Identity Without Christianity

The Pope stated the obvious objection to his own view that one must not proselytize but rather dialogue and “walk with” people: “But, brother Pope, this is what we are doing, but perhaps we are converting no one or very few people….” Indeed! And the Pope’s answer: “But you are doing it anyway: with your identity, you are hearing the other.”

The idea that one can convert others merely by displaying one’s “identity” and “hearing the other” would have sounded like utter nonsense to the martyrs of Korea, who were put to death for preaching the Gospel in order to convert and save souls in keeping with the divine commission. And those same martyrs would probably have not believed it if they were told that one day a Pope would say this to the bishops of Asia: “And the Lord will grant his grace: sometimes he will move hearts and someone will ask for baptism, sometimes not. But always let us walk together. This is the heart of dialogue.” In other words, perhaps you will make converts while dialoguing, perhaps not. But don’t worry: dialogue is the thing! Evangelization has lost all meaning in Bergoglian theology, which is essentially the post-Vatican II Jesuit liberalism of the 1970s.

This is Chris Ferrara’s probably most pregnant statement in an excellent article dealing, once again, with the way the Bishop of Rome refuses to do his job as bishop, let alone bishop of Rome.

It is clear by now the strategy that this man is pursuing: to be what non-Catholics, lapsed Catholics and Anti-Catholics want him to be, but delivering some timid statement every now and then so that the Pollyannas may continue to believe he is an orthodox Pope; in the same way as the Waffen SS believed in Nazi victory in February 1945.

Pope Francis is trying to achieve the demolition of Catholicism as we know it, and its substitution for a vaguely new-age religion of “hearing one another” whose stupidity is only surpassed by the arrogance of the man so humbly proposing himself as Best Pope Since Peter.

I do not know what name one could give to such a mentality, but “Catholic” is certainly not one that jumps to mind. It’s the kind of waffle you could hear from a confused liberal elementary school teacher; not from a priest, much less a Cardinal, much less a Pope.

Francis goes around saying that Catholicism is an option; but he does not seem averse to the audience and popularity coming to him from his having the job that, of all jobs in the world, does not speak of options. It is as if the headmaster would spend his day saying to the pupils that school isn’t important after all, what counts is that they are nice friends people would want to be around.

Shall I, then, blame this obvious old atheist called Francis for the excrement he deposits at our door at least three times a week? Or shall I, rather, blame the brainless masses who continue to feel like they were “his friend” everytime the old nutcase is afraid of being Catholic, or feels the need to say something completely absurd in exchange for 3 days of media excitement?

Dio vede e provvede, says the wise Italian. God sees and provides. In this case, I can only draw some comfort from the fact that God is already providing for a better time… sometimes after Francis’ departure, or resignation.

But how long our punishment will be, and how massive the rape of Catholicism, I can only fear.









Posted on August 26, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. “Pope Francis is trying to achieve the demolition of Catholicism as we know it, and its substitution for a vaguely new-age religion of “hearing one another” whose stupidity is only surpassed by the arrogance of the man so humbly proposing himself as Best Pope Since Peter.”

    Sounds evil to me.

  2. More excrement in this week’s Angelus address: nice coverage at Harvesting the Fruit in case you missed it.

    We’re all rocks now! (Well, we’re a building-ish type community thing so whatever…)

  3. Dear Mundabor, we have to finally return to the “ground zero” of this papacy, then we will be able to see the truth in a proper light. I am applauding Louie Verrecchio for LOUDLY AND PUBLICLY SAYING AS IT IS:

    Schism and long prophesied destruction of the Catholic Church is on the horizon! Everybody rings the bells… Look at this:

  4. Yes, M, Chris Ferrara’s article is excellent, and Louie Verrechio is spot on. I think this must surely rank as one of the worst papacies at least in modern history. I consider Evangelium Gaudium as one of the worst papal documents ever written and I dread the next outpouring in the expected encyclical on the environment. As they gear up for the Synod we can expect a deluge of destructive ambiguities, already some of the bishops are softening up the faithful preparing the ground for the new “pastoral” approach. Let’s brace ourselves, since it looks as if God is going to let us endure this affliction for some time yet.

  5. Dear M, thanks for your concern, but as expected I will be taking my leave of the parish this September and returning to my native Scotland. It’s all done in a subtle diplomatic way but the bottom line is that in this situation its “better to change personnel”. Thats way its put. I am a member of a religious congregation so I have a few options. In truth, I will miss the good core of parishioners who supported our efforts here to teach the faith fully and robustly, and to promote true Catholic liturgy. But I can see that we would be running up against the same problems year after year, and believe me when I see what’s coming down the line, it’s going to get worse. The time is now upon us when priests who seek to teach the Faith as handed down from time immemorial are now no longer desirable in parishes, and the only path for us must be to suffer patiently and allow The Lord to lead us where he will. Thanks again for your concern, and be assured of my prayers and best wishes. Fr. R

    • Dear Father,
      may the Lord give you one day ample recompense for your courage.
      One reads messages like yours and understands what terrible fate awaits so many priest and bishops, enemies of the Church and friends of the world, the day they die.

  6. Maybe he wishes to be thought of as the ” Mr Rodgers ” of Sovreign Pontffs.