Jesuits: Liberace Movie Is Commendable, But Not “Gay” Enough

Today he would, methinks, become a Jesuit...

Today he would, methinks, become a Jesuit…

Damon and Michael Douglas put in great performances, as does the rest of the (star-studded) cast, who all deserve sincere praise for their commitment to this project, which others in the industry were reportedly too scared to touch. However, whilst both leads put in commendably watchable performances, I am not quite sure how much they were really able to feel some of the emotions they perform.

Read here (or perhaps not) the considerations of a chap who appears not to be a religious, but who is still published by the web site of the British Jesuits. I have written and reblogged about these people already.

The entire article does not mention, not even en passant, the sin of the Sodomites as being reprehensible in any way, shape or form. People simply are homosexual in the same way as they are, say, blond. There is a mention of “darker issues”, but one is not given to understand whether they relate to sodomy in any way. “The Big Sleep” was also very “dark” in its issues, come to that.

But the author goes further than that: whilst he questions the credibility of the source used for this movie, he notices the initial story was rejected as “too gay”, and the fact he says this movie is now one of the straightest he has seen in years not only tells you something about the movies he must normally watch, but also clearly indicates the movie lacks “gayness”.

The pearl is at the end: the actors must be “commended” for their “commitment” to a project other were “too scared to touch”; but you see, the main characters still aren’t, in real life, homos, so he wonders whether they are really “able to feel some of the emotions they perform”. In this man’s mind homo actors would have been better, of course. They would have had the right “feelings”, you know. Again, this film is not faggoty enough.

I thought actors are supposed to portray emotions they do not feel, which is why they can portray serial killers, and the like; but apparently a film about perverts requires perverts to be made properly, though the commitment to the portrayal of perversion deserves, how can it be otherwise, “sincere praise”.

Yes, this review must be from a Jesuit site. I wish I could say to you that if a religious instead of a layman had written the review, the Christian content would have been at least vaguely perceptible. Alas, this is not the case, and more likely than not such a writer would have abused of the initials after his name to be even more supportive of the sin of the sodomites. Jesuits are so keen to let you know how open minded they are. Heck, nowadays one must wonder about the odds of a Jesuit being straight in the first place.

This once great religious order is dying. The Pope complains such orders cling on their own money. The rot they have everywhere, he is unable or unwilling to see, much less correct.



Posted on June 17, 2013, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. If this piece of trash wasn’t “gay” enough, I wonder why the perv’s who made this film didn’t just get some homoporno from an adult(?) bookstore and edit ed it into the film. I guarantee it would have been “gay enough” then!

    • I think in that case the reviewer would have been satisfied, calling the movie “gritty” and “truthful”.
      Of course, we will never know.


  2. Reblogged this on Mundabor's Blog and commented:

    Reblog of the day

  3. Given that this comes from a Jesuit site, isn’t it a sad state of affairs? – that this once great Order founded by a spiritual master, and which produced heroic martyr priests and brothers during the 16th century Protestant revolt, men that gave their lives for the Catholic Faith, (being a scot, I am thinking of men like St. John Ogilvie, who suffered savage execution at Glasgow Cross, and himself a convert to the Catholic Church) – that it has been reduced to this parody of itself. I am convinced more than ever that we are now in the midst of a “not so silent apostasy” which is only going to become evermore diabolical.

    • It has been a constant habit of the Jesuits in the past decades to try to ruin everything they touch: liturgy, high er education, sexual morals.
      They are now working at the Papacy.
