

Consider putting your name on the petition. As I understand, an email is enough.

It won't change the world. It will most certainly not change Francis. But it will be a small witness; a signal of things that do not work, and must be changed.



Manif Pour Tous: (First) Victory In France

The news has reached the Italian newspapers (the decent ones, at least; the others just ignore the facts) that the French government has abandoned the proposed new “family” (means: meant to destroy it) legislation, which would have allowed, among other things, “couples” of dykes to get a child in vitro.

For added fun, it appears the government ranks are now in full disarray on this, with some extremists wanting to go on with proposal without government support, and hoping to get a majority. So you have them losing and quarrelling, which is a rather interesting scenario.

Further battles (assuming this one will be definitively won, which for the moment appears probable to me) await the movement, which will now focus against the measures meant to cancel the concept of “sex is destiny” perverting even little children. Of course, other battles await, including the backpedaling on the abomination of so-called “same sex marriages”.

I allow myself to notice here again what I have written already on several occasion: the typical politician in a Western democracy is a coward ready to cave in at the first signs of popular rage. Hollande & Co. aren't so ideologised that they will put their career in danger for their convictions. You miaow, they roar. You roar, they miaow.

Evidently, Hollande & Co. have not believed the police numbers – impressive in themselves – but rather the pictures with the huge crowds in Paris and Lyon last Sunday. They know their political asses might one day be on the line, and they care for their own far more than they claim to fight for the emancipation of a faggot's sphyncter.

I hope this first, but highly significative victory encourages the decent Frenchmen that this madness can be reversed, and helps the movement to gain further momentum – no thanks to Francis – in the years to come.



Old Teenagers

The French President, Francois Hollande, has a brand-new mistress. I mean, she is not so very brand-new as she is 41, but you get my drift.

Hollande must now, as they say, “decide” between his mistress and his wife; then apparently French Presidents cannot have both anymore, as they usually did in the past. Will he keep his 48 years old wife, who has already expressed her desire to keep her five servants, jet flights, and assorted perks of the lawful spouse of the elected Roi Soleil? Or will he go for the 41 years old mother of two, promoting her from her role of Madame Pompadour to the far more prestigious one of (future) Current Wife?

Ah, I forgot. Hollande's actual wife (I mean, as I write) has four children; but they aren't Hollande's; none of them; at least not as far as we know. Hollande himself has, though, his own children; but they also come from another wife; or another relationship; or whatever.

We live in a world of middle-aged promiscuous teenagers changing their official “partner” like others change cars; leaving a trail of broken families and wounded children behind them; not even feeling any need to apologise for their behaviour; without any idea of what it is I do not say chastity, but at least taking one's responsibilities and living like a responsible adult.

One begins to understand why so many of these people support and glorify sodomy. If you want to be able to do as you please without fear of criticism, you must allow your voters – straight or pervert – to do the same. ” Who am I to judge” is exactly the kind of comment the Hollandes of the world want you to make when you hear of their antics, and in order to do so every moral frame that would allow the moral judgment of the President and of those like them must be destroyed in the first place.

Middle-aged teenagers voted by middle-aged teenagers; none of whom apparently sees the least problem in that.

Welcome to XXI Century's Western Europe.



Mexicos Supreme Court Rejects Legalisation of Abortion

Gotta love the signature

A strange country, Mexico; at least seen from the other side of the pond.

On the one hand, Christian values seem to be deteriorating rather rapidly, with sodo-marriages now allowed in parts of the countries (strong federal structures, apparently, with wide-reaching powers for the individual states).

On the other hand, the 2007 decision of the Constitutional Court to allow abortions for the first 12 weeks after conception has caused a real pro-life run, with 18 of their 31 states approving state constitutional measures meant at keeping abortion away from their own territory. A bit the equivalent of Proposition 8 regarding sodomy, but without the sodomite judge.

The widespread move to keep abortion away from the relevant state has prompted one of the judges of the constitutional court to try to impose the overruling of the single states, that is: the decision that it is unconstitutional for a state to put measures in place meant at banning abortion from its own territory.

This attempt has now been thwarted.

Whilst it would appear that abortion is still legal in 13 of the 31 states, one can only salute a decision that allows vast parts of Mexico to continue to give themselves, at least in this respect, Christian rules.
