Jesuits: Liberace Movie Is Commendable, But Not “Gay” Enough

Reblog of the day

Mundabor's Blog

Damon and Michael Douglas put in great performances, as does the rest of the (star-studded) cast, who all deserve sincere praise for their commitment to this project, which others in the industry were reportedly too scared to touch. However, whilst both leads put in commendably watchable performances, I am not quite sure how much they were really able to feel some of the emotions they perform.

Read here (or perhaps not) the considerations of a chap who appears not to be a religious, but who is still published by the web site of the British Jesuits. I have written and reblogged about these people already.

The entire article does not mention, not even en passant, the sin of the Sodomites as being reprehensible in any way, shape or form. People simply are homosexual in the same way as they are, say, blond. There is a mention of “darker issues”, but…

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Posted on July 4, 2013, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Jesuits: Liberace Movie Is Commendable, But Not “Gay” Enough.

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