It’s Islam, Stupid!

This article repeats in a better way what I have stated many times on this blog: the more an orthodox Muslim one is, the more likely he (or she) is to become violent.

Hundreds of young Muslims are leaving Europe to fight (and be killed, say I, rather soon) with the ISIS or other violent groups, mainly but not only in Iraq and Syria. It does not make sense to claim that they are “dispossessed” or “marginalised”. Mohammed Atta was neither, nor were his accomplices. Osama was a wealthy man. It just doesn't wash.

Rather, these European/Western/Westernised Muslims have, on average, a better education than their garden variety correligionists in traditional Muslim Countries. When they study Islam, they do so thoroughly. When they decide to embrace it, they embrace it whole.

Not for them the rubbish of the “religion of peace”. This is what they will tell you, because Islam is such a heap of excrements than ever lying, deceiving and denying one's own religion is meritorious if it advances the cause. T

No. They will delve into Islam and understand what it is about: a ruthless war of conquest, based on terror and blood. The more intelligent and educated they are, the better they understand it. Some will pretend not to know; some will recoil in disgust and perhaps seek conversion. Some will embrace the violence. As we are reliably informed (I have reported about it) of secret conversions to Christianity taking place all over the Arab world, it is obvious that very many are embracing the ideology to its obvious end: violence.

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we are reminded that Christ has won already. But even in the joy of Easter Day we must not forget that evil infidels are lusting for our blood and plotting to wreak havoc among us as I write these very lines.

Islamic violence It's not about their poverty.

It's about our stupidity.


Posted on April 4, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Muslims can marry their cousins and, for family and financial reasons, this is common. Cousins who marry cousins isn’t so bad but what happens is that the offspring of such unions marry their cousins and they eventually become so interbred that they cease to be normal. The founders of Islam knew what they were doing, they create a ‘zombiefied’ race of nutcases through interbreeding. (It also costs the NHS a fortune in certain diseases arising from interbreeding that hardly exists outside Islamic communities).