‘Umble Paedoabetter Pretends Nothing Has Happened

Hhhmmm... Perhaps if I keep pretending nothing has happened they will forget?

'Unble Paedoabetter Francis pretends the world has not noticed what a piece of Obama he is and keeps lecturing us about opening our hearts and such like saccharine nonsense.

I am not buying it.

This guy has now irretrievably compromised himself and the only think he deserves is to be covered in righteous mud until he either resigns and hillaries off to Argentina – provided they want him; there might be some hut free in the midst of his curas villeros – or else kicks the bucket and goes wherever the Lord's Justice has decreed fitting for him.

It is bad enough to have a man engaging in a shameless cover-up of child abuse to protect his friends.

It is even worse to see the same man lecturing us about how we should become more like him.

May your days be short, Mao-Tse-Francis. And whilst I really wish you salvation with all my heart, I can't avoid thinking that there is a very deep, extremely stinky, excruciatingly hot hole being dug in hell as I write this, just for you.



Posted on February 15, 2018, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. You might like to read a commenter’s (J. Dorchak) responses to a recent article by Lisa Bourne @lifesitenews entitled “Pope Francis is a ‘principal in a cover-up’ of clergy sex-abuse in Chile.” It gives an entirely different background to the +Barros affair – one that is equally, if not more, chilling. +Barros is his Bishop & he has the history which involves Communism, interruption of Holy Mass by lefties, burning of thousands of churches etc. Of course, you may know about this but I didn’t as any articles I have read haven’t covered this part of the story. The traditional Catholic press should.

  2. He’s a big shot of NWO. All pedophile rings are financed and run by globalists who try to do the job for Lucifer of killing and stealing souls as many as possible. We have to stand up for RCC which is only salvation from God.