Daily Archives: May 25, 2014

Elliot Rodger Is A Son Of Our Times




A chap called Elliot Rodger goes on a rampage, kills six people, wounds other seven, exchanges gunfire with the police, then kills himself.

This would be a usual case of a madman tired of living, but it has an important difference.

The young Mr Rodger uses the social media to justify his acts, and employs all the kind of emotional bollocks so much en vogue nowadays.

He has no friends, to which he obviously feels entitled. He clearly has no sex, to which he also feels entitled. He has no societal approval, which is the gravest sin of the century.

The young man does not have everything that modern society deifies: feel-good feelings, good time and, obviously, sex galore. He feels, therefore, authorised to take a weapons and go frontally against the very society that deifies those very things it negates to him.

For a Christian, all this does not make sense. But think of it coolly: for someone whose gods are fun, sex, and approval, it suddenly does.

Now, of course Rodger was a madman, and his Asperger’s syndrome – no doubt now promptly exploited by the social nurse crowds; I can hear the cries of “poor lamb” and “what could we have done to avoid this horrible tragedy happening” already – is in no way excuse; because if it was, everyone with the same condition should be locked in a madhouse not tomorrow but, actually, today.

Still: this madman would, in other times, have at least continuous reminders that there are other values than fun, sex on the beach isn’t any kind of achievement, and friends are something that – Asperger’s or no Asperger’s – one is simply not entitled to. This would, it is to be hoped and reasonably assumed, have an effect on his brain, making what has happened far less probable. If your eyes are at least vaguely, distractedly, or occasionally towards heaven, it will be more difficult to become obsessed with one’ problems on earth; which, in time, might even help with a social life and, if not sex on the beach – which I am not advocating – at least a reasonably contented existence.

Mr Rodger is simply saying to the world: ” all that you have declared the very purpose of existence, you deny to me. Therefore, I will take revenge on you”.

Think of it again.

In the twisted, godless world of the XXI century, he is making sense: in a world without God there is no place for morality, and in a world declaring self-satisfaction the purpose of existence a life without self-satisfaction is not worthy of existing.   

Elliot Rodger, lucid madman, is the mirror of the lucidly mad society of our times.



Watering Down The Truth





I have posted a short while ago – after my adrenaline level has stabilised, albeit to a very dangerous level – a blog post about Pope Francis’ endorsement of and encouragement to sodomy. 

Reading around on the Internet, you find the various comments: with the professional blind, the closet homosexuals talking of “mercy”, and the “I don’t know how, but this must all make sense in some way” types.

Some commenters, though, seem to make a very dangerous mistake: they choose orthodoxy by half, thinking that this is a kind of “golden mean”, or a way to protect orthodoxy whilst remaining “charitable”. It isn’t orthodox, and it isn’t charitable.

A clear example is in the approval of the so-called “third way” concerning homosexuality. From what I could read around, this “third way” would consist in declaring oneself openly and proudly homosexual, whilst choosing chastity because… Christianity says so.

This is a clear example of senseless bollocks, invented by someone who wanted to bend over backwards to appease the culture of the times, or wanted to promote homosexuality profiting of the culture of the times.

Homosexuality is a perversion. There’s nothing good in homosexuality. Nothing whatever. Homosexuality is not to 98%, or to 99%, but to 100% of the devil. It is, therefore, utterly impossible to be afflicted by such a perversion and be “proud” of it, in the same way as it is impossible to openly declare oneself a pervert without giving scandal.

Thinking logically, the entire concept defies its purpose. To make something public already means to imply a search for approval; an approval that is then forcefully imposed on the community by the very assertion that there should be any “pride” in it.

One truly wonders what the purpose of this “third way” is: to lead homosexuals to accepts chastity, or to lead Christians to accepts homosexuality of something to be openly proclaimed, and to be proud of. Tellingly, no one of the promoters of this strange “way” seem to ask himself why there was never any need of it before. Was Christianity unmerciful these last 2000 years?

Beware of this kind of “moderate” positions. They aren’t Christian, at all.

The same happens with some Catholics who say that they are contrary to so-called same-sex marriage, but are not against so-called civil partnerships. They do not understand that if Christianity has done without civil partnership for 2,000 years it was because of … basic Christianity.

Unfortunately, nowadays the very concept of scandal has disappeared. Accommodating people’s real or perceived need is the real priority, and people therefore start to think, in all seriousness and without seeing any problem, how Christianity can be bent to do it.

The idea that it should be a problem at all that a faggot living with his “partner” would not have his “relationship” with him legally regulated, or would not be able to visit him in the hospital, or would not have any right to his “pension pot” by “divorce” would have caused justified scandal, mixed with amused irony and salacious comments, in every generation before ours. Nowadays, people very seriously think about them, and think them a societal issue. This is how de-Christianised our societies have become.

