Mrs Bishop Robinson (Achtung! Female Leg!).

Many thanks to reader Quiltwallah for this link.

It appears that our very own Mrs Robinson, already the object of the attentions of this blog, is now going to change is Facebook status from “pretend married fag” to “single fag”, or more probably “fish look fish” (don’t worry, pretend Bishop; these are a rather perverted bunch; you’ll find one that suits you).

The article might surpass in sugary content what I thought was not possible to “improve” upon: the divorce of Al and Tipper Gore, an orgy of mutual support that left the polar bear cubs wondering what needs there was of divorce in the first place (if memory serves, it was Larry David’s wife, a rabid environmentalist; but memory might not serve, and life’s too short for checking).

Mrs Robinson (assuming here he had, within the “couple”, the role of “Mrs”; we might, if God is merciful, never know the truth) plays the entire keyboard of the sugary common places, leaving only “in some way, we will always love each other” aside. I think. Life’s too short, again

He plays the role of the old wise fag, who thought his “union” was sooo made in heaven but can’t really say, for obvious PR reasons, what we all know: that it was made in hell. But you understand how grand he is, and how graciously – with just an idea of mascara – he hints at the fact he has been dumped. Yeah, he seems to say: there are always faults on both sides. But haven’t you noticed how good I am nevertheless?

And so, just after Easter – which we understand has kept him very busy: what colour might Jesus’ tunic have been? Did the crown match with the red of His blood? And was Disma, perhaps, just a tad “gay”? – Mrs Robinson told us the two are now going to go their separate way, or “gay” sauna.

I understand Monsignor Ricca is still to be had, so perhaps Mrs Robinson might, well, try to seduce him.

Hell holds a place for stupid gays.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.




Posted on May 4, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. I would have thought that you wrote “The Bishop’s Decision to Divorce” if I had not seen the original ( internal link) article . If this were not so serious a matter The Bishop’s letter would indeed be a priceless bit of humor.

  2. If anybody runs across photos from OKCupid (the dating site that started the process of getting the Mozilla/Firefox CEO purged for being a Christian) that show G. Robinson wearing a speedo, PLEASE don’t post them! 🙂

    Btw, when reading on the story, I came across an American conservative Anglican site:

    I wouldn’t have guessed there was such a thing. Note the comments would fit in here.

    • What is a speedo?

      Anyway, if it’s good for those fags at OKCupid it might well be good enough for this blog 😉


    • A “speedo” is a very skimpy male swimsuit, originally designed for competitive swimmers because it has less drag in the water, but rthen always worn by homosexuals on floats in Gay Pride parades as they would gyrate around, etc.

    • If anyone finds the photo, please post the link here.

      There will be no mercy 😉


  3. This is everywhere on google, but I never used it on one of my posts because when it’s only one man they can ask WordPress to remove the photo.
    It happened to me once by an extremely colourful old hippy, who evidently did not like being exposed as an old hippy.


  4. Speedo swim trunks are not just the domain of professional swimmers and homosexual men. German tourists wear them when they visit the high desert, here in the American West. They seem to love the dry heat and one rather conservative municipality, Moab, UT, had an ordinance outlawing them on Main Street.