Good News From Austria

The role of the President is in Austria (like in Germany) more than largely ceremonial. Therefore, the very narrow defeat of Mr Hofer must not dishearten anyone who has the destinies of Europe dear.

What has happened yesterday is a further demonstration that the electorate in Europe is slowly waking up. This process can be made slower, but it can clearly not be stopped by the usual character assassination of everyone even moderately on the right of centre. 49.7% of the Austrian voters clearly do not care how they themselves, or their candidates, are called. They want their own representatives to do their job or go home.

People are having enough of this madness. As more and more elections are held and, one after the other, European voters start to express their rejection of the betrayal of their own elected representatives, more voters are encouraged to speak out among friends, and to put their ballot where their brains are; and political correctness be stuffed.

The Austrian people have clearly had enough. The German people are beginning to show they have almost had enough. A huge rally against this immigration madness took place in Rome only days ago. Even the most effeminate Countries in Europe, the Nordic ones, begin to show signs of returning sanity.

It will take more times, I am sure. But every smart politician (not many around I am afraid) must slowly start to understand that old slogans won't work, and accusation of quasi-Nazism to everyone who dares to speak the truth will be their grave in the end. It is time now for those who want to keep their job to try to save face and slowly go into reverse gear; because it is by now clear enough that to keep going forward means to crash against a wall that will destroy countless careers.

Wake up, cowardly European elected representatives; and start doing your job properly, or face the sack.



Posted on May 24, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. There is an election fraud! Van der Bellen is a freemason and that says it all!

  2. I would bet that Hofer was the real winner of the election and voter fraud is the only reason he won’t be the new president of Austria.

  3. It is far less ceremonial in Austria than in Germany, though. Their constitutional powers are very similar in theory, but the Austrian President is elected by popular vote, so that he is seen as having far more real authority, which leads to him being able to actually *use* some of the theoretical power at his disposal, which is not insignificant.

    When a new government is formed, the President decides who to appoint for coalition negotiations. There are no restrictions to this power. If he does not want to have a government led by the FPÖ, there will be no government led by the FPÖ, period. By the same token, he can refuse to swear in a government (or certain ministers) he does not like. Also, he may simply dismiss a government whenever he likes to, in which case he may appoint a new one, which then has to pass a vote of confidence in parliament. If it fails, there are new elections.

    All of that is completely within his powers according to the Austrian constitution and most of it has been used before, though very rarely, and only in extreme cases. Usually, the President limits himself to a ceremonial role, but that limitation is voluntary and self-imposed – a part of Austrian political culture. Van der Bellen has stated clearly and repeatedly that he believes the FPÖ (and the so-called “far-right” in general) to be a clear and present danger to the Republic and that he will use every constitutional power at his disposal to keep them out of government. This caused quite a stir because the FPÖ has been leading every poll for more than a year. He was asked how far he would be willing to go. His answer: He would refuse to swear in a government led by the FPÖ. He would refuse even if the FPÖ got an absolute majority of votes and seats. He would refuse to swear in a government with an ÖVP chancellor and FPÖ ministers.

    It is now virtually guaranteed that the next government will be ÖVP/SPÖ plus whatever other leftist/globalist parties are needed to prop it up. The Greens have already said they would be quite willing to provide the needed support. The ÖVP has previously been open to a coalition with the FPÖ, but this is now irrelevant. If the ÖVP entered into a coalition agreement with them, the President would simply refuse to swear them in, and that would be it. The ÖVP would then have to ask itself whether it wanted to risk new elections, inevitably losing even more support, or work with SPÖ/Greens/Neos instead and solidify their hold on power for five more years… Which would be an easy choice.

    • The question would be, then, whether a consolidated constitutional use forbids the man from using powers he in theory has. The Queen of England is a point in case.m

      If the man is factually in a position to use these powers, his role is most certainly more than ceremonial. Like in Italy, where the President has the powers you mentions – and many more – and uses them.


    • It must be also said that this role make a president important when power hangs in the balance, not when a clear popular will is formulated. In that case, I can’t see a president not only willing, but able to resist the tide without being crushed under it.

  4. “A huge rally against this immigration madness took place in Rome only days ago.”

    What is going on politically in Italy in this regard? According to polls I have seen, the Lega Nord is becoming the strongest force on the right – what happened to their limitation of being merely a Northern regional party? Surely they would not be overtaking Forza Italia without support from other parts of the country… Are the other right-of-center parties united against mass immigration or do they collude with the leftists in enabling “Merkelism”?

    What about the Left? Are there any traditional “pro-worker” leftists who oppose immigration for “social” reasons or all they all on board with multiculturalism?

    Where does Grillo – apparently poised to become kingmaker in the next election – stand in all this? I got the impression that he is a leftist, but then he shares a parliamentary group with UKIP in Brussels, so I am unsure about his stance, too. Would he work with the right to close borders, if only because it’s popular?

    “Wake up, cowardly European elected representatives; and start doing your job properly, or face the sack.”
    I know what party I will be voting for next year, and it won’t be the CDU – made that mistake once in my life; never again…

    • Frankly I have stopped following Italian politics when they started discussing the homo-thing. It truly makes me sick, and it makes me desire that the country sinks in the Mediterranean.

      In general, you have a disintegrated, disorganised right that is going absolutely nowhere, a centre left trying to be everything g to everyone and the Lega generally on the side of sanity. The latter are often demonised, but they are much better than their reputation and generally no “separatists”, rarher proposer of a more sensible way of “redistributing”.

      But again, they make me sick. I prefer to follow American politics, which gives me more hope and no liver pain.
