Diplomacy Is Not Enough

Great believer in diplomacy no matter what...



The Italian newspaper Il Foglio has an appeal to Pope Francis to, in simple words, show some teeth in the face on the ongoing secular onslaught.

In times were lesbians are allowed to set the tone of the EU policy concerning sexual perverts, and the United Demons tell the Vatican where they need to align themselves to the Inclusive Truth, polite diplomatic reactions will never have any useful or permanent effect.

The people at Il Foglio – a rare newspaper nowadays in the Italian landscape, as it supports Catholicism with an energy and outspokenness unthinkable in the mainstream newspaper, all but converted to the “gay rights” gospel – recognise that the moment is not one for soft words, and polite disagreements. A battle for the direction of a great part of humanity is now ongoing, and the continuation of this pussyfooting – when we are lucky – will cause a de facto wiping out of Christianity from most of the West.

The appeal is neutrally formulated, and versions in French and English are also online. The introductory article (not sure the link works) is rather, with its explanation of the reason for the petition, the key to the understanding of the initiative. Follow the link to get the appeal in the language of your choice.

Do not be discouraged by the fact that the initiative is accompanied by praise for the Bishop of Rome, a praise most certainly entirely unmerited. To support the petition does not mean to support the Pope in his hippy antics, merely the initiative therein contained and the polite exhortation to become – and not one day too soon – more assertive.

I am glad there are still newspapers in Italy written – and read – by people who actually care for the Church and Her values. From what I can see, they are now becoming a tiny minority, as the once vast strata of “rather Catholic” non-churchgoers is dying, and is being substituted by the generation of their “rather indifferent” children, fully poisoned by the mantra of inclusiveness they see coming from the Anglo-Saxon world as the Italian clergy is nowhere to instruct them, or is all too happy to lick the plates of the Gandhi-admiring masses.

Consider putting your name on the petition. As I understand, an email is enough.

It won't change the world. It will most certainly not change Francis. But it will be a small witness; a signal of things that do not work, and must be changed.



Posted on February 12, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. The barbarians are truly at the gates while the Pope dons a clown nose.

  2. I am happy to sign this petition but can’t see where/how to sign. More info please?