These are merely two example. There are many others.

Be always vigilant, and reflect whether what you are reading on the internet would have been considered sound by your grand-grandmother.

Truth never changes. It’s as simple as that.


The Rape Of The Church: Pope Francis Celebrates And Encourages Sodomy

Faggot is who faggot does.

Faggot is who faggot does.


I had missed this, but it was posted yesterday by two readers on my comment box.

Words fail.

Let us stay calm (if we can; I have been trying since yesterday) and let us see what is happening here.


The faggot priest (real, or honorary) gives to the Pope a set of wooden chalice and paten. The use of wooden chalice and paten in the Mass is explicitly forbidden. It is, it can be safely said, a clear sign that the Mass in question may well be invalid, and that the celebrant does not believe in the Transubstantiation. In this case, the wooden chalice and paten are an obvious sign of defiance of Church teaching, as everything the faggot priest (real, or honorary) says and stands for.

The Bishop of Rome, disgracefully reigning, accepts the gift.


The faggot priest (real, or honorary) also give Francis a copy of his most recent book. There can be no doubt whatever the book is scandalous in its every part, and promotes sodomy exactly as his author does. Sodomy cries to heaven for vengeance.

The Bishop of Rome, disgracefully reigning, accepts the gift, too. 


Not happy with thus giving an obvious, public endorsement of sodomy, Francis concelebrates Mass with the faggot priest (real, or honorary). This, he does with the man who is about to give him a wooden chalice and paten.

My adrenaline has been on alarm levels since yesterday, so I will avoid to expand much on this. I have already cancelled several lines of this post. And I don’t think any of them was untrue in any way.  

The facts are in front of you. There is nowhere to hide. This is so openly the work of the Devil that I am embarrassed for your mother if you are so thick that you don’t get it. 

One would hope that all those who had refused to see anything bad in this disgraceful man appointing his sodomite buddy to head of the Vatican Bank (where he still sits) would open their big blue eyes and start looking at reality as it is: a Pope who is an accomplice of, and encourages sodomy for the sake of his own approval. But they very probably won’t, because if they had had some sense they would have understood then, rather than needing this open, shocking, shameless endorsement of sodomy now. 

This Pope, who thinks angels inferior to men, truly causes them to cry to heaven for vengeance. His approval of sodomy is so explicit that it cannot be made more clear. I ask you what is a Pope to do to let even the last idiot understand that he – if he is not homosexual himself – is most certainly an accomplice of sodomites. I can’t imagine any endorsement more open than this one, short of “mercifully” appearing in some “gay porn” movie.

Which, let me state this very clearly, I do not consider beyond him, at all.

Sodomy is a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance. A sin. That cries. To heaven. For vengeance.

If Francis had some sense in that stupid, or evil, head of his, he would avoid even thinking of giving such scandal. He would know that his being such an overt accomplice of the sin of the sodomites would attract on him the most terrible punishment, perhaps only short of those reserved to sodomites themselves (and perhaps not, because he is the Pope). If he had, he would. But he hasn’t, so he doesn’t.

I think the reality is a very sobering one: this man does not believe in God. He is, consequently, not afraid of punishment. He berates angels, because he considers them fantasy creations. He does not believe in Transubstantiation, and therefore accepts a wooden chalice and paten as a gift without wincing; actually, with his acceptance he encourages further liturgical abuses, and sends a very open signal of his lack of belief in Transubstantiation.

He is not afraid of any punishment, whether earthly of heavenly. He believes in only one thing: Jorge Bergoglio. The promotion of this agenda, of the “Humble Pope” brand is, to him, the only thing that counts, and to which everything else – from the Transubstantiation to the Blessed Virgin, from Our Lord to the  most elementary teachings – must give way.

All this is then conveniently  masked as “mercy”, thus clearly indicating God is, with his approval of Christianity of the past 2000 years, unmerciful.

What a disgrace of a Pope.   

The bride of Christ is being raped every day, by the same man who should protect Her. The perverts of all sorts and their friends applaud, and rejoice. The tepid masses do not understand, but prefer to look the other way. The professional idiots say if the Pope rapes the Church, then it means for some reason it is right that the Church be raped. There must be things we do not know, you know… Christianity has always been so inscrutable, after all…

I know that the angels in heaven look at all this. I call on them to cry to heaven for God’s righteous vengeance on this man, relentlessly working against God in the most evident, most shameless way, and only bent on the edification of his own cult.

This is a papacy fit for the perverts, the atheists, the satanists, the heathen, and the stupid. 

They are all having a party, whilst Francis rapes the Church every day.